The Anunnaki and Other
Ancient Civilizations
This NEW EVIDENCE is UNDENIABLE! Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible.. Paul Wallis
Paul Anthony Wallis, a researcher and author, has recently presented new evidence suggesting that the Anunnaki—figures from ancient Mesopotamian mythology—are referenced in the Bible. In his video titled "This NEW EVIDENCE is UNDENIABLE! Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible," Wallis explores potential connections between these ancient beings and biblical narratives.
Wallis is known for his work in mysticism, spirituality, and ancient mysteries, and he shares his insights through platforms like his Facebook page. He has also authored books such as "Escaping from Eden," where he examines the possibility that human origins, as described in Genesis, may involve extraterrestrial influences.
In his latest presentation, Wallis delves into ancient texts and artifacts, proposing that certain biblical passages may be reinterpreted to reveal references to the Anunnaki. This perspective challenges traditional interpretations and invites viewers to consider alternative explanations for humanity's origins and early interactions with otherworldly entities.
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Humanoid Gods and Extraterrestrial Sky stone Left on Earth
Throughout history, various cultures have revered deities depicted as humanoid figures descending from the skies. These narratives often intertwine with artifacts and legends that some interpret as evidence of extraterrestrial contact.
In West Africa, particularly in Sierra Leone, mysterious stone carvings known as Nomoli statues have been discovered. These artifacts, often depicting human-like figures with reptilian features, are believed by some to represent sky gods who descended to Earth. Accompanying these statues are blue stones, sometimes referred to as sky stones, which local legends claim fell from the heavens alongside these deities. Some researchers propose that these stones and statues suggest ancient interactions with extraterrestrial beings.
The ancient astronaut hypothesis posits that extraterrestrial beings visited Earth in antiquity, influencing early human civilizations. Proponents argue that many mythologies and religious texts describe gods descending from the skies, which they interpret as accounts of alien visitors. Artifacts like the Nomoli statues and sky stones are cited as potential evidence supporting this theory.
Critics of the ancient astronaut hypothesis caution against attributing advanced ancient artifacts solely to extraterrestrial influence. They argue that such interpretations can undermine the achievements of early human societies and often lack empirical evidence. For instance, discussions on platforms like Reddit highlight skepticism regarding the extraterrestrial origins of artifacts like the sky stones, emphasizing the need for rigorous scientific analysis before drawing conclusions.
The intertwining of humanoid deities and mysterious artifacts in ancient cultures continues to captivate researchers and enthusiasts. While some view these as potential evidence of extraterrestrial contact, others advocate for more conventional explanations rooted in human creativity and cultural expression. Ongoing research and open-minded inquiry are essential in unraveling these historical enigmas.
Humanoid Gods and Extraterrestrial Skystone Left on Earth
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Jesus vs Yahweh: Anunnaki, Nephilim, Book of Enoch & Ancient Civilizations EXPOSED! Paul Wallis
What if everything you thought you knew about ancient history, religion, and humanity’s origins was wrong? Prepare to uncover The Truth behind the Anunnaki, the Nephilim, the Book of Enoch, and the startling contrast between Jesus and Yahweh.
Could advanced extraterrestrial beings have shaped humanity’s evolution and guided ancient civilizations? Were the Nephilim, the hybrid giants mentioned in Biblical texts, a product of genetic manipulation? Why did Jesus challenge the narratives tied to Yahweh, and what secrets do the ancient scriptures reveal about our true origins?
This video explores prehistoric gold mines and the possible influence of the Anunnaki on early human development. Delve into the forbidden fruit narrative and its deeper connections to ancient stories of the Elohim and the powerful ones. Discover the mysteries of the Sky Council and Yahweh’s role in Biblical texts, alongside insights from the Book of Enoch about fallen beings and the Nephilim giants.
We also investigate depictions of aliens in ancient art, the striking contrasts between Jesus and Yahweh, and the accounts of ancient flying machines described in sacred texts. Learn about Berosus, Oannas, and the Apkallu, and their influence on early civilizations, as well as the role of figures like Dagon, the Sky Armies, Haldi, and Asherah in shaping ancient beliefs. The story of the tomb of Gilgamesh sheds light on humanity’s evolution, while the Popol Vuh reveals fascinating insights into Mesoamerican myths and the origins of human intelligence.
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The Earth will give up her Secrets
The idea that "the Earth will give up her secrets" is not explicitly stated in those exact words in the Bible, but there are several scriptures that convey similar themes of revelation, exposure, and the uncovering of hidden truths. Here are a few passages that might resonate with that concept:
1. Luke 8:17 (NIV)
"For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open."
This verse emphasizes the idea that all hidden things, whether in the earth or otherwise, will eventually be revealed, which could metaphorically align with the Earth giving up her secrets.
2. Job 12:22 (NIV)
"He reveals the deep things of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light."
This verse reflects God’s power to uncover hidden truths and mysteries, which could include the secrets of the natural world.
3. Daniel 2:22 (NIV)
"He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him."
Here, Daniel speaks of God’s ability to reveal mysteries, including those that pertain to the workings of the Earth or the cosmos.
4. Romans 8:19-22 (NIV)
"For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God. We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time."

This passage speaks to creation itself being intertwined with the human story and its redemption. The "groaning" of creation could be interpreted as the Earth holding mysteries or secrets that will be revealed in God's plan for restoration.
5. Psalm 19:1-4 (NIV)
"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
While this passage specifically mentions the heavens, it reflects a broader biblical theme: that creation itself reveals knowledge and truth about God and his works.
6. Isaiah 45:3 (NIV)
"I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name."
This verse implies that God has placed treasures and secrets within the Earth that can be uncovered as part of his divine plan.
Shocking Archaeological Discoveries that changed History Forever
While the phrase "the Earth will give up her secrets" isn’t explicitly found in the Bible, many scriptures align with the idea that hidden things, whether spiritual, natural, or cosmic, will be revealed in due time. These passages collectively underscore the themes of revelation, divine knowledge, and the uncovering of mysteries.
Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976: Allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education, and research.
"You Have No Idea What These Cones Can Do"
Pay attention to the structure—these ancient civilizations were using cone technology in combination with magnets. This is the technology they used to manipulate humanity. Cone-shaped tools and ancient devices are a completely misunderstood and overlooked aspect of our history.
Once I began studying this, it was mind-blowing. You’ll find cones in almost all ancient cultures: South Africa, England, Egypt, even Australia. There’s a Mayan deity holding two cones, and the significance of holding them is crucial. I’ll explain why I believe this is so important.
In fact, there’s a Sumerian statue depicting someone being healed using cone-shaped tools. Even cone-shaped hats are used in special ceremonies. Wizards wear cone-shaped hats, and their wands are cone-shaped as well. This pattern of ancient beings interacting with humans through this cone technology can be seen throughout history.
Take the dragonfly, for example. What looks like blood vessels in its wings are actually hollow tubes. Unlike birds, dragonflies don’t flap their wings—they vibrate and buzz them. The sound from this vibration travels through these hollow tubes, which lead to hundreds of tiny cones at the ends. The sound frequency is emitted from these cones, creating toroidal fields around the wings, putting the dragonfly in a kind of gravity-free zone—an effect of the cone-shaped technology in its wings.
They Hunt Humans! (Mermaids, Marine Spirits, The Book Of Enoch Explained)
Have you ever wondered if mermaids are more than just mythical creatures from fairy tales? In this video, we dive deep into the ancient world, where mermaids were not just folklore, but were believed to be real, spiritual beings. 🌟
From their mysterious origins in the ancient Mesopotamian pantheon, where a god named Dagon closely resembles a merman, to their eerie presence in African traditions as Mami Watas, these enigmatic beings have captured the imagination of cultures worldwide. 🌍
This Tablet Holds the Truth About Humanity.
Eric Rankin, a renowned expert in the field, guides us through the intricate connections between sound frequencies and geometric patterns, revealing how these elements form the very matrix of reality.
Discover how ancient knowledge and modern science converge in Sonic Geometry, offering insights into the fundamental structures of the universe. Eric's compelling presentation will not only explain the theoretical foundations but also demonstrate the practical implications of these patterns in our understanding of reality.
Aliens On The Moon: The Truth Exposed | Conspiracy Theory | Absolute Documentaries
An alternative take on the 1969 lunar landing presents a different picture
of the event that governments may be secretly covering.
Absolute Documentaries brings you the best of entertaining and fascinating documentaries for free. Whether you’re into true crime, stories from around the world, family and social life, science or psychology, we’ve got you covered with must-see full-length documentaries every week.
TBT - Is it real? Or is this a build up for Alien Invasion vs The Kingdom of God's Return?
Erich Von Daniken | Signs of the Gods - Ancient Aliens Documentary 2019
I could listen to Erich talk all day. I love the way he explains things, and his passion for the subject matter is undeniable. His logic is flawless, and he truly knows his stuff. When I first heard about the Annunaki, it was like a light went off in my head. The more I studied, the more everything made sense. My religious past has been replaced with a newfound intelligence. I would love to meet Mr. Erich and have conversations about all that he says and knows about our existence.
Erich von Däniken - The Ancient Mahabharata Book & The Story of Gigantic Motherships
Erich von Däniken is the foundational figure upon whose work most subsequent "experts" have built their theories. They should give credit where it's due, as Erich has been entirely correct about this subject from the very beginning. This is why the church destroyed so many books and artifacts.
The extraterrestrials had Ezekiel measure the "temple" for the exact purpose that Erich illustrated in his diagram: so that someone in the future could use these measurements, as NASA and the Germans did, to discover and understand their existence.
The Bible was altered, but the beings wanted us to know the truth, so they had Ezekiel record these details for future generations. This knowledge remained hidden until Erich brought it to light.
It All Started with The Chariots of the Gods
Are the gods and angels of the Old Testament really extraterrestrial beings? Erich von Däniken examines biblical passages to support his theory that the gods and angels of the Old Testament were actually extraterrestrial beings who descended from the heavens to create life on Earth and shape human destiny. According to Däniken, the surviving scriptures have been mistranslated. What we once called God and the angels were, in reality, extraterrestrial beings conducting genetic tests and social engineering for their own purposes. The impacts of these interventions on human civilization were recorded in accounts such as the Ark of the Covenant and Ezekiel’s extraordinary journey in an alien spacecraft to a spaceport in another time.
Erich von Däniken on the Importance of the Book of Enoch
Erich von Däniken delves into the profound significance of the ancient Book of Enoch, unveiling its enigmatic wisdom and its potential impact on our understanding of history and spirituality. Explore the hidden depths of this timeless text, in this enlightening lecture by Erich von Däniken.
Time-Slip Artifacts: Modern Objects
in the Ancient World - Volume 1
The Antikythera mechanism deserves a dedicated episode all to itself.
In modern times, an attempt to replicate this ancient device hit a major snag when an unusual number appeared on one of the gears—a "half" number, to be precise.
After much deliberation and numerous mathematical computations, it was discovered that this half number was crucial for accurately timing the moon's rotations and predicting eclipses.
The secret lay in a tiny switch within the mechanism that instructed another gear to rotate at a different rate, slowing it down to achieve the exact half-tooth needed.
How do you make half a tooth on a gear? The ancients knew long before we did.
Göbekli Tepe and the Vulture Stone Prophecy
We are the heirs of an ancient civilization that mastered technology, charted the cosmos, and comprehended our connection with the natural world.
Our ancestors journeyed across the globe, erecting massive structures that grew into cities. They shared unified governance and similar religious beliefs, living as a global society, much like we do today.
Approximately 14,500 years ago, this global superpower began to collapse. First came uncontrollable changes, followed by a cataclysm. In less than a week, almost everything and everyone was gone.
The survivors-built monuments—not as tributes to gods or homage to kings, but as warnings to future generations: to us. The message is clear: danger is coming.
Our civilization has ended before. It will end again.
This is a story that Big Archaeology and world governments don’t want you to know. Once you hear it, you’ll never trust them again.
Because the danger that’s coming? There’s nothing they can do to stop it.
Historians Are Hiding Supernatural
Beings from the Public
This passage touches on the intersection of memory, history, and the mysteries surrounding ancient civilizations, particularly focusing on the Anasazi people of the Colorado Plateau. It highlights the idea that memory can be more trusted than recorded history, as history can be manipulated by those in power. It also introduces the enigmatic disappearance of the Anasazi civilization and the various theories surrounding their demise, including supernatural elements such as nature spirits turning into destructive forces.
The passage sets a mysterious and intriguing tone, inviting readers to delve into the secrets of Chaco Canyon and the ancient Anasazi culture.
It blends elements of archaeology, history, and folklore, hinting at a deeper truth waiting to be uncovered amidst the ruins of the desert canyon.
Scientists Discovered the Last Anunnaki King Inside a Tomb and They Are Scared
Prepare to be amazed as scientists unveil the astonishing revelation of the last Anunnaki king, known as Gilgamesh. This groundbreaking discovery has sent shockwaves through the scientific community, opening up a realm of possibilities in our understanding of ancient civilizations. Join us as we journey into the enigmatic world of the Anunnaki and explore the profound implications of this epic find. Whether you're a fan of Graham Hancock or simply fascinated by uncovering the mysteries of our past, this is an event you won't want to miss. Tune in and witness history in the making.
Pre-Historic Mega Structures of Japan & Unexcavated Giant Tombs
From massive granite blocks and quarries carved with extraordinary accuracy to immense stone walls, Japan’s landscape tells a story of an advanced prehistoric society. This documentary delves deep into the heart of Japan’s forgotten megaliths.
The Dark Pyramid of Alaska
| Military Cover-up of a Forbidden Collaboration
In a remote corner of Alaska, a military officer stumbles upon a chilling discovery—an enormous pyramid buried deep under the icy wilderness, possibly larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza. The initial sighting during a seismic event leads to whispers of ancient technologies and hidden histories.
The local news coverage mysteriously vanishes overnight. Witnesses and insiders offer conflicting stories, fueling speculations about secret military involvement and otherworldly energies.
It's become known as the Dark Pyramid or Black Pyramid. What are the origins of this enigmatic structure? Why is it buried? Why so much security and secrecy?
Could this be buried technology that holds truths about our past and power beyond our understanding?
#UFOs #Aliens #DarkPyramid #BlackPyramid
Is There an American Frontier Secret Hiding in Death Valley?
In America. the myth of the hidden civilization beneath Death Valley, California, is a topic of mythology both from Indigenous cultures and the folktales of pioneers. For years, this was regarded as nothing more than symbolic storytelling and get-rich-quick attempts by failed prospectors looking to steer attention to the lesser explored regions of the west.
And yet there was something about these stories coming out of the Mojave Desert and the oral traditions of the Paiute that hint at something more than meets the eye.
Could there truly be a lost land in the lowest, hottest place on Earth? This is a deeper dive into secret cities of Death Valley, the lost civilization discovered only by a select few in the last few hundred years, only for the finders to go missing like the theoretical peoples of yesteryear.
Society's tech has stalled for 100 years, still using fossil fuels since 1908. Zero-point energy tech exists. Time for awareness and change.
Earth is now in the Anthropocene age, scientists say
Sediment deposited at Crawford Lake in Canada's Ontario province provides unmistakable evidence that Earth entered a new human-driven geological chapter, the Anthropocene epoch, some seven decades ago, a team of scientists said.
The Second Ring Beyond the ice walls: Map introduction and analysis (1)
Welcome to this new Italian P&C video. Today i'm going to introduce you to the 2nd ring beyond the ICE walls as explained and display on the Third Map, the 3ed version of the beyond the ICE walls map, that shows the world outside of our own known one, the Earthly firmament shattered and divided by the ice walls and the Montane ring. I'll also describe the lands of Asgard and Eden. This is the start of a new series, like the video and comment to help the channel grow and keep the series going.
As we dive deeper into the realm of myth and imagination, we'll explore if these petrified titans are merely geological wonders, or are they something more—silent witnesses to a forgotten era, waiting to reveal their secrets?
Over 400,000 Years Ago, They Visited Earth, Mined Gold, Founded the Nephili and the Sumerian Empires
Comments -
-Yet they ignored all the minerals inside the asteroid belt near earth. 😂 i just find it hard to believe an advanced alien race would rather have slaves mine the minerals instead of sending drones to mine the asteroids. 😅
-Hey Riddle, 👋 Any chance they wiped out the dinosaurs to make Earth safer🤔 Kinda like terraforming Mars 🧐 Just always wondered that.
Τhis Little Videο Will Turn Υour Wοrld Upside Down (Something UNBELIEVΑBLE Was Just Uncοvered!)
In this video, I discuss something amazing I came across. It has to do with our history, the Wοrld Fairs and 70 generations that the watchers were Βound! I show the time frame, what has happened and some rather amazing architecture from our ancient past. Also, I discuss the Great Pyramid and what it really is in great detail.
Are Giant Nephilim Still Here? (Shocking Recent Sightings)
Ancient biblical texts describe a group of beings called the Nephilim, which translates to “giants,” and “the fallen ones.” Many people today are asking, have these giants vanished with history, or are they still wandering the mountains and caves, hidden from civilization? Footage from recent sightings may help us answer this question.
As a note: In the video I stated that Goliath in the Bible could have possibly been suffering from a form of gigantism.
I don't personally believe that, and though from what I know the Biblical account does not directly state he was connected to the Nephilim, the narrative does seem to imply that he was. I should have been clearer and simply said that some people hold that theory.
In today's episode we will look into a historical encounter with giants.
Giants of Magellan
Comments -
-I've been saying this for years now. And everyone I try to explain it to laughs me out of the room and thinks it a ludicrous idea. Yet mythologies and religions all say this. Great video. 👍
-In Ireland there may have existed Giants, the book of Irish Antiquities by William F. Wakeman mentions Giants and their graves.
-Land of Ophir. They worshiped YHWH before the conquistadors came to their shores but converted them to Catholicism. The captain-general also had them asked whether they were Moros or heathen, or what was their belief.
They replied that they worshiped nothing, but that they raised their clasped hands and their face to the sky; and that they called their god “Abba.” There at the captain was very glad, and seeing that, the first king raised his hands to the sky, and said that he wished that it were possible for him to make the captain see his love for him. -- Philippine Islands 1493-1898
Where is Tartaria ? Has History Been rewritten?
Tartaria or the Great Tartary certainly existed on the maps and there is much more evidence. Where is Tartaria ?
Zachary Denman Comments -
-“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984
-The following is taken from a book (which I am currently writing up into easier to read English) which was first published in 1659.
"Tartaria (known of old by the name of Scythia, from their first King Scythus and who were at first called Magogins, from Magog, Japhet’s son: whose posterity its inhabitants were) is called by the inhabitants Mongul: but Tartaria, from the River Tartar, watering a great part of it.
It is a great Empire, (not yielding to any other in largeness of countries, but to the King of Spain’s dominions: Whom also it exceeds, in that it is all united by some bond: whereas the other are very much disjoined) extending 5400 miles from east to west, and 3600 from north to south; so that the great Cham or Emperor hereof, hath many great realms and provinces under him, containing a great number of good towns.
It is bounded on the east with China, the sea of Cin or Eastern Ocean, and the strait of Anian on the West with the mountain Imaus; (yet there are some hordes of Tartars on this side of it, who acknowledge the great Cham) on the south with the river Ganges and Oxus (now Abiam) Indostan, and the upper part of China: or (according to some) with the hill Taurus, the Caspian Sea, and the wall of China; on the north with the Scythick or frozen ocean; the country of whose shore is so cold, that it is held uninhabited.
The ancient Tartaria, their old habitation: from whence, they violently spread themselves over Asia and Europe. It butts upon the frozen ocean: the common sort lying in tents of skin, or under their carts; yet are there 4 cities therein, one whereof is Choras, noted for the Tartarian Cham’s Sepulchres. The wilderness of Lop is in this province, whence King Tabor coming, and persuading the people to Judaism; Charles the 5th burnt him at Mantua in 1540.
China lies the most eastward of any continent in Asia, having the ocean Del Mar, the isles Corea and Japan on the east; on the west India, and part of Tartarie: on the north Tartarie only, from which it is divided, partly by mountains, partly by a wall; which being 500 leagues long, was made by King Tzainton, and begins in Canton, but ends in Susuan Province; 100 leagues whereof lying quite open betwixt the mountains: the wall is there of freestone, seven fathom broad from bottom to top. Almost the third part of China’s inhabitants died in this toil; for which proud work, the whole kingdom revolting, they slew the king, and also his son Agantzi."

Series creator, Damon T. Berry reveals one of the greatest mysteries of all time.... the location of the Stargate. This feature length film promises the holiest knowledge of all time, and it does not disappoint.
Within each minute is one staggering revelation after another. From the solemn and holy knowledge of pyramidal structures around the world, to the unmasking of the origins of extraterrestrial aliens. Invitation Number 5 is so powerful that it unlocks nearly every mystery of the ancient world.
It is the most compelling evidence of God-alien-human interaction ever seen, and each piece of the puzzle provides an ancient key to humanity's ultimate end... the Stargate.
Petra's True Age Finally REVEALED… Who Really Built Petra, Jordan?
In Petra, Jordan, there aren't just 1 or 2 carved buildings like the famous treasury, there are over 1000 and thousands of people lived here. That's why I went to Jordan Petra to investigate.
Sumerian Text Revealed 8 Intelligent Beings That Came to Earth & Ruled For 241,200 Years!
Biblical Giants ALIVE on the Solomon Islands
| Solomon Island Giants | Nephilim
Do you think the Nephilim and they hybrid offspring will come upon the earth once again?
WHY ARE WE HERE? A Scary Truth Behind the Original Bible Story | Full Documentary
In this Book, Paul documents the links within the Sumerian creation account: The word Annunaki, he explains, means “Those who came from the heavens to Earth,” a phrase that made clear their extraterrestrial origins.
Many of the world’s oldest mythologies claim that governance over human society began with dominance over human beings being established by superior beings or “gods.” And then the job of rulership gets handed over at a later stage to human governors or Kings..
The Bible originated from the ancient Sumerian text. Text found with the same story. Pre-dating the Biblical accounts by thousands of years. Documenting Ancient Aliens.
The Sumerian story begins with the rulers coming down from the heavens. And the glyph for these rulers is a symbol pointing to the sky! The Anunnaki were from the heavens. They were sky people!
TIAMAT has been FOUND, The Sumerian Nibiru Enigma is REAL, Let the HISTORIANS TRY Argue this one!
Nibiru, to the Sumerians, was the celestial body associated with the god Marduk. The name is Akkadian and means 'crossing place' or 'place of transition'. In most Babylonian texts it is identified with the planet Jupiter. In Writing 5 of the Enuma Elish it may be the pole star, which at the time was Thuban or possibly Kochab (Ursa Minor).
The term "Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform tablets and writings dating 5,000 years old. The term Nibiru means "Planet of the crossing", and it's cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today's Iraq.
Due to its use in opposition to the phrase itebbiru "who used to cross," Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson suggest that it refers to a stationary point in the heavens.1 In a reconstruction of Tablet V of the Enuma Elish by Landsberger and Kinnier Wilson, the word ni-bi-ri (variant: ni-bi-ru and ni-bi-a-na) is translated as "pole star."1 The authors add in the footnotes that "Applied to Marduk, there is no question that in the late periods neberu is a planet, whether Jupiter or Mercury" however for the referenced translation of Writing V, "pole star" is used.
Alien Civilization Discovered on the Moon
| The Proof is Out There (S1, E10) | Full Episode
Could a footprint and foul smell be evidence that a creature known as the Skunk Ape exists? Does a mysterious cluster of mounds on the moon suggest colonization by an alien race? See more in Season 1, Episode 10, "Ancient Sounds and Moon Mounds."
When Will the ANUNNAKI Return?...
Last EVER Public Q & A with Zecharia Sitchin (1920 - 2010)
@zoharstargateancientdiscoverie - Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) was one of the few scholars able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets. Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his controversial theories on the Anunnaki origins of humanity have been translated into more than 20 languages and featured on radio and television programs around the world.
In this lecture Zecharia Sitchin (1920 – 2010) answers some of the questions from audiences, including his thoughts on what would happen if the Anunnaki did return.
Aliens and Demons: Evidence of an Unseen Realm - documentary film featuring Dr. Michael S. Heiser
Dr. Michael S. Heiser explores the unexpected intersection between UFOs, alien abductions, the world of angels and demons, and the ancient texts that speak of them.
Tim Alberino: Fallen Angel Technology Uncovered!
Most of us are familiar with the biblical account of the fallen angels found in Genesis 6. These angels who “left their first estate” produced gigantic, hybrid offspring with human women, men of renown as Scripture calls them. But where are their bones today? Where is the evidence of these giants who made the Israelites feel like “grasshoppers” when they entered the Promised Land? What became of the “10-footers” that used to be housed in museums across the world?
These megalithic men left behind advanced technology and gigantic architectural wonders . . . but only if you know where to look.
Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa!
(Richat Structure)
-Sir, as a (retired) scientist and researcher I find your arguments both highly interesting and compelling! It is refreshing to discover new and out of the box ideas that are so well researched and defended. I also find it gratifying that your position seems to kick a bit of sand on the scientific establishment, who are way too proud of themselves and their dogma.
Discovering mysterious extraterrestrial beings. More and more evidence and appearances of UFOs surround our Earth. Secrets, cover-ups, discoveries, testimonies suggest a contact, a contact with beings who came from the sky, which took place at the dawn of our existence; maybe, just ancient aliens who gave and taught life to our ancestors.
What lies behind our evolution? Perhaps the answer to our question lies in our ancestors and their Gods; on this journey through the sands of time we will discover that we are not alone in the universe and that aliens have influenced our evolution.
Perhaps they all worship the same God as we do.
THEY have been FOUND, Anunnaki Sites of ENKI,
ENLIL and Puzzling Strange FEATURES of the ABZU
Ea (whose Sumerian equivalent was Enki) is one of the three most powerful gods in the Mesopotamian pantheon, alongside Anu and Enlil. During Mesopotamian cosmic geography, the ab (Akkadian apsû) was a significant place beneath the earth called the ab.