JULY  2024







Kamala Harris Ex Boyfriend Montel Williams Speaks Out - She Is Furious


She is not anyone that should be president.

Pepperidge farm remembers..

Venezuela election: Proof Maduro lost election; opposition says | LiveNOW from FOX




A disputed election in Venezuela has been Latin America on edge. Thousands of people demonstrated Monday after electoral authorities declared President Nicolás Maduro victorious. Meantime, opposition candidate Edmundo González said his campaign has the proof it needs to show he won. González and opposition leader Maria Corina Machado noted that results show González with more than double Maduro’s votes. 

The National Electoral Council, which is loyal to Maduro’s ruling Unites Socialist Party of Venezuela, officially declared him the winner, handing him his third six-year term.

We FOUND their zoom call!! It's worse than you think lol

The only thing any democrat has ever improved is their bank account. At our expense.

Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of Kamala Harris being humiliated for her failure to notice that community notes destroy her ability to lie.

Prepare for IMPACT Following Four MASSIVE Eruptions!





You were made for times such as these. Every decision made by your ancestors has led to your existence. You are no accident. We are all here now for a specific purpose. Take heart! You are not alone.

MUST-SEE: Kamala's ActBlue Money Laundering Scheme?


The Evidence Democrats Fear Most.

Look Now


Let's take a look at some of these numbers. Four unemployed individuals donated a staggering $17,995.68 across 23,446 separate donations. That's an average of 10 donations per day, every day since January 1st, 2023. Does this sound like genuine grassroots support to you?

Let's break it down. These suspicious donations include Carolyn from New Jersey. Living in an apartment and listed as unemployed, she somehow managed to donate over $53,000 through 5,998 separate donations since January 1st, 2023. 

The bulk of these donations, $36,000, went directly to ActBlue across over 4,600 transactions. But it doesn't stop there. She also made donations to various Democratic campaigns and PACs.



They will never recover from this....

Here's One Of Donald Trump Racist Actions During His Presidency





During His Presidency, Donald Trump Granted clemency To A Black Man, Charles Fuke Tanner

Park Fire now California’s 7th largest wildfire ever





Flames continue to consume an area larger than Los Angeles, growing into California’s biggest wildfire of the year, as firefighters continue to battle the blaze.

They Said Trump Never Said It but Here's Proof He Did!


Rockefeller CIA Connections to Deagel Depopulation Forecast




I believe they can use 5G towers to send a pulse of energy that activates harmful substances in the vaccines, causing the deaths of hundreds of millions. They will then attribute these deaths to Disease X and force the survivors to get vaccinated.

Maryland Professor Pens Article Suggesting Black People Wish Shooter Had Killed Trump




Just days after the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, a professor at Morgan State University in Maryland penned an op-ed claiming that she and other Black Americans are justified in wishing that the attempt to kill “evil” Trump had been successful.

REPORT: Barack Obama Had a Candidate Other Than Kamala Harris in Mind but Biden Endorsed Harris Quickly as A F*** You to Former President





Biden dropped out of the Presidential race Sunday afternoon and later endorsed Harris as his replacement. This followed a months-long effort by top Democrats led by Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, Bill Clinton, and Nancy Pelosi to force him out.

Boeing, Money Printing, & The Military-Industrial Complex



When central bankers turn on the printer and degrade the value of each dollar in circulation, they essentially steal not just money, but time, as any ability to meaningfully save for the future is diminished and short-term profits and speculation are rewarded over quality. The lifetime of hours you spend at work — time that could be spent with your family, on building a business, on creating great art, and on being a producer of lasting and valuable things — is shrunken so that bankers, politicians, and war profiteers can become richer.

Nebraska Supreme Court Upholds Bans On Abortion, Transgender Surgeries For Minors

The law bans abortions after 12 weeks, as well as transgender surgeries and puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for individuals younger than 18.

Harris Was Last Person In The Room When Biden Made Decision On Afghanistan Pullout

Eleven days after President Joe Biden announced he was withdrawing American troops from Afghanistan in what turned out to be a disastrous and humiliating move for the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris smugly acknowledged she was “the last person in the room” when Biden made his decision.

Harris National Security Advisor Told Trump To Keep Quiet When He Supported Protesters In Iran

Likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ national security advisor has spoken more than once to a lobbying group that advocates for positions sympathetic to the Iranian regime and told then-President Donald Trump to “keep quiet” about supporting anti-government protesters in Iran.

Andy Beshear Apologizes To Diet Mountain Dew After Knocking JD Vance For Drinking It

Kentucky Democratic Governor Andy Beshear said on Thursday that he went too far in his criticism of Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) for drinking Diet Mountain Dew.

Exposing the abundant hypocrisy of the left.


So, there's been an obvious reframing in this election. It feels almost like a reset because, in many ways, it makes sense. Joe Biden steps out, Kamala Harris is now the presumptive nominee, and it's a brand new race starting from scratch. Of course, you know what that means: a brand new narrative.

The Democrats have chosen their new rhetoric, and the new talking point is that Donald Trump is a coward running scared of Kamala Harris. The implication is that Trump is a coward. But my reaction to this latest leftist talking point is simple. Are we all forgetting that just two weeks ago, the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, this supposed coward, got shot in the face by a domestic terrorist? 

He had a bullet hit his ear and another graze his cranium, with bullets flying by his face. Instead of running and cowering, he stood back up and said, "Fight!"

More than 200 Christian leaders sign letter calling for cease-fire in Gaza


It cited the more than 3% of Gazan Christians who have been killed since Oct. 7 and the displacement of Christian populations in the West Bank fleeing the region’s violence.

Signatories charged world leaders with "violence, impunity, denigration, frustration, and flouting of the rules-based international order," urging them to step forward with "courageous and creative leadership."

In the cover letter to Biden, the Rev. Mae Elise Cannon, executive director on behalf of the CMEP board, argued that the United States and Biden administration had "moved beyond complicity" in the loss of life in Gaza.


I wish these people well, but they seem to be under the delusion that the current junta in Tel Aviv will listen to them. Netanyahu and his government appear ready to kill and maim as many Palestinians as possible, believing they can act with impunity due to the current US leadership vacuum. They see this as perfect timing.

Lebanon is on the brink of being flattened by the IDF, with parts likely to be annexed into Israeli territory.

I strongly caution the Israeli government to be careful. Karma has a way of delivering a powerful "sucker punch" when actions are not for the common good. - TBT

A Standing Ovation for Genocide As thunderous applause rang out for the murderer


As thunderous applause rang out for the murderer, there were thousands of people outside trying to signal to the millions of people in Palestine that their turmoil isn’t being ignored.

by Danaka Katovich 

There’s no mention of their duty to the people in the oath of office that members of Congress take. It says they will support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Maybe, in some regard defending the Constitution would mean doing their job: representing the people that elected them. But today, the architect of the genocide against the Palestinian people walked in and out of the “people’s house” to a standing ovation. He was given more time with our lawmakers than any of us will ever get in our lifetime and he used it to insist he was a good man that was commanding a moral army – insisting they have not killed anyone who did not deserve to have their life ended in the blink of an eye.

There are one thousand indications that our government has no obligation to us. This moment was just one – but it was one I will never let slip my mind. These people are no different than the settlers that gather in lawn chairs, eat popcorn, and cheer when the Israeli military drops bombs on apartment complexes in Gaza. For as long as they’ve been in office, they’ve had a front row seat to the carnage and all they do is gawk and cheer from the sidelines. Every once in a while, someone they are supposed to work for pesters them about their complacency and we are swatted away like flies.

The majority opinion in the United States is against continued support for Israel’s genocidal campaign in Gaza.

Trump To Hold Rally In Town Of Assassination Attempt To Honor Supporters Who Were Shot

Former President Donald Trump announced on Friday that he will be returning to the town where he survived an assassination attempt earlier this month to hold a rally honoring those who were shot.

Trump Meets with Netanyahu at Mar-A-Lago, Slams Incompetent People Running Our Country

Former President Donald Trump welcomed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife Sarah to his Mar-A-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday, just one day after the prime minister met with Vice President Kamala Harris.

FBI Confirms Trump Was Struck By A Bullet

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed on Friday that former President Donald Trump was, in fact, struck in the head by a bullet during an assassination attempt two weeks ago.

Details Emerge About The Stunning Arrest Of The Co-Founder Of The Sinaloa Cartel

The co-founder of the world’s largest and most powerful drug trafficking organization was arrested on U.S. soil this week after being duped by a leader of rival faction inside the cartel.

CBS Journalist Praised Palestinian Terror Group: Report

A CBS News journalist praised a Palestinian terror group and came into contact with terrorists while serving as a public official in Gaza, a media watchdog reports.

"We are NOT prepared!" - Nobody saw it coming!


I have a lot of information I want to share with you in this video. Multiple cities are under evacuation orders. What you're looking at here is a still image from a video of a house literally exploding, caught on camera. This map shows the current wildfire situation in the United States. I will also show you a global map of wildfires that are currently active.

In the last 24 hours, there have been multiple evacuations in California due to the Park Wildfire, which is now among the largest in state history, having consumed nearly 350,000 acres as of early Saturday morning. This ranks it as the seventh largest wildfire of all time. The Park Wildfire is near Chico, California, as shown on the Cal Fire map, and you can see it is indeed a very large wildfire, getting dangerously close to Chico. Paradise was involved in a wildfire back in 2020 and 2021, as was Chico. In fact, the majority of Paradise, California, was consumed by wildfires.

This current wildfire, which has already consumed over 350,000 acres, is 0% contained.

This is what’s called a rare fire tornado, spotted over the California Park Wildfire. The wildfire in this area can be seen on the satellite presentation, showing it as a huge, overwhelming blaze.

Moving up into Canada, Jasper has also been heavily affected by wildfires, with many people evacuated from the area.

Graham Demands FBI Director Wray Correct His Claim Trump May Have Not Been Hit by Bullet

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Ranking Member on the Senate Judiciary Committee, wrote a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday demanding that he correct his controversial statement from his House hearing this week when he suggested that former President Donald Trump may not have been hit by a bullet during an assassination attempt two weeks ago.

Hawley Introduces Bill to Declassify Information on Trump Assassination Attempt

Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) introduced a bill on Thursday that would declassify information about the circumstances surrounding the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump earlier this month.

All the warning signs to something BIG but are we PREPARED?


Texas is really getting it right now. Weather, earthquakes, bad politics...


Youtuber arrested for Deliberately Derailing Trains for Content



A teenager was charged this week with two felonies for allegedly derailing trains in Nebraska to film “insane” footage for YouTube.


The 17-year-old, who has not been identified because of his age, posted a 5-minute video of the April 21 derailment in Bennet, calling it the “MOST INSANE VIDEO I’VE EVER TAKEN!”

$42 billion broadband

bill to nowhere.

Statement from Vice President Kamala Harris on New Administration Actions to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Speed Internet

Every person in America should be able to access affordable, high-speed internet no matter where they live or how much they earn. That is why President Biden and I made the largest investment in affordable, high-speed internet in history with $90 billion to address barriers to internet access. That includes helping 23 million families save on their monthly bills through our Affordable Connectivity Program. While Republicans in Congress have refused to help us revive this program, our Administration is refusing to let them stop us from delivering for families across America.


Today, I am proud to highlight that we are finalizing a rule to allow schools and libraries – primarily in low-income and rural areas – to use funding from the Federal Communications Commission’s E-Rate program for Wi-Fi hotspots that will increase access to remote learning and virtual library services. Additionally, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration will award over $9 million to the state of Nevada to implement their Digital Equity Plan.

This is the first award issued under our Administration’s more than $1.4 billion State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program, which will help millions of families receive the resources, skills, and opportunities they need to access internet that is fast, affordable, and reliable.

President Biden and I understand that this is essential in the 21st century – from ensuring our students can do their homework and that parents can find a good-paying job, to making sure our communities’ small business owners can use the internet to run their business. We will not stop fighting to make it easier for everyone to access affordable, high-speed internet. Today’s actions are another important step toward fulfilling that vision.

Armstrong: It's a Recession Not a Depression

The government insists that the economy is fine, thriving perhaps, and has asked the public to pay no mind to their current financial situation. No one, aside from those living off government assistance, are better off now than they were four years ago. Americans cannot be gas lit into believing the economy is sound when every social-economic group is suffering.

REPORT: The media is currently rewriting history in an effort to help the Harris campaign.

This is just an opinion. Based on what I have been reading so far about Trump and this Heritage Group, He may know "of them," but he might also be telling the truth about not being "Part of" them. I say this based on his first term as President.


He went in and made his own decisions based on the needs of The People. His agenda might had resembled some of the projects listed on the Project Heritage list, but if you look it over, it is a list some conservatives agree with.


As far as the article I shared with you guys is concerned, it appears that the anger and hate over a possible "Agenda 2025" could mean shutting down and removing Biden Administration Agendas.


That would be including Financing for Abortions, Paying for Student Loans, external financing such as Ukraine, etc..


They are using Fear Mongering Tactics in "Educating" their constituents and party members into believing the Trump Administration would be the party of "The Rich."

Trump has demonstrated again and again that he is for The People and has concerns for the poor and struggling of AMERICA.


It's always been an AMERICA FIRST agenda.

Tom MacDonald - "You Missed"

Thomas Matthew Crooks: "You Got the Wrong Guy"




NBC and other mainstream outlets are reporting that Trump's would-be assassin has been identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, who was reported killed by return fire from the Secret Service last night.

But this young man claims that he is Thomas Matthew Crooks and that "I hate Republicans, I hate Trump - and guess what? You got the wrong guy!"

The photo of the deceased shows a huge swathe of completely dried blood across his face.

That person looks like he'd been dead for several hours, not minutes and the deceased resembled Maxwell Yearick, who was arrested in 2016 for being involved in an anti-Trump protest in Pittsburgh and who was sentenced to 3-12 months in Allegheny County Jail.

It appears that the identity of the shooter is being deliberately confused.

RFK, Jr. speaks out after shots fired at Trump: 'End the vitriol'





Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. remarks on the shooting at former President Trump's rally in light of his own relatives' assassinations.





Shame on our current Administration. They can hand out money and find ways to shelter illegal immigrants, but to hell with the American citizens who are homeless. Gretchen needs to understand the difference between illegal and citizen, taxpayer and freeloader. We need to end this crap. Vote Trump. TRUMP 2024!

Body Language EXPERT Reacts To Donald Trump Assassination Attempt


@rickgarcia7334 -- Trump looked pissed!!!

Not scared, but F'ing PISSED!!

MUST-SEE: Glenn Beck's Instant Reaction to Trump ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT



Former President Donald Trump was led off stage by Secret Service at a rally in Pennsylvania after an apparent assassination attempt. Glenn Beck reacts after hearing the news and gives his advice for the troubling days ahead: "I ask you today to be loving and to take this opportunity to show the other side that you don't strike back. You show them who WE are...Pray again for the Republic."


Footage appears to show rifle and body on roof after Trump shot




Two people have died after a gunman opened fired at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania - with the former president also suffering a bullet wound to his ear.

The gunman is believed to have fired from a nearby roof - aerial shots show a rifle next to a body (we have blurred this).

Biden addresses suspected shooting at Trump rally 



Joe Biden, speaking from Delaware, addressed events at former President Trump's campaign rally today in Butler, PA where shots were fired. Biden was asked if it was an "assassination" attempt. It has been reported two died at the event, the shooter and an attendee. There are more reports Trump was hit by glass fragments and not a bullet, from the rifle hitting a teleprompter near his head.

Well see, as I keep watching the videos over and over and listening to the different rhetoric that's out there, this looks like an actual buildup for a real civil war.


As I keep watching the videos over and over and listening to the different rhetoric out there, this looks like an actual buildup for a real civil war. The polarization is palpable, with each side becoming increasingly entrenched in their beliefs and distrust of the other. The discourse is heated and inflammatory, fueling anger and division among the populace.


Historically, such intense divisions and rhetoric have been precursors to conflict, where words eventually give way to actions. The media, social platforms, and political leaders play significant roles in either exacerbating or mitigating these tensions. The risk of civil unrest or worse seems more tangible than it has in a long time, making it a critical moment for efforts toward understanding, dialogue, and unity to prevent escalation. TBT

BREAKING: The Georgia Election Board has voted 3-1 to adopt rule to require ballots be hand counted at the precinct level by poll officers each day of voting to ensure the totals match with the machines





This is a GAME CHANGER for election integrity


"The poll manager and the two witnesses shall sign a label affixed to the container indicating that it contains all of the correct ballots from the indicated ballot box and no additional ballots." - The new rule says


This rule used to exist until corrupt Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger ordered poll managers to stop doing it. I now think Georgia is going full blown red because of this and other good changes that have been put in place.



Rep and doctor sounds alarm over Dem ‘intelligentsia’


Biden's family meeting at Camp David this weekend reportedly blaming top campaign advisors and CNN moderators for the poor performance, saying the advisors overprepared him and they should be fired.

Reports are that Jill Biden and Hunter were the loudest voices urging the President to stay in the 2024 race.

Time Magazine reported Jill Biden assured donors he was ready to go before the debate. Bill Ackman said he is no longer blaming Biden for refusing to step aside and is now saying it's really Jill Biden's fault.

Here's what Ackman wrote: Jill Biden becomes irrelevant once her husband is no longer President, no more being treated like a queen when traveling. I'm sorry to be harsh, the First Lady cares about what is best for herself, rather than the country at large.

~At the end of the day, we all knew about Joe. We knew there were others behind the scenes 'programming' Joe, telling him what to say, and orchestrating the movements of the Biden Administration. Many individuals were involved in this. But the only ones truly 'fooled' were those who followed the Democratic leadership and believed the false narratives. - TBT~

The Speech That the WHOLE World Needs To SEE


 Javier Milei WRECKS Woke Culture




Watch Javier Milei deliver a powerful speech on the dangers of woke culture and the impact it has on society. This is a must-watch for anyone concerned about the direction of the world economy and the influence of woke agenda.

The Reckoning Is Here: Trump's Military Tribunal Bombshell Rocks America





No, he's not doing it because they're political opponents, he's doing it because they're traitors! Thank you, President Trump. 2024

Trump BREAKS Internet With Hysterical New Ad TORCHING Kamala's Word Salads | This is Genius 🤣






Kamala Harris can be destroyed just by using her own quotes. Hilarious ad.

‘Gutfeld!’: Dems debate Kamala’s fate


If they swap out Joe,
Where will Kamala go?
And what Democrat trick can
Replace their diversity pick?
Dems know Biden is fading faster
Than blue jeans in a bucket of bleach,
But if they replace him,
What do you do with Kamala Harris?
She's about as helpful to
Democrats as she is to the English language,
But it's really a question of what can be
Unburdened by what has been.

Lunar soil samples shared with Soviet scientists are key evidence, according to the chief of the Russian space agency


The previous head of the Russian space agency, Dmitry Rogozin, was far more skeptical about the Apollo missions, saying that while many in Roscosmos defended Washington’s version of events, no conclusive proof was ever presented to him. According to Rogozin, several unnamed academics even angrily criticized him for complicating international relations and undermining the “sacred cooperation with NASA.”


Despite all the US missions being closely monitored by its space rival, the USSR, skeptics have questioned the authenticity of the Apollo program ever since astronaut Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon on July 21, 1969. Conspiracy theorists claim that the Moon landings were actually staged by NASA, which needed to quickly respond to the Soviets after they sent the first man, Yury Gagarin, into space on April 12, 1961.

9/11 families call on Biden and Trump to address new footage 


9/11 Justice, which also includes survivors and first responders, are calling on Biden and Trump to address new footage allegedly showing a Saudi agent “casing” the U.S. Capitol as the terror attacks were being planned.

The group addressed what they say is “explosive” revelations. 9/11 Justice is also urging Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to provide “justice and closure” to families of victims. “As a former FBI Special Agent who took part in the investigation of the 9-11 attacks (Flight 93), of which the majority of the terrorists were Saudi, I have so many questions here," William Evanina, who was head of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center during the Trump administration, posted on X this weekend.

“Evidence is evidence. And it took a civil court case for the release?” LiveNOW from FOX will update as this progresses.

NYC Hispanic Democrat GRABS the mic from Trump, NOBODY expected this


Oh boy, this is one of those videos they do not want out, especially the media. They do not want this out, but guess what? It's out there, and we're going to make sure more people see it. Especially when a Democrat comes out and endorses Trump for millions and millions of people to see, and also calls out the corruption.

Lately, we've seen a lot of people waking up. A lot of people are even leaving the Democrat Party. As you can see, we wonder why. We're living in some dark, tough, woke times, y'all. And that's why I'm wishing the best for all of you.

Before we get into this video, make sure y'all drop a like and share the video around so more people can see it. Because again, they don't want this one out, you guys. They do not want this one out, man.

Tucker Drops BOMBSHELL:

Obama Personally Plotting to BACKSTAB Biden at DNC, Jill Running White House


You might mistake what Michelle Obama is doing right now for the beginnings of a presidential campaign. First, you have a manufactured white racism panic—that's a clue. But the clincher is menopause. Unlike every other woman over 50 in all human history, Michelle Obama, we're sad to tell you, has menopause. It's not clear where she caught it; maybe there was an outbreak in Edgartown. But it's bad. At one point, Michelle Obama gained up to six pounds. You don't know how much she suffered. Let's put it this way: Bataan Death March survivors, she laughs at you. You can't fathom her pain.


Watch her talk about it on TV:


"I am still physically active and my goal now, instead of having 'Michelle Obama arms,' I just want to keep moving. Just keep moving. If I can walk, move—I don't have to run, I don't have to beat everyone. So, I've had to change the way I see myself in my health space.

I never used to weigh myself. I'm not trying to stick to numbers, but when you're in menopause, you have this slow creep."

And no, she's not talking about Joe Biden here, who is technically one of the slowest creeps in America. She's talking about her own thighs. Now, why is Michelle Obama telling you about her menopausal thighs on a TV show? Possibly because she's a crazy narcissist who thinks her own thighs are interesting to you, and that's of course true. But there may be other reasons. Tucker Carlson

Biden To Discuss Future of His Campaign with Family After Shaky Debate Performance: Report



President Joe Biden may be on the verge of reconsidering his run for a second term in the White House after a fumbling debate performance last Thursday.


BRUTAL: Resurfaced Video of Joe Biden Should Destroy His Campaign




He lied back then and even plagiarized his colleagues' speeches... He was corrupt then and is now even with dementia.






I don't care what your political views are; this administration is an embarrassment to all Americans.


After the debate, I believe President Biden is the most existential threat.


Trump is the only president in my lifetime who did not start any wars and promoted peace throughout the world.



✈️ Vivek Makes SHOCK Vice Presidential Announcement as Trump’s Plane Is Spotted Secretly Leaving Ohio ✈️




Will Vivek Ramaswamy be Donald Trump's Vice-Presidential pick?


Picking Vivek as VP would be the nail in the coffin for the democratic incumbents.