The "Wokes"







$11B annually for illegal aliens with no end in sight

$24B lost to homelessness and unaccounted for
$80B lost to high-speed rail and unaccounted for
$100B+ worth of homes lost in 3 days
$2.6 billion per year on healthcare for illegal aliens
Gavin Newsom Must Resign.



Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.




This is how you handle an anti-white, black racist.



Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

Lefties Losing it... Continued. Woke 2.0


How are these people not utterly embarrassed? The silver lining in all of this is that the internet never forgets. Every action, every statement, and every moment of their foolishness is etched permanently in the digital record for all to see—*forever… ever… ever…* (cue the echo).


Years from now, people will look back and laugh, shake their heads, and maybe even use their antics as cautionary tales. This level of absurdity won’t just fade into history—it’ll be a recurring meme, a topic of conversation for generations to come. Honestly, it’s hilarious to think about how their legacy will be immortalized in internet lore. **LMAO!**

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

CLOWN WORLD INSANITY! (Ep.363) The Liberal Meltdowns Continue, Joy Reid Copes, And Much More!🤡


If you can’t accept yourself as you were born, how can you expect me to accept you as someone you’re not? There was a time when things like this didn’t divide us—when we didn’t ask who someone voted for because it didn’t matter. Your vote was your own, and whoever won became the next president, plain and simple.


Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.

They're Leaving! Hollywood Panics As Something Bizarre Was Just Revealed..


.....A number of meltdowns and including Jamie Lee Curtis, who has now deleted her Twitter in response as well to his win. We are seeing a number of celebrities now doing the same thing.


Last, I talk about some new story that just came out that has to do with some of these parties and how this all relates. 

People Are NOT Holding Back on WOKE People After the Election!






Making Mental Hospitals Great Again!

The Anti Woke Movement has Finally Begun #2


@TheCNSR -- 8:18 is a perfect situation where a reality check hook is appropriate 😅

@stevegonzales527 -- That man spoke facts! “In court that won’t be a man”

I'm glad we don't support Trump this


Rob Smith Reveals the Craziest Thing About Privileged Illegals Versus American Flea Markets





DragonCayenne -- They are NOT illegal immigrants; they are ILLEGAL ALIENS. Use the proper words.

And the sooner that citizens, like those trying to have a simple flea market, gather in massive numbers overwhelming the cops, the sooner the harassment of citizens will stop. It is time for playing nice to end and time to play hardball; rough, unforgiving, and unrelenting.

Lefties Celebrate Hurricane Helene Killing People





Manifestations of Mental Illness

These are the opinions and ramblings of a foul-mouthed lunatic. They are for entertainment purposes only and are probably wrong. You listen at your own risk.

Gigglin's Island




Just sit right back as the Dems implore,
The swing states Trump will flip once more.
Now comes the open, poor Joe's sinking ship,
We all know Big Mike, Obama, and the slip.

Joe was pushed away, too many's democracy,
Securing the narrative, hiding hypocrisy.
Mary started spinning, trying to fake her way,
But you know she's lying when she starts to sway.

"Democracy would be lost!" they shout at great cost,
The Democrats now hoping, but many feel lost.
The giggling Socialist, still up for debate,
Is she Indian, black, or is she white by fate?

She’s the daughter of power, or so some claim,
But all we hear is the same tired game.
Giggling and laughing, putting on a show,
But where this leads, we may never know.

Josh Seiter, a 37-year-old former contestant on The Bachelorette, is facing intense scrutiny and criticism following her recent announcement that she is transgender.





Seiter, who came out in May, said she has received death threats and experienced significant backlash.

“Ironically, I’ve found that the far left and the LGBTQ community have been some of the most vitriolic and mean towards me throughout all of this,” Seiter told The Daily Mail. “I haven’t been met with acceptance, tolerance and open arms like the left loves to preach about.”

Trans Woman Delivers 10 Pizzas to A Church and Then This Happens 🤣




Sorry... A lot of us NON-TRANS PEOPLE have not gotten tips from these types of jobs too. Suck it up, buttercup.


Lmao..."just pretend you got a tip.. just like you pretend to be a girl "

Wow! Britney Griner Confirms She’s the Dad of Wife’s Baby WNBA Star is A Man 🤪






Putin wasn't joking. He tried telling Americans the truth, but then the msm stopped quoting him.

Former Trump Doctor Blasts FBI Director Over Suggestion Trump Was Not Hit by Bullet During Assassination Attempt

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) ripped into FBI Director Christopher Wray on Friday over his suggestion that former President Donald Trump was not struck by a bullet earlier this month during an assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania.

Top US General Fully Confident the US Would Beat China in a War Over Taiwan


Gen. Charles Q. Brown says the US is stockpiling weapons, ammunition, and other supplies in the Asia Pacific to prepare for war

by Dave DeCamp


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown has said he is “fully confident” that the US could beat China in a war that breaks out over Taiwan.


When asked at the Aspen Security Forum last Friday if he thought the US could defeat China, Brown said, “Yes, I’m fully confident in our force. We are the most lethal, most respected combat force in the world.”


He continued, “Now, it’s going to take all the nation if we go to conflict with the with the PRC [People’s Republic of China], and I’m confident, if we’re challenged, we will be there.”


Brown acknowledged the war would be a major conflict and said the US was working to build up military logistics in the Asia Pacific by stockpiling weapons, ammunition, and other types of supplies.


“These will be major conflicts akin to what we saw in WWII, and so we’ve got to come to grips with that,” he said. “Two, the PRC knows where our advantages are and the combat capability we can bring to bear. My sense is they’ll want to go quick so they can do it before we can bring capability there.”


One might have been able to say that with a straight face at the end of World War II, but not now. The severe beating the Ukrainians are taking, using US/NATO weapons against those of Russia, tells a very different story from the upbeat sound-bites shared at this conference.

The heads of government need to confront the leaders of the companies producing this sub-par equipment and tell them that the game has changed. They must either immediately begin outclassing Russian and Chinese weapons or step aside.

General, it is just that simple. We are absolutely not there yet in terms of weaponry, and we desperately need to be, far ahead of what Russia and China are producing. The fact that we are not is a matter of great concern to me and every thinking American. ~ TBT

What Happened at Olympics 2024 will SHOCK YOU! (R$E)


You will not BELIEVE what just happened at Olympics 2024 Luciferian Ritual.


This world hates Jesus Christ. They hate that He is risen. They hate that He is the King of kings and Lord of lords.


They hate Jesus because He disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities of this world, shaming them publicly through His victory on the cross. They hate Jesus because in Him dwells all the fullness of God in human form. This world despises our Lord and Savior.


But take heart, for He has overcome the world.

Elon Musk Releases HILARIOUS AD Destroying Kamala Harris!

You have to see this🤣









Pro Palestine "Protestors" Attack Gay Pride Parade Floats in NYC


When the Left eat the Left..

They had to DELETE the video after someone pointed this out 😂



These people have been doing "cheap fakes" about Trump for years but when it's about Biden it's a serious problem. CNN kept reporting laptop as fake yet here we are. It’s real!


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." George Orwell, 1984.

They Can't Keep Getting Away with This



I've had enough of this

Pride nonsense.


Who approved spending $196,000 on a rainbow crosswalk? They didn't spend anywhere near that amount—they probably paid $300 and kept the rest for themselves. And if a car with an oil leak drives over it, you might as well expect a life sentence. The stupidity in this country has reached an unimaginable level.


Jane Fonda Has TDS,

AOC Talks About the Border, And Much More! 🤡






The Video where Lunatic Fringe speaks their Minds...

Woke Teen Kicked OUT of Parents Home




It seems that many people feel hesitant or fearful about expressing negative opinions on "woke" issues. This could be due to concerns about backlash, social ostracization, or being labeled as insensitive or intolerant. Such fear of reprisal might inhibit open and honest dialogue on these topics.

Angry Transgender Tries to Fight Cops


When individuals who advocate identity politics clash with law enforcement, it creates a contentious arena for discourse. However, the situation escalates when these same individuals engage in unlawful behavior and subsequently target the police.

A UK Woman Tells it Like it IS...





UK woman: "I have lived in London for 10 years and I have never felt as unsafe as I do now due to mass immigration. It is very difficult to talk about this because they accuse us of racism but this is reality.”


Bit Chute Commentator (this was a nice one):


gaby998 -- She's wrong. Diversity its our strength. Having physicist in quantum mechanics Ahmed and internationally recognized psychiatrist Mohamad in Europe enriches our life. Doctor Mbutu and engineer Seseko, are the most moral people on the planet. They are honest, hardworking, civilized, clean and well-cared people...always careful not to upset someone. The majority who come from Africa and Arab countries are Nobel Prize laureates. It would be an honor for her if Mohamad and Mbutu mated with her. 

But they are too busy working into quantum computers...the next big break-thru they bring in Europe I wonder where are all the feminists with placards with hearts and butterflies who were waiting and welcome for Doctor Mbutu?






Vanessa Kerry, daughter of John Kerry, recently celebrated her promotion to the World Economic Forum's board of Agenda Contributors by advocating for the organization to transition into a global governing body, exerting complete control over humanity without their consent.

Kerry believes that the current global climate, especially in the wake of the Covid pandemic, presents an opportunity for a globalist coup d'état. She suggests leveraging the mechanisms outlined in the World Health Organization's pandemic treaty to establish a world government with unchecked authority.

Asserting that humanity has been psychologically conditioned by the Covid crisis, Kerry proposes intensifying fear-based narratives surrounding climate change to coerce people into relinquishing their remaining freedoms.

STUDY: ‘Woke’ People More Likely to Be Miserable, Suffer from Mental Health Problems


A study out of Finland has found that people who believe in “woke” ideas of social justice are more likely to be anxious, miserable, and depressed.


The study, entitled “Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes,” was carried out by Oskari Lahtinen, a senior researcher at the INVEST Research Flagship Centre at the University of Turku. It sought to establish the prevalence of the “woke” worldview and the kinds of people who hold it.

She uses this for WHAT…

The scene of that horrid woman preparing breakfast for the innocent baby brought tears to my eyes. The absence of love and care was palpable, leaving the child deserving of much more. And the food they're serving? It's like a buffet of sins—gluttony, pride, greed, sloth, and wrath—all rolled into one video.


As for that Oreo pizza, it's just downright disgusting. Who even comes up with such culinary nightmares?  It's ironic how many of today's "virtues" seem to contradict the timeless wisdom of the Holy Bible.






Oh dear. It seems someone is suggesting that Haitian immigrants arrested in Florida should be sent to NYC. Have they forgotten the consequences

of previous attempts at virtue signaling?

I've observed that the idea of diversity being a strength is not supported by historical evidence.


Empires were not constructed on divergent ideas, morals, and cultures; rather, they were built on established values that the majority adhered to.

Furthermore, there seems to be a growing resistance to wokeism, with many expressing dissatisfactions with the movement. Those advocating for the normalization of feeding a baby with a man's "milk" are met with strong opposition, and some argue that such ideas should not be normalized as they deviate from what is considered normal.

Woke Grandma THREATENS All Trump Voters


What the hell is happening?


Comments -

-This isn’t NPC behavior; this is peak fatherless behavior.

-This is why I never bothered downloading tiktok or any of these live-streaming things and I’m happy with that decision.

-Strong, empowered women are so intellectually stimulating... Good job, feminism!

-Tbh, I've seen NPCs in games acting smarter and more real

-I openly express disgust whenever someone mentions tiktok.

-I am not a perfect father, but absolutely BANNING all social media for my kids is one of the smartest things I've ever done. I don't use it, either.

-I used to look at teenagers and think "how lucky they are with the sheer exhilaration of a life possibilities ahead of them." Now I just think "poor bastards."

-Remember people, having a nice wife, family and children is backwards and outdated, but this, perfectly fine.






Don't Question THE SCIENCE!


And don't send a skinny Scientist to choke a man questioning




Joe Biden 'Admits' To Selling State Secrets as Liberal Media Pushes INSANE Defense of Hunter Biden!


When is this Senile Old Man ever joking? Even his jokes are revealing. If Trump were to say what Biden had said it would have been on repeat for months!









WNBA Coach Attacks Fans for Refusing to Show Up to Brittney Griner's Post Russia Prison WNBA Debut


Comments -


-To think someone with the vocabulary of a preschool teacher is one dead old man away from being president is pretty scary.

-Bro, listening to Kamala is actually physically painful, why are you torturing us!

-She gave a more passionate speech for Griner than for the Ohio train wreck victims.

-We need to be bringing our Marine home that's still in prison in Russia instead of dealing with this BS nonsense. 🤬