This is a partial go-to page where I am loading up information from sources I have trusted throughout the years. Some may question these sources, but I found them to be very enlightening. Everyone has a story and a history. We may not like what we read or see, but we must know these things in order to not repeat them again, if at all possible. But if we do not pay attention to our history, we will not know where we are now, or where we are going.
With that said, if there is something specific you are looking for and you don't see it here in time, don't be afraid to drop me a line on the "contact" page.

George Orwell -
A Warning to Mankind Documentary
The man known to history as George Orwell was born Eric Arthur Blair on June 25, 1903, in Motihari, Bengal, India, then a part of the British Empire. His father, Richard Walmsley Blair, born in 1857, had moved to India at the age of eighteen to work in the British civil service as an opium agent, overseeing the production of the drug, which was primarily exported to China and became highly profitable for the British Empire.
Eric's mother, Ida Mabel Limouzin, was 21 when she married Richard. Born in Surrey to a French father and an English mother, Ida spent her childhood in Moulmein, Burma, where her family was well-established as merchants and traders. Before marrying Richard, she worked as a governess and later accompanied him across India as he fulfilled his administrative duties.
At 39, Richard, nearly twice Ida's age, married her, and together they had two children. Their firstborn, Marjorie, arrived in 1898, and Eric followed in 1903, shortly after Richard was transferred to Motihari, near the Nepalese border.
Although the Blair family had aristocratic connections dating back to the 18th century, much of their wealth had dwindled by the time of Eric’s birth. While the family remained part of the upper-middle class, Eric's childhood was not one of material prosperity. Nevertheless, he grew up with a clear sense of the privilege that came with his place in the British social system.
In 1904, Eric moved to England with his mother and sister, while his father stayed behind in India. As an infant, Eric suffered from frequent lung-related illnesses, a condition that would continue to affect him throughout his life. By late 1905, the family had settled in Henley-on-Thames, Oxfordshire. Though he was often a solitary child, George Orwell, in later years, would fondly remember his childhood and claimed that he was his mother's favorite.
The Moon Landing: Stanley Kubrick's Greatest Film
How NASA and Hollywood Fooled the World
Stanley Kubrick is hailed as one of the greatest filmmakers of all time. Among his 13 movies, several are considered classics in their respective genres. These include the black comedy "Dr. Strangelove," the highly-quotable anti-war commentary "Full Metal Jacket," and one of the most disturbing and enduring horror films ever made, "The Shining."
In 1968, Kubrick released "2001: A Space Odyssey." This film is not just a classic; it's a masterpiece. It's widely regarded as one of the best science-fiction films of all time and arguably the most influential. The movie, a collaboration with science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke, tells the story of an alien intelligence that visited Earth in the distant past and left behind artifacts in the solar system.
"2001: A Space Odyssey" features groundbreaking special effects that still hold up today. The effects were so impressive that they inspired the American government.
At the time, billions of tax dollars were being poured into the space program, yet the Soviets remained years ahead of the United States.
NASA desperately needed to get to the moon before Russia, but they knew it was an impossible task. So, they turned to one of the world's best filmmakers for help. When it came to the moon landing: if they couldn't make it, they'd fake it.
This is the scene where a devil unabashedly
revels in admiring his own handiwork.
When A 2012 Video Says It All
This demon is so narcissistic that he boldly proclaims it in front of crowds, almost as if it's a blatant insult to the unsuspecting audience. Recall when he declared, shortly after his first term began, "We are moments away from fundamentally transforming this nation." The crowd cheered, seemingly unaware of the implications. Evidence that he comprehends their strategy: dividing our country through control of the media and the education system.
A blast from
the past...
Woman Who Died in Huma Abedin’s Home Worked for George Soros
Police have identified the dead body of the woman found in Huma Abedin’s home as 48-year-old Lara Prychodko – a former George Soros associate. published July 11, 2018 on The Peoples Voice
Lara Prychodko’s body was discovered on Tuesday evening in the trash compactor of Hillary Clinton’s top aide Huma Abein and her husband, convicted pedophile Anthony Weiner.
After being identified by police, it has emerged that Lara Nadia Anike Prychodko is the wife of David Schlachet, a Big Pharma executive and long-time George Soros aide.
Schlachet is a powerhouse in the Big Tech & Pharmaceuticals industries and is currently a Director of Teldor Cables & Systems Ltd, the Chairman of The Board at Cell Cure Neurosciences Ltd, Chairman of Taya Investment Co. Ltd, a Director at EZchip Technologies Ltd, Director of EZchip Semiconductor Ltd, director at Syneron Medical Ltd, and an External Director at BioCancell Ltd.
Schlachet is also involved with numerous other high-profile, Soros-backed projects. reports: How Prychodko got into the chute remains unclear and people inside the building are at a loss over what may have happened.
‘It’s an unfortunate situation, there’s nothing else you can really say,’ one of the building’s doormen told on Wednesday.
A spokesman for the NYPD told the woman’s cause of death will be announced by the medical examiner.
No report was released on Wednesday, with a spokesman explaining the state of Prychodko’s body could be a factor into how long it takes to determine her cause of death.
Security footage also shows her walking into the apartment building shortly before she was found inside the machine,PIX11 reported.
Weiner and Abedin have owned an apartment at the address for 16 years, which was listed for rent at $11,900 a month on the same day he pleaded guilty to sexting a 15-year-old girl.
Abedin also filed for divorce that same day.
The listing, posted on May 19, 2017, was taken down just days later, though it is unclear as to whether the estranged couple found a renter, or if the property was taken off the market for other reasons.
Their modern apartment, located on the 14th and 15th floors, has a view that overlooks Union Square Park and extends out over the midtown skyline.
There are 670 units in the apartment block, divided into four blocks: Gramercy, Village, Park, and University.
There is a communal pool, gym and grassy rooftop for residents to enjoy.
Neighbors at the luxury apartment block told NBC when police arrived on Tuesday evening, they believed it was related to Weiner’s conviction.
The former congressman is eligible to begin his three years supervised release in August 2019.
— Johnny Midnight ⚡️ (@its_the_Dr) January 19, 2023
This Interview Originally Aired in 2009 With Jesse Ventura
The Great Culling (The Great Reset)
Source Twitter

In 1975, #SenatorFrankChurch gave this dire prediction of what would happen to America if entities within our own government turned technology meant for war, against We The People. This is prophetic. Watch closely, then retweet. This is what @elonmusk is exposing in real time.
In 1975, #SenatorFrankChurch gave this dire prediction of what would happen to America if entities within our own government turned technology meant for war, against We The People. This is prophetic. Watch closely, then retweet. This is what @elonmusk is exposing in real time.
— John Rich🇺🇸 (@johnrich) December 21, 2022
10 Terrifying Real Events That Inspired the X-Files
From aliens to voodoo and mysterious cults we count 10 terrifying real events that inspired the X-Files.
X Files Episode Highlights Reveals the Great Reset / Global agenda Finally Decoded
Here is A Movie Series from Many years ago, in this movie, which discusses The Existence of science and Fiction and at the same time, exposes a Global plan which the world elites try to keep hidden from us. In this highlight we see that, every scene combined together will make us conclude that this world is moving in this same tragic direction which was seen acted in the entire movie.
The X-Files Predicted The Pandemic,
The Riots & The Vaccine
"My Struggle, Part 2" is full of what feel like references to the current pandemic. The episode came out in 2016 though. Let us know what you think. The awkward thing Agent Einstein says at 6:17 is- "To me as well, Agent Scully, because this is cause for alarm."
The Lone Gunmen predict 9-11!
The Lone Gunmen were always my favorite recurring characters on the X-Files. Mulder was kind of douchey and Scully was a wet blanket, but the three conspiracy buffs in the background were always, always, good for a laugh. Creator Chris Carter's attempts to spin-off something (anything!) from his cash cow weren't very successful, and he had another misfire in the one-season wonder that was The Lone Gunmen.
This clip is from the pilot, and it blew my mind when I watched it again this last summer. The plot? Rogue agents from America's Back Ops family try to hijack a plane going to Boston's Logan airport and fly it into the Twin Towers, blaming it on terrorists to secure more NSA funding. I'm sure it seemed as ludicrous as anything Tom Clancy ever wrote when it first aired, but my jaw dropped when I saw it again. Remember - this aired in MARCH of 2001.
These Bizarre Nazi Documents Reveal The Most Horrifying Secrets
One of the things that often stuns people learning about the Nazis for the first time is the sheer amount of information available to us about them – authored by the Nazis. In this video, we will tell you about five infamous documents detailing the evil of the Nazi regime. One of these documents isn't on paper. Instead, it's on audio tape, recorded in October 1943 in Poznan, Poland. The recording of SS-Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler speaking to an assembled bunch of SS officers is today housed in the US National Archives. We will tell you more about the content of the speech in a few moments.
Before we tell you about the worst evils of the Nazi regime, let's talk first about some of the political machinations they attempted far away from the battlefields of Europe.
Many scandals have rocked the British monarchy in the last four decades, and the royals continue to make headlines today: Prince Harry and Megan Markle and the renunciation of their positions and moving to the United States, and the involvement of Prince Andrew in the Jeffery Epstein scandal.
Watching History as Desperate
Neocon Empire America Dies
By Karl W. B. Schwarz
My main reason in writing this piece is due to a recent article by Paul Craig Roberts that reiterated a key part of the Neocon Doctrine that was stated by Paul Wolfowitz in 1992. His recent piece on the Neocon’s doctrine and ‘strategery’ (Bush mangling of the English language) regarding Russia and world stability has some very interesting points but missed a few items that I am aware of due to being inside of RNC when this Neocon lunacy was hatched and shifted into overdrive. There is a citation below from the Roberts article that is important to this entire article.
If a person knows what to look for, they can always tell when the Neocons are desperate to cling to power and push their forever failing agenda. They authoritatively write articles and get on the TV and intentionally misstate facts, twist the truth around and sometimes knowingly bald face lie to keep Americans believing in their idiotic agendas. They talk of events that have not even happened, such as “Russia invasion of Ukraine” knowing most Americans think they are informed by those 15 and 30 second sound bites they feed as ‘Sheeple food’ to their readers and viewers.
Even after the Minsk II agreement was implemented Zionist Jew Neocon Victoria Nuland goes before Congress and yet again states on the record the lies that Russia invaded Ukraine. Even the US General Breedlove in charge at NATO has stated Russia invaded with 12,000 troops, and Nuland said ‘dozens of thousands’. I hope she was under oath and perjury could apply to shut her up.
It does not matter to a Neocon that the head of the Ukraine army has already publicly stated that there were ‘no Russian troops’ in the Donbas that kicked Ukraine black and blue because they want to be autonomous and separate from the Neo-Nazi Fascist government in Kiev that Nuland and others blew $5.1 billion on an illegal regime change because that is exactly what the Neocons wanted.

Let us be candid on this matter because this donnybrook to get rid of these cretin Neocons has just started. Victoria Nuland is a lying, vicious Zionist Jew Bitch of a Neocon that could not care less the damage her ‘work’ has done to the people of Ukraine.
Another case in point being a recent WSJ article written by another one of the Zionist Jew ‘Israel First’ Neocon mouthpiece, Andrew S. Weiss.
Do you know what the private sector in Washington DC calls all of their ‘PhD weasel word experts’ behind their back? They are referred to as ‘a drip under pressure’, and I am not kidding. In the South, we all know what “BS” stands for and MS means ‘more of the same’ and PhD merely means ‘piled higher and deeper’ for many in DC that call themselves experts. Sometimes ‘educational laurels’ are not worth much more than that ‘piled higher and deeper of you know what’. I have watched some claim to be brilliant experts but are really about as smart as a bucket full of dirt.
Here is a perfect example of ‘a drip under pressure’ when the key spokesperson for the US State Department describes 12,000 phantom and non-existent Russian troops in Ukraine as ‘dozens of thousands’. This preposterous appearance by Nuland made me want to be a US House Representative for the only time in my life, because had I been she would have had no ass or head left before I had finished with her on March 4, 2015.
Astute watchers of Washington DC know that the PhD minions they like to surround themselves with are mouthpieces for the agenda and many are really not brilliant thinkers at all. They are just (sometimes) articulate writers to wordsmith and push an agenda for the politicians and the Neocon policy desires.
They excel in weasel words like ‘geopolitical’, weasel phrases like ‘geostrategic imperatives’ where none even exist. When needed they state on radio or TV, or write the facts 180 degrees in the wrong direction so the politicos have cover for the endless stream of stupid decisions they make and lunatic actions they put into motion. That they are lying to and misleading the American public is a key part of their plan and even part of their creed and manifesto.
I have never read such a story in the now Rupert Murdoch / NewsCorp controlled WSJ where every Weiss assumption is 180 degrees wrong and every statement of fact is mere conjecture and ‘Neocon wishful thinking’ that is equally as wrong. As we say in the South, his entire article was ‘backasswards’ as to the facts and realities.
Weiss should have to wear the label “Serial Liar” just like sex offenders and pedophiles do. Either that is the unvarnished truth about his lack of veracity or he is literally too stupid or too uninformed to write an op-ed for any newspaper, WSJ or otherwise. He (and idiots like Victoria Nuland) get venue because he is a Neocon but me and others intend to fix that problem and its effect on governance, policies, prosperity and world peace.
If you have time, read his backwards slant on reality titled “Putin the Improviser”. It should have a subtitle ‘by a Neocon conman truth manipulator’.
The Neocons (in DC, EU and Kiev alike) have suffered a resounding defeat in the Donbas and even their handpicked puppet Petro ‘Porky’ Poroshenko has proven to be yet another Neocon failure. The US has been nurturing him for leadership since 2006 because he fit the Neocon profile they were seeking for this illegal regime change in Ukraine and the current hostile moves against Russia. If the USA does not regime change him soon, I am 100% certain that the Neo-Nazi Fascists that the USA bankrolled will get rid of Poroshenko.
Soon the news will come out who was really behind the Maidan snipers, and it was not the duly elected President Yanukovych of Ukraine that the USA funded the Neo-Nazis to get rid of for their targeted regime change. It will also come out to huge embarrassment to the USA and Neocon propaganda machine (and their EU puppets that followed suit on Russia sanctions), that neither Russia nor the Donbas secessionists had anything to do with the shooting down of Malaysia Air MH-17 whatsoever.
And no, Victoria, there are NO RUSSIAN TROOPS IN THE DONBAS. There are Russian troops in Crimea but even the CIA director admitted to Congress that Russia had not violated a prior treaty that allowed Russia up to 25,000 troops in that part of Ukraine that is Crimea, now reunited as part of Russia. Now Russia can put as many troops as they want there, and that too has the Neocons tied up in knots and lying out their ass every time they utter a phrase.
The Ukraine matter is not a civil war as some are clearly reporting in western media. They are not terrorists, they are not rebels trying to take control of Kiev. The states of Lugansk and Donetsk are secessionist movements that do not want to be under the Fascist Neo-Nazi Neocon boot heels of DC and Kiev. As hard as they have fought and as much as they have endured and suffered in death and injuries and destruction of their homes and infrastructure, I think Lugansk and Donetsk are very serious. The people of Donbas have made it crystal clear that they want no part whatsoever of this new aberration the USA and EU wanted installed into power in Kiev, and the charge led by this idiot Victoria Nuland in the US State Department.
Crimea avoided war in voting to opt out of the Kiev regime and voted to rejoin Russia. Merely that act of self-determination brought out the best in Washington DC lie telling. The Neocons wanted to deny Russia having a navy port on the Black Sea, but failed on that maneuver, too. They are still wigging out after Syria and Russia agreed to let Russia have a naval port in the Mediterranean.
The USA fears this secessionist move and a vote of autonomy and self-determination for two reasons. It would create a buffer zone between the new Neo-Nazi Fascist Russia-hating Kiev regime and block the Neocon / NATO lust to be on the borders of Russia itself. Secondly, not only Lugansk and Donetsk have left but the other states such as Kharkov, Kherson, Nikolaev and Odessa may well vote to secede if they do not see vast improvements out of Kiev soon.
With all of this talk, bluster and threats from Washington DC and NATO about Mariupol, Americans need to check the map. That city is in Donetsk Oblast (state) and that entire oblast voted to secede from the Fascist Regime in Kiev along with Lugansk. The cease fire line that was negotiated is not the state lines of Lugansk and Donetsk. It is where the battles ended, but the entire states voted to secede. The total area is almost twice as large as where the battles were ended by the Minsk II accord that was implemented by Belarus, Germany, France and Russia, without the DC and Neocons present. (Sorry, Victoria, you were not invited because the world knows you are not hemmed in by the Truth!)
These DC and NATO ‘threats’ towards Putin regarding “don’t make a move on Mariupol” was already decided when the entire state approved the secession vote.
The Ukraine economy has collapsed, 272% hyperinflation is running rampant, interest rates now at 30% to desperately attract capital, buried in debt, a seriously devalued currency, and on top of that the IMF and EU are now demanding severe austerity measures. Some of those measures are demanding cuts in salary and pensions up to 50% on a people that are already living in poverty. The Ukrainian people are for the most part are already severely impoverished and in dire-straights, and now they have to suffer even more? Most are starting to resist and say NO WAY. To Hell with this idiotic plan DC wanted to force on Ukraine.
The Neocons could not care less about the hardships on all of Ukraine or the deaths their minions have inflicted in the Donbas region and even in Odessa when it was attacked. They consider their elitist doctrine and agenda to be more important than trivial things like the quality of life, food to eat for Ukrainians, water and heat in their homes, or even the lives of other human beings.
I know many people in Ukraine who are giving serious thought of joining Crimea, Lugansk and Donetsk and seceding from the fascist Kiev regime the US installed. The illegal regime change Washington DC wanted has now evolved into yet another Neocon foreign policy disaster and there are real human casualties on the receiving end of this callous blunder by the DC Neocons.
The acts that have fueled the western media propaganda, such as the Maidan snipers, the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk secession votes, and MH 17 were Neocon Agenda 201 and all have backfired in the Neocon’s face.
So in desperation they now try to change the subject and the focus to the murder of Russia opposition leader Boris Nemtsov. My grandfather had an interesting way to define the word ludicrous as being “an ant walking up a female elephant’s rear leg with rape on its mind”.
There are no suspects yet in the murder of Boris Nemtsov, yet the Western media is already painting the picture for their readers and viewers that Putin is entirely and unequivocally to blame, just like the Maidan snipers, Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, Russian invasions that have yet to happen, and the shooting down of Malaysia Air MH 17. Now lunatic Senator John McCain has stated that whoever did it, Putin is totally to blame. As many Americans know that is not the first time McCain has run off his mouth or has been an embarrassment to America.
All evidence is to the contrary on what the Western media is publishing and providing as hype, conjecture, rhetoric and propaganda and when necessary, just bald faced lies like Victoria Nuland.
The western media and DC have the ‘case solved’ from afar, with no more facts to support their rhetoric than other claims they have made towards Russia. They cannot put any evidence on the table for it does not exist; it is just TV media ‘vaporware’ created by the Neocons and affiliated spin doctors.
Such rhetoric and lies from the US and the media are part of the Neocon agenda towards Russia and any other nation on this planet that gets in the way and refuses to bow down to DC and the Neocon’s doctrine.
I for one would be elated if Americans ever connect those dots in their mental fabric to recognize that conjecture is not fact, and assumptions and political spin are not facts, and neither are propaganda and hollow agenda driven rhetoric. And better, premeditated lies are not the Truth. When the Western media rushes to point a finger of blame in the complete absence of evidence (or is being covered up by governments as is the case on MH 17) it is almost always (+99% of the time) the media bullhorn to shout down any dissent, any questioning of what the facts really are and what the truth really is. Just accept the lies as the truth and go shopping, America.
Two facts are known. First, Nemtsov was no opposition threat to Putin whatsoever. He did not have the momentum or the numbers in his favor, so Putin doing this is not likely as he has now an 86% approval rating from the Russian people. That would be the equivalent of the female elephant brushing that ant off her rear leg to avoid rape.
Second known fact is Nemtsov recently met with the US Embassy in Moscow. That is even on video if you take the time to look for it because he was questioned by Russian TV media on why he was meeting with the US Embassy in Moscow.
The current US Ambassador to Russia is John Tefft and he is a known Neocon. I bet if the media were to dig deep they would find out that Hillary Clinton and Victoria Nuland were on conference calls with John Tefft many times as they lined up the illegal regime change in Kiev. I can just hear Hillary now: “What difference does it matter? We came, we saw, the Ukrainians died!”

He was the US Ambassador to Georgia when Bush tried to pull off his brain fart in South Ossetia in August 2008. After that posting that blew up in Bush’s face, Tefft was then moved to being Ambassador to Ukraine in 2009 by the Obama Administration. That was during the same period of time that the USA was funding $5.1 billion for the illegal regime change we all witnessed in 2014.
I may be the only American to have ever reported that Ukraine provided a light armored group for the idiotic caper in Georgia in 2008 and it was totally wiped out and did not come home. Russia is swift, decisive and devastating when defending Russian citizens or its national interests and security.
Odds are pretty high that Obama appointed Tefft to Ukraine to set up the 2014 Kiev regime change. Then Tefft was appointed as ambassador in Moscow to stir up some more trouble for Russia, since the Neocon game plan has to win or the USA and their Neocon espoused empire is going to crash and burn.
So that you can keep up with how I analyze this Neocon fiasco, Neocon Agenda 101 was their now failed Global War on Terror. Only the deaf, blind and dead cannot hear or see what a colossal failure that has been. Neocon Agenda 201 is their idiotic move in Ukraine, thinking they can handle Russia and push NATO to every border of Russia they can. Neocon Agenda 301 is their pushing a very bad hand against both Russia and China, and their first chess moves were in Donbas (especially Malaysia Air MH 17) and probably Tefft’s posting to Moscow as an attempt for another color revolution and eliminating Nemtsov to point more blame at Putin.
I can think of one color revolution that is needed but it would be in the USA at a place called Washington, DC, clean the house out and flush the toilet.
With Putin now standing at 86% public approval rating in Russia, there is no effective opposition; only those the USA wants to put forth and stir up as ‘opposition for regime change’.
Desperate people do desperate things and right now after their fiascos in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Ukraine, the Neocons are very desperate.
The following in bold and brackets is cited from the Paul Craig Roberts article and then my comments below on other dynamics that need to be factored in when people are dissecting this lunatic Neocon business plan and rejecting it as the sheer stupidity it is.
[“The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the only constraint on Washington’s power to act unilaterally abroad. At that time China’s rise was estimated to require a half century. Suddenly the United States found itself to be the Uni-power, the “world’s only superpower.” Neoconservatives proclaimed “the end of history.”
By the “end of history” neoconservatives mean that the competition between socio-economic-political systems is at an end. History has chosen “American Democratic-Capitalism.” It is Washington’s responsibility to exercise the hegemony over the world given to Washington by History and to bring the world in line with History’s choice of American democratic-capitalism.
In other words, Marx has been proven wrong. The future does not belong to the proletariat but to Washington.
The neoconservative ideology raises the United States to the unique status of being “the exceptional country,” and the American people acquire exalted status as “the indispensable people.” “
The neoconservative doctrine of US world supremacy is most clearly and concisely stated by Paul Wolfowitz, a leading neoconservative who has held many high positions: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Director of Policy Planning US Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State, Ambassador to Indonesia, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank.
In 1992 Paul Wolfowitz stated the neoconservative doctrine of American world supremacy:
“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”
For clarification, a “hostile power” is a country with an independent policy (Russia, China, Iran, and formerly Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad).”]
The real Neocon agenda to enforce what Wolfowitz said in the above comment surfaced publicly in 1990 and 1991 with Desert Shield and then Desert Storm under the George H W Bush Administration. Even one of their JINSA / Pentagon Zionist Jew Neocons stated very clearly why Saddam Hussein and Iraq had to be eliminated as a regional power in the Middle East. Of course, with the 4th largest oil reserves in the world the Neocons thought that would be a nifty ancillary benefit for pushing that war, lies and all. Yes, America, Desert Storm was fabricated and yet another NEOCON LIE.
Edward Luttwak made this comment in an interview about what ‘we’ were going to do to Iraq. However the ‘we’ rings hollow because the Zionist Israelis never boot up and lock and load a weapon to join the US or other coalition partners in the wars that Israel wants.
["Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eight years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild his war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."]
That is a quote above by a Zionist Jew Israeli Neocon and is exactly what Paul Wolfowitz was espousing as the Neocon doctrine for world domination. Even George H W Bush was on TV talking about ‘new world order’ after they attacked Iraq and then imposed severe sanctions on the basis of nothing so Iraq would not be a regional threat to the Neocon doctrine.
My solution for the Neocons and the Zionist Israeli IDF is the next time they want a war based on their lies and falsification of facts, they get to be on the front line and take the first bullets, mortars and artillery rounds instead of US soldiers that have better things to do with their lives.
It was Bush, Cheney and the other Neocons that decided all of those abundant natural resources were just too juicy of an enticement not to fabricate a war based on lies and take over control of the oil and natural gas in 2003. That stupid idea failed, too.
What the US has refused to articulate clearly for all parties, Americans and foreign alike, is this New World Order they are pushing means every nation on Earth has to kneel to DC as if the Neocons have all of the answers. I have been watching for decades and have not seen that DC or the Neocons have any answers that any Americans or foreigners want as a solution.
The fact of the matter is whatever a given person or people’s problems may be the Neocons could not care less. Part of the Neocon marketing plan is ‘what to fear’ and ‘who to blame for it’ and lying to achieve that illusion is meaningless to a Neocon. Such trivial concerns as what people really want gets in the way of ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’ of the world both militarily and economically. Part of that effort includes all of the spying and political manipulations so the Neocons have no rivals. It also includes the endless hype, conjecture, political spin and lies that emanate from DC and their affiliates abroad that just love to chime in on the discussion but have nothing relevant to say.
The British Prime Minister David Cameron being a perfect example for nothing relevant to say, or Stephen Harper in Canada or Tony Abbott in Australia. In case you have ever been wondering, Cameron, Harper and Abbott are Neocons, too. They are part of the ‘Neocon Mouth’ when the other puppet masters want to stay behind the scenes.
The Internet media site ‘Russia Insider’ has just run an article about the Neocon’s ‘failed full spectrum dominance’. I agree that even in failing it does still justify all of their Draconian ‘security measures’ because one aspect of the Neocon doctrine (in addition to lying to get the US domination they seek) is to put in place a Fascist Global Police State to be the enforcers in their delusional, not attained and never will be attained Global American Empire. That ‘security measures’ matter is why freedom and liberty are being eroded in most nations because they are not compatible with the Neocon Doctrine, nor is true representative democracy.
It is a good article and I have watched closely whether the Russian media or the US media has been telling the truth. Sadly for American Mushrooms, Russia is speaking and reporting the truth and the EU and the rest of the world are starting to clearly see that.
After George H W Bush was defeated by Clinton, the Neocons knew they had to come up with a plan and fast or they would be negated by all of the Clinton sell-outs of America he did at every turn. Most Republicans thought George H W Bush was a sure thing for reelection but they failed to factor in the damage the Bush family excels at to the US economy every time one of them has been in office.
During the Reagan and GHWB administrations the Far Right Christians were pretty quiet and OK with the overall policies they saw from those two Republican presidents. When Clinton was elected and there was a massive socialist and Marxist move by Slick Willie and his Bolshevik Marxist wife Hillary, the conservative Far Right Christians mobilized fast.
In the heart of America it really is about ‘values’ and ‘character’ when it comes to our leaders, but it needs to apply to our nation as well as family values and national values and character. It is the Neocons that have made damned sure that such things no longer matter or get in the way of their Hell bent agenda into the abyss.
The Far Right conservative Christians knew that Clinton was going to promote everything from abortion to gay rights and gay marriage to solidify that side of his voting base. Their only real surprise was the Clinton push for partial-birth abortion but that was an appalling canard to conceal another agenda.
While America focused on that, Clinton was holding a fireside sale of American assets and technology to China, to get campaign finance for him and Hillary, of course. He was also busily at work with Boris Yeltsin and certain parties inside of Russia to blow the bank vault doors wide open and plunder Russian resources just as some of the Russian oligarchs were doing with Yeltsin’s blessings.

The lust to control both the CIS Caspian Basin and Russian energy might is what Wolfowitz was talking about in 1992, and yes, Clinton as an unwilling Far Left Neocon played along to go after those assets so the USA would not have any rivals that have global power.
They missed their flight, because China and Russia got it done anyway in spite of the Neocon Doctrine. That is why you are seeing this idiotic stirring up of tensions with Russia and using Ukraine and the rest of the EU states bordering with Russia as cannon fodder.
I guess many Americans do not realize that after Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan defused the threat of nuclear war between USA and USSR, then came Boris Yeltsin as president and Vladimir Putin was at that time the Prime Minister of the new Russia Federation (photo above).
Some readers may know or remember the name Boris Berezovsky (23 January 1946 23 March 2013). He was the front man in the Yeltsin regime for CIA, MI6 and US and UK elites that coveted the huge oil and natural gas reserves of the Caspian Basin region. That also relates to the Wolfowitz comment in Paul Craig Roberts article regarding “the former territory of the USSR”. When Putin ascended to his first presidency, Berezovsky fled to the UK because Putin was bringing charges of treason and financial crimes against him for throwing the doors open and lining his own pockets to let the West elites into the CIS region for natural resource plundering. Yeltsin was allowing the same within what is now the Russia Federation and Putin slammed that door shut.

Behind the scenes the US and UK refused for many years to extradite Boris Berezovsky back to Russia, due mainly what would come out in trial about the underhanded US and UK actions towards Russia and its resources all during the Clinton Administration. It did not take Russia long to figure out that for all of the posturing and mouthing off by US and UK about “rule of law” that is a meaningless concept when protecting corrupt insider assets that helped to plunder Russia. For years Berezovsky was the Front Man for US and UK energy companies and intelligence agencies to get them into the CIS region of the former USSR and take over all of the oil and natural gas they could get their hands on in the Caspian Basin. That was obliquely stated by Wolfowitz in his articulation of the Neocon Doctrine in 1992.

If anyone wanted into the CIS region, Berezovsky was the ‘go to guy’ to get that done.
Former CENTCOM commander General Tommy Franks almost let the cat out of the bag when he and Rumsfeld were before Congress in early 2001 after Bush was sworn in. Franks admitted that one of the primary missions of his command was ‘the Afghanistan pipeline and access to the natural resources of the CIS region’, which is ‘territory of the former USSR’ as Wolfowitz explained the Neocon Doctrine. Neocon Donald Rumsfeld had to hurriedly change the subject because that was about 8 months before September 11, 2001.
The only thing I can give credit to Clinton for is that he proved to be the same level of degenerate as President as he was as Governor of Arkansas. As they say, leopards never change their spots. We Arkansans knew him all too well and is exactly why he lost Arkansas in the 1992 and 1996 elections. We knew firsthand that Clinton was neither “the Democrat messiah” nor presidential timber. We knew his word was dirt and that he has no major principles that he would not compromise for political expediency. America found out the hard way what the truth was regarding “Clinton principles and ethics’. He and Yeltsin were just two rotten peas from the same rotten pod.

Clinton did refuse to buy off on the Neocons demands for him to be a war president for most of his 8 years in office so they could push hard and fast for their consolidation of Global Empire America. After the USSR disbanded in September 1991, more than one year before the 1992 elections, the Neocons were already trying to consolidate every power base they could to force their agenda through.
That included Neocon demands for US presidents (GHWB and Clinton) to attack and take over the Caspian Basin. As early as 1989 in the George H W Bush Administration, they had planned to launch “Operation Steppe Shield” purportedly to ‘defend American interests in the CIS region’ including the former USSR regions of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. Yes, they have been planning this move on the CIS, Caspian Basin and Russia for a very long time, all the way back to Jimmy Carter and Zbigniew Brzezinski creating Al Qaeda to stir up problems for the USSR in their Islamic areas on the southern side of what was the USSR. September 11, 2001 was just their excuse to finally move on it and steal all they could get.
This was footnote 44 in my book ‘One Way Ticket to Crawford Texas’ because I knew Washington DC would go into overdrive trying to kill every key link I put in the footnotes. To protect against that I also put text of published sources so readers could see what the news was inside and outside of the USA that they missed.
“,10987,1101910318-156631,00.html; Mar. 18, 1991; Soviet Union: Operation Steppe Shield? - Washington is worried that a show of U.S. military muscle might be needed if civil war engulfs the U.S.S.R.; By GEORGE J. CHURCH. American intervention in a Soviet civil war? The thought sounds even crazier than -- oh, say, a suggestion last Aug. 1 that the U.S. might send half a million soldiers, sailors and aviators to the Persian Gulf to fight a war against Iraq. But around the Pentagon and the CIA, the question is by no means dismissed out of hand: circumstances can be foreseen in which the dilemma would at least need to be addressed. There is nothing farfetched about the idea that there might be a civil war in the U.S.S.R. Senior American intelligence officials believe there is a "very real" possibility of widespread rebellion.”
They conveniently left out that it was the CIA and Special Forces all along since Zbigniew Brzezinski created Al Qaeda leading the rebellion to get control of all of the oil and natural gas in the CIS region. The US created ‘Islamic extremism’ to push the USSR out and let the USA in.
One has to stop and think a minute about the sheer absurdity of the USA claiming its ‘national interests’ in other sovereign nations. That is a major problem with this Neocon driven doctrine that they can go crap in the living room of another nation anywhere and anytime, but no nation may do the same to the ‘exceptional” USA.
Many Americans have no clue how much that self-serving Neocon and DC arrogance is detested all over the world.
If USA being #1 is nothing more than lies, deceit, and violence to promote natural resource theft is it any wonder to you why the USA is no longer held in high esteem by any nation on this planet that has been on the receiving end of their hostilities?
I have had the chance to talk to Russian and Chinese military people. The only reason they are engaged in major defense and weapons programs right now is they clearly see by example that the USA / Neocons are not to be trusted. The people I talked to indicated that their military commands believe that if push comes to shove what the US Navy is now to project power and intimidation will be used as a ‘pirate fleet’ to interdict and divert supply to America and cut other nations off from their own supply chain.
The US is making it clear to the rest of the world that they are not going to stop pushing this failed US foreign policy until they get their way. Just ask John McCain why he stays stuck on stupid.
They might get their way when Hell freezes over because most of the rest of the world is turning its back on the US and moving on without them.
The Neocons had a doctrine, they had an agenda for global empire, but they had to wait for the “Pearl Harbor” to happen before Americans could be sold on the idea to wage war but hide that Neocon agenda behind the curtain of that fabricated war and what it was really about.
On the day before September 11, 2001, the real reason for their fascination (i.e., national interests) with the CIS / Caspian Basin region was published in Houston Texas, USA:
September 10, 2001: "Those who control the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new production," wrote energy expert James Dorian in Oil & Gas Journal.
That is not the first time or statement about US intent to waste 20-25% of the total world energy supplies on a ‘lifestyle’ while denying other nations the right to even build an economy so they can produce in this purportedly wonderful Neocon New World Order.
That is not a smoking gun statement by James Dorian; it is a smoking howitzer as to why the USA had planned for many years to attack and take control of the CIS / Caspian Basin region. They needed that damned pipeline across Afghanistan to get the oil and natural gas to the ocean. Dorian was giving backup for the reason for the Neocon Doctrine that we had to get control of all of that oil and natural gas or a regional power might arise, or worse, another global power.
They overlooked the facts and reality on two matters. First, USA foreign policies have alienated most of the world, and secondly most of the CIS region still likes and trusts Russia more than the USA. The new Russia is quite different from the USSR.
Like all Neocon plans, they failed to get control of the CIS or the pipeline across Afghanistan. Even after 13 agonizing years of failure and defeat of their ‘mightiest military in the world’ to achieve their mission there is still no pipeline.
I have noticed that many are criticizing Obama’s decision to leave US troops in Afghanistan indefinitely. He did not make that decision. The Bush Administration and the Neocons in the previous DC regime made that decision for Obama before September 11, 2001 and then in 2003 made their reasoning clear in foreign media but failed to tell Americans about it.
“23 Feb 2003: OPIC agrees to fund the pipeline and Bush has guaranteed to protect it with U.S. troops (without telling the United States citizens). “23-02-03 Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TAP) have signed a protocol for trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline Project… However, some recent reports had indicated that the United States was willing to police the pipeline infrastructure through permanent stationing of its troops in the region. The US ExIm Bank, the Trade and Development Agency (TDA) and the Overseas Private Insurance Corporation (OPIC) had also shown readiness to finance such a project, if leading American energy giants come forward.”
One of those groups the Neocons wanted in their fold were actually two as factions but basically on the same side when it comes to “America has to be #1”. One side of the Far Right Christians are about the biggest bunch of lunatics on the face of this planet. They are truly more of a danger to America than any Islamic terrorist. They call themselves ‘Christian Dominionist’ and truly believe it is their Mission from God to conquer the world by force for Jesus Christ.
This American history mantra of the Neocons that Paul Craig Roberts is writing about in his article includes these nutcases that think it is a Biblical and a historical mandate to conquer and rule the entire world for Jesus Christ by force, since Americans are the ‘indispensable people’ living in the ‘exceptional nation’.
There is a psychological diagnosis for such; it is called delusional. There is also a theological diagnosis and it is called “an evil cult that has no theological authority or basis to back it up”.
Many Americans and foreigners alike cannot grasp exactly what the Neocons are other than they are bad news. Exactly as Zionism is a power cult and a clique, the Neocons are also a power cult and a clique.
It was very easy for the Neocons, even the Far Left Zionist Jew fringe lunatics-side of them, to recruit these Christian Dominionist into the Neocon doctrine and policy fold when Clinton was in office for two terms of American absurdity and Oval Office sex capers.
If you want to know what a Christian Dominionist is, Erik Prince of Blackwater USA is a Christian Dominionist. To these people that inconvenient part of the Ten Commandments about “thou shalt not kill” is merely a suggestion, not an order from God. Money for killing vetoes God every time, right? Why evangelize when it can be quicker to bomb a nation to its knees or deploy Special Forces or private mercenaries and just murder who is getting in their way? They are blood-thirsty and power hungry because it takes money to go conquer the world for Jesus Christ and hold onto that empire until the Second Coming.
I have written about this in the past and is easy to find if you search my first and last name and “Christian Dominionistas”. That is a term I coined to describe this part of the Far Right fringe lunatics behind the Neocon doctrine and policies. I have reason to believe that both Bush and Cheney are also Christian Dominionistas as well as many of the better known Neocon names that were in the Bush Administration like Donald Rumsfeld, John Bolton, Condoleezza Rice, et al. If you want to know who the others are, merely look at who Jeb Bush has put on his team for the Oval Office bid in 2016.
Or course, to consolidate power they also made sure the Zionist “Israel First” Jews like Wolfowitz, Feith, Zakheim, Perle and others were included in their delusional dream of US global empire.
In their Dominionista minds they do not care how many non-Christians or even non-Americans they kill regardless of religion. The entire world has to be conquered by force and under the Christian jackboot heels of ‘Christian America’. That is truly what some of them think, so the Neocon doctrine has a feature that is more than just claiming history anointed America to rule the world because capitalist USA defeated communist USSR. These nutcases think the Bible grants them that global domination mandate, too.
It was this mindset that changed the “USSR boogeyman” to “Islamic terrorist boogeyman” from 1992 to 1996 while I was inside the RNC. Then just waited for their Pearl Harbor so they could launch their plan to regime change 7 nations in 5 years and push for Global American Empire, and take over the oil and natural gas of the CIS region, and Iraq next and then Libya and so on. Of course, it did not take them long for their little red wagon to be high centered in the vortex they unleashed and Bush never got around to ‘doing’ that many nations in so few years.
They failed on every goal and now America is buried in debt due to a Neocon business plan that is totally and utterly insane.
They failed and will continue to fail because now they think they can handle Russia but have yet to prove they handled or can handle Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria or Ukraine. This time they are violating a warning that Will Rogers left us on his observations of Washington DC.

Clinton Foundation Pay-To-Play
Scheme Becomes Clearer
By Wayne Madsen
The recent release of additional private emails from former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email servers based at her New York home provide a clearer picture of the "pay-to-play" connections between Clinton's State Department, her and her husband's and daughter's Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative, and the private investment consulting and investment firm of Teneo Holdings, Inc. in Manhattan. In addition to these entities, there are separate Clinton family foundations that maintain their own revenue streams: the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton (BHCC) Foundation, the Clinton Foundation Hong Kong, William J. Clinton Foundation Charitable Trust (Kenya), William J. Clinton Foundation Charitable Trust (UK), and the Clinton Foundation Insalingsstiftelse (Sweden). All these entities maintain separate operations for the Clintons' pay-to-play global racketeering operations.
The Clinton operations are massive in relation to the reported lobbying dealings that Donald Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, maintained with the former Yanukovych government of Ukraine. The sudden appearance of "secret ledgers" containing Manafort's name and alleged cash payments to him by the puppet Ukrainian government of George Soros bear all the signs of another Soros/Cass Sunstein disinformation operation.

1 Al Amoudi once threatened to sue WMR and he demanded some $110,000 to be deposited in his Swiss bank account to drop the suit. Al Amoudi hired the Jewish law firm of Nabarro Nathanson in London to make his legal threat. WMR informed the FBI that a Saudi national, who we reported had links to Saudi-funded jihadist organizations, attempted an extortion shakedown of WMR. WMR never heard back from Al Amoudi or his Jewish lawyers after we informed him that he could go pound sand up his ass (and there is a lot of that in Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia for him to pound).