Pete Rose, baseball’s all-time hits leader who was banned from the sport, has passed away at age 83.


For fans who grew up in the 1960s and ‘70s, no player embodied excitement quite like the Cincinnati Reds' No. 14, “Charlie Hustle.” With his shaggy hair, puggish nose, and muscular forearms, Rose was a brash superstar. In an era of artificial turf, divisional play, and the rise of free agency, Rose was a gritty throwback to baseball’s early days. Millions will remember him crouched at the plate, scowling in determination, running full speed to first base—even after a walk—or diving headfirst into the bag in pursuit of the next base.

Major League Baseball, which banned him in 1989, issued a brief statement offering condolences and recognizing his “greatness, grit, and determination on the field.” Reds principal owner and managing partner Bob Castellini added, “Pete was one of the fiercest competitors the game has ever seen. We must never forget what he accomplished.”

The BACKLASH Against Woke People Has Begun




The Backlash Against Woke Activism Has Begun


Reality check! These woke activists thought they had everything under control, but now they’re running into a wall of undeniable facts. Watch as their arguments fall apart when confronted with the harsh truth. - TBT

Aerial footage reveals the widespread flooding in Asheville, North Carolina, with buildings submerged under the waters from Helene's impact.




The devastation is overwhelming.


Perhaps it's time to consider reallocating some of the funds sent abroad,

like to Ukraine and use them to rebuild for the American people. - TBT

Israel knew of Nasrallahs location for months


What the details of the story below indicate is that the ‘excuse’ given by Netanyahu and the terrorist state that he runs that the events of Oct. 7th took Israel ‘by surprise’, that Israel ‘didn’t know’ what was coming and that therefore everything that has taken place since that day has all been justified under the guise of Israel’s right to ‘self-defense’ has been/is a fraud and a sham.

Israel knew, her spies (Mistaarvim) in Gaza were as deeply embedded as were/are her spies in Lebanon, and there is no way that they were not privy down to the most minute and intimate detail of what was coming.

4% of Haiti's Entire Population Has Entered U.S. Under Biden-Harris And Thats Not All....


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been importing an astonishing number of third-world Haitians into the country. That’s right. The administration has been actively arranging and paying for Haitian “migrants” to fly into the U.S. More on this below, but first, we need to prepare the ground.

It’s astonishing reading news articles in 2024 to prepare for an article like this one you’re reading on Woke spy. Yours truly was a working newspaper reporter about 25 years ago during the very last period in which news organizations still believed, at least partially, in reporting the facts, not editorializing with a political slant. Not so now. In preparing another article about the allegations by Springfield, Ohio residents who claim Haitians are stealing ducks and geese (and household pets) from local parks and neighborhoods, I could not find one story that didn’t sound like a press release from the Democratic National Committee.

Buried deep in the Newsweek article is this bit of truth. It’s a quote from Customs and Border Patrol:

“Through the end of August 2024, nearly 530,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans arrived lawfully on commercial flights and were granted parole under these processes.”

That’s right. Half a million “migrants” “arrived lawfully” on “commercial flights.” Half a million got a free plane ticket to the U.S. Does any of this sound sane?

There’s another way to look at the numbers that may wake some people up to what’s going on. X (Twitter) user “data hazard” has compiled a chart showing the percentage of each foreign country’s population that has been whisked into the United States.

'Was Pres. Barack Obama Prosecuted When He Killed U.S. Citizens With Drones?': Ted Cruz Grills Ex-AG



At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned former AG Michael Mukasey about presidential immunity.

@carolbrownleehalbert3593 -- He wasn't prosecuted for murdering his chef either ...

@listenlearn5445 -- It is/was already understood, but for the sake of the conveniently deaf and dumb in our society, it had to be publicly acknowledged.

Horror as veterans' bodies are carved up and sold for parts without families' permission: 'Heads went for $649, torsos for $900 and legs for $341'


Modern-day grave robbers in Texas have seized unclaimed bodies belonging to veterans and sold their limbs for profit without the consent or knowledge from their grieving family members.

Victor Carl Honey, 58, a dedicated Army veteran, who struggled with mental illness, died in September 2022 of heart failure.

Honey was among the 2,350 people whose remains were sent to the body donation program at the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort-Worth.

However, a month after his death, the Dallas County Medical Examiner's Officer deemed Honey's body 'unclaimed' after they said phones for relatives were disconnected even though his ex-wife and two adult children were living in the state. 

Honey's body was kept in a freezer before it was cut up and shipped piecemeal across the country. 

His torso was sold to a medical education company for $900; his right leg shipped to a Swedish medical device manufacturer for $341; the bones from his skull were sent to the U.S. Army for $210 for military training purposes.

Hezbollah leader killed in Israeli airstrike





Lebanon’s Hezbollah group has confirmed their leader and founding member, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed in an Israel airstrike in Beirut. Amber Frias reports for the NBC4 News on at 11 p.m. on Sept. 28, 2024

Trump Hits Texas for Fundraising Push as Kamala Builds Mountain of Cash


Do you remember the FTX situation? It was reported that Zelensky invested a significant portion of the funds provided by the Biden administration into FTX, which later collapsed after allegedly making large donations to Democratic campaigns. This raised concerns about the lack of transparency and the potential for erasing the financial trail. Similarly, there was the issue of the $47 billion allocated under Kamala Harris' initiative to connect rural homes to the internet, with claims that no homes were actually connected, leaving many questioning where that substantial amount of money ultimately went. -- TBT


For those keeping track, Harris is raking in the cash, outpacing Trump by a jaw-dropping 4-to-1 margin. It’s a stark reminder that Democrats have one thing going for them: deep pockets. They’ve always been masters at fundraising, and now, with Harris as their nominee, they’ve found a new wave of donors ready to flood her campaign with cash. And to be fair, a lot of those funds were sitting on the sidelines while Biden was still the Democratic candidate because, let’s face it, even his own party had lost confidence in him.

So, what’s Trump going to do about it? Well, he’s not just sitting around complaining about the biased media coverage (though that’s always warranted). He’s taking action, and next week, he’s heading to a place that’s always had his back: Texas. The Lone Star State is oil country, and Trump knows that if there’s anywhere to make up ground, it’s there.

'Destroying Western civilization…': Italian PM Meloni delivers implicit rebuke to Left in US speech




Elon Musk offered effusive praise for Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni in brief remarks at an awards ceremony in New York, the latest sign of coziness between a billionaire who’s trying to get Donald Trump elected and a European leader with roots in the hard right but who has fully embraced Atlanticism.


After Musk spoke, Meloni delivered an implicit rebuke to the left, lamenting the desire to “violently erase the symbols of our civilizations in the US as in Europe.”

“I know that we should not be ashamed to use and defend words and concepts like nation and patriotism, words that mean more than a physical place,” Meloni said. “They mean a state of mind to which one belongs.”


Texas AG Takes Legal Action Against Bidens Gender Ideology Agenda in Foster Care


Throughout Joe Biden’s sham of a presidency, he’s prioritized his own woke agenda over actually helping the American people. Few have suffered more because of this than American children, who have found themselves targeted by Biden’s woke policies more than any other group.

Thankfully, the great state of Texas is fighting back against this in a big way. Indeed, Texas just let Biden know that his woke nonsense is not going to fly in the Lone Star State.

On Tuesday, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton hit the Biden administration with a lawsuit over a new rule that forces states to ensure foster care placements affirm a child’s gender identity or sexual orientation. Paxton argues that the rule, which was finalized back in April, “shoehorns gender ideology into a statutory scheme that allows no room for it.”

The rule effectively makes it so that in order to receive federal funding, states must submit to Biden’s woke gender ideologies. Paxton, however, is not having any of it.

Biden Admin Uses Taxpayer-Funded Email Blast to Praise Kamala Ahead of Election


The Biden-Harris administration on Friday sent a taxpayer-funded email blast to likely millions of Americans that praised Vice President Kamala Harris.


The email from the Department of Health and Human Services went to everyone signed up to receive updates on the government’s Medicare program, which is used by 66 million people. It featured a letter from President Joe Biden highlighting the administration’s “historic reforms” to the program, attributing the benefits to the work of Harris, the Democratic nominee for President.


TBT: This is a clear violation of the Hatch Act!



As we accelerate towards whatever disastrous outcome awaits our debt-ridden, delusional, decadent, despairing society, I seem to be drawn to the anti-establishment lyrics of Bob Dylan, written during the turbulent 1960s. Maybe it’s the assassinations and unpopular war in the 60s that have triggered my focus. You certainly don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing today. A gale force wind is blowing the nation towards civil and global war, simultaneously. And it is not a naturally occurring wind, but an artificial storm created by the ruling plutocracy in a last-ditch traitorous effort to retain their wealth, power and control over our lives.

They have kept their evil machinations and malevolent schemes hidden from the view of the masses through their control of mass media, politicians, the financial system, and corporate entities, all doing their bidding in our corporate fascist totalitarian state, disguised as a democratic republic.

Engineer Jonathan Cole drops his latest video: The Last 30 Seconds


Since 2010, civil engineer Jonathan Cole has produced a dozen videos about the destruction of the World Trade Center, reaching more than seven million viewers with the conclusions drawn from the experiments he conducts in his own backyard. All of his experiments have shown that the official account of 9/11 is, according to nature, physically impossible.

Today, Jon released his latest video, entitled “The Last 30 Seconds.” At 37 minutes in length, it is not only his longest piece but also his best and most complete in terms of definitively making the case that the World Trade Center towers were destroyed by controlled demolition and that attempts to prove otherwise have been nothing short of a farce.

What makes Jon’s videos so effective and highly watchable is how he cuts through the BS of the so-called “experts” and presents the science in a way that everyone can understand — while assuring them that they don’t need to be an expert in order to understand it.

In “The Last 30 Seconds,” Jon brings together all of the observations he has made during his nearly two decades of studying and teaching about the 9/11 demolitions. The result is arguably his magnum opus — and the first thing you should show anyone who claims that the “experts” have already explained to us what happened on 9/11.

This fight has a long way to go.


And the Supreme Court is about to take up one case that could flip Trump’s life upside down.

As 2024 Battleground reports:

The Supreme Court’s ruling recognizing presidential immunity for official acts and presumptive immunity for acts that can be presumed official eviscerated Jack Smith’s political persecution against Trump for contesting the outcome of the 2020 election.

Smith faced a choice on how to proceed.

And in typical Jack Smith fashion, he chose total war against Donald Trump.

Something great happened after university president defended free speech of student speaking out on black crime


Remember Daniel Schmidt?


He’s the young white college student who made headlines after getting a front-row seat to the kind of racism the left conveniently ignores. It was just his first month at the University of Chicago in 2022 when he was denied a spot in a debate tournament simply because he was a smart white guy.


Daniel appeared on Jesse Watters’ show to share his experience.

Andrew Cuomo Cant Defend Signing Order That Killed Thousands of Nursing Home Residents


How the mighty have fallen!


Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won a coveted Emmy Award in 2020 in recognition of his daily televised briefings on COVID-19.

Cuomo’s allegedly successful response to the deadly pandemic made him a Democratic national hero, and, of course, a darling of the liberal media.

Cuomo’s media glory ended one year later, however, amid charges of sexual harassment and impeachment threats, and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences withdrew his Emmy.

Today, thanks to a recent hearing conducted by the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Americans have learned more about Cuomo’s “Emmy-winning” response to New York’s COVID-19 crisis.

Notwithstanding the previous media adulation for his televised briefings as governor, the record shows that Cuomo’s pandemic response increased New Yorkers’ mortality rates, particularly among nursing home residents.





Millions of black women in America that could be President, but they have to create one.


Black people don't care if you're black or white or whatever...But they DO CARE IF YOU ARE A LIAR!

The #1 Cause Of Obesity, Diabetes & Illness Nobody Talks About | Robert Kennedy Jr & Mark Hyman


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is an independent candidate for President of the United States. He is the founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance—the world’s largest clean water advocacy group—and served as its longtime chairman and attorney. He founded the Children’s Health Defense, where he served as chairman and chief litigation counsel in its campaign to address childhood chronic disease and toxic exposures. He was also on the team that prosecuted and won the case against Monsanto for glyphosate's role in causing cancer.

As President, he promises to restore the middle class, unravel corporate capture, end the chronic disease epidemic, improve the quality of the water we drink and the air we breathe, heal the divide, fix our public education system, take care of our veterans, support the trades, make homes affordable again, support regenerative farming, among other key priorities.

This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Cozy Earth, Bioptimizers, and Fatty15.

Nobody saw THIS coming! Tens of thousands wake up in the 'Stone Age'!


In emergency situations, here's a simple way to handle hygiene:

Use a garbage bag in the toilet. Double bag it, then dispose of it in the trash. Wet wipes can be used to wash up.

If you're living outside or without access to proper facilities, a 5-gallon bucket with a pool noodle for a seat works well. Put dirt or cat litter at the bottom to absorb waste and keep a bucket and scoop handy to cover it with more dirt after use. For urination, just squat outside when possible. If it’s raining and you don’t have water, start collecting and saving as much rainwater as you can.

Fun Fact: Florida is the only state where the sewer system doesn’t rely on gravity; it’s entirely dependent on electricity. During Hurricane Ian, houses were hit with over 30 inches of rain in 24 hours. 

Twenty hours into the storm, the toilets stopped flushing because the pump station the neighborhoods flooded..

In Florida, you’ll see these pump stations all over—they’re fiberglass cubes about 4x4x4 feet in size.

A lack of showers and toilets can cause real stress, especially for those used to conveniences like 20-minute showers. Without functioning toilets, mental breakdowns can occur. But stay calm and be prepared. Better days are ahead.

Coca-Cola sparked backlash after reportedly banning the words ‘Jesus’ and ‘Trump 2024’ from its personalized cans.


The beverage giant seemingly allowed support for Kamala Harris and allowed ‘Satan’ and ‘Allah’ – although the company fixed the glitch when it went viral among conservatives when posted on X by Liberals of TikTok.

The updated version now bans all monikers that are ‘trademarked, political in nature, names of countries, celebrities, religious figures, as well as anything that could be considered offensive for other reasons,’ the personalizer tool says.

After the glitch circulated online, some began calling for a ‘boycott’ of the iconic soda company with some wryly noting: ‘Funny how these things always seem to go one way.’

Fed Actions Speak Louder Than Fed Words


Compared to What the Fed Is Doing, What Powell & Company Are Saying Doesn’t Make a Lick of Sense

The central bankers at the Federal Reserve are saying one thing and doing another. They’re telling us that the economy is great and inflation isn’t completely dead. But they’re acting like the economy is crashing and inflation doesn’t matter. In this episode of the Money Metals’ Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey breaks down Fed officials’ recent words and actions and reminds us that actions speak louder than words.

It Begins: Missouri Democrat Candidate for US Senate Lucas Kunce Won’t Endorse Cheese-Brain Kamala Harris (VIDEO)





Missouri Democrat candidate for US Senate Lucas Kunce joined far-left journalist Kristen Welker to discuss his campaign last week.

During their conversation Kunce told the NBC host he will not endorse a presidential candidate this year. Ouch. That has to hurt!




- Businesses PANIC - Supply Chain DISRUPTED


Breaking news the worker port strike will shut down east coast ports like the Port of New York the Port of Baltimore and many others will close this Tuesday. Watch Patrick Humphrey prepper news updates. We could see supply chain disruptions and shortages of food and goods. International Longshoremen’s Association and United States Maritime Alliance are negotiating

Putin issues a nuclear warning to the West over Ukraine | REUTERS


Vladimir Putin: The key is that only NATO servicemen can enter flight assignments into these missile systems. Ukrainian servicemen cannot do this.

And so this is not about allowing the Ukrainian regime to strike Russia with these weapons or not. It’s about deciding whether NATO countries are directly involved in the military conflict or not.

If this decision is made it will mean nothing other than the direct participation of NATO countries, the United States, European countries, in the war in Ukraine. This is their direct participation, and this already significantly changes the very essence and the very nature of the conflict…

This would mean that NATO countries, the United States are at war with Russia.

Wisconsin Mayor Takes Matters into His Own Hands: Says He Did Nothing Wrong After Using Dolly to Remove Ballot Drop Box Outside City Hall


Diny donned work gloves and a hard hat as he carted away the unsecured drop box on a dolly, ensuring its safety until the city council could make an official decision, AP reported.

While liberal critics screamed “voter suppression,” Diny stood firm, insisting that his actions were intended to protect the voting process from potential abuse.

“This is no different than the maintenance guy moving it out there,” Diny said, dismissing the overblown accusations of voter interference.

“I’m a member of staff. There’s nothing nefarious going on here. I’m hoping for a good result.”

“My position is that this city does not need one,” he said.


The Washington Post reported:


The move by Wausau Mayor Doug Diny came as officials around the battleground state wrestle with whether to use drop boxes after the state Supreme Court this summer gave them that ability. Officials in Milwaukee, Madison and other Democratic strongholds have embraced them, while their counterparts in some of Milwaukee’s suburbs and other Republican areas have banned them.

Nowhere has the dispute been more prominent than Wausau, a city of 40,000 people in the heart of the state. The mayor, who was elected in the spring with the help of the Republican Party, said he moved the drop box to his office Sunday because he believed the city council should decide whether the city should use it.

The Wausau Pilot & Review earlier reported on the removal of the drop box. Diny gave the publication a photo of him wheeling it away and said he did not believe he had done anything illegal.

Clerks in Wisconsin have sent more than 410,000 absentee ballots since mail voting began last week, and voters can return them by mail, at clerk’s offices or to drop boxes.

The Wausau drop box was placed outside of city hall late last week, and the clerk planned to have it secured to the ground so that it could be used starting Monday, according to city officials. It was locked, and voters could not place ballots inside while it was awaiting installation, City Clerk Kaitlyn Bernarde said.

Bernarde said she discovered the drop box was missing Monday and reported the matter to Marathon County District Attorney Theresa Wetzsteon (D), who said Wednesday that she has launched an investigation. The drop box will not be used for now, but voters can return ballots in a separate box normally used for payments to the city government, Bernarde said.

Source Cuz Blue



MSNBC Does Election Focus Group with Michigan Union Workers – Things Don’t Go as Planned


MSNBC recently decided to do an election focus group with union workers in Michigan. Things fell apart quickly.


You could tell that host Alex Wagner was trying very hard to goad the members of the group to badmouth Trump or say that they’re supporting Harris but none of that came to pass.

At one point, Wagner even brought up January 6th, as if that might be a sticking point for some of these voters but no one cared about it at all. These people are concerned about the economy and illegal immigration, key issues for Trump.


Twitchy reported:

Democrats and media aren’t thrilled with the trajectory of where rank and file union support has been headed, so MSNBC sent somebody to talk to union workers in Michigan, a state Kamala Harris needs to win in November.

As the interviewer discovered, regular working Americans don’t care about the narratives the Left has been trying to push on people, and they’re not falling for all the gaslighting…

The Harris campaign is trying to pretend Kamala is some sort of newcomer who will “fix” everything and a lot of people just aren’t falling for that.


Check out the videos below:


MICHIGAN UNION MEMBER: “There are thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants coming across the border every day and the Vice President has done minimal work to fix that based in what I’ve seen — and I’d like that to change.”

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 25, 2024

Michigan union members aren’t voting based on bogus lawfare. They know that President Trump told supporters to march “peacefully and patriotically.”

They’re voting based on the economy – and President Trump wins that argument all day every day!

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 25, 2024


WATCH@alexwagner of @MSNBC tries to push fake news narratives about @realDonaldTrump during a town hall for Michigan union workers and gets absolutely RAN out the building

— Steak for Breakfast (@SteakforPodcast) September 25, 2024


The Teamsters Union declined to endorse either candidate this year, despite the fact that the union’s members overwhelmingly support Trump.

Source  MSNBC Does Election Focus Group with Michigan Union Workers – Things Don’t Go as Planned (VIDEO) | Women System (

Child Immigrants Forced to Work Dangerous Graveyard Shifts at Massachusetts Seafood Plant: Lawsuit



The owners of the company, which is one of the leading seafood suppliers for the states of Rhode Island and Massachusetts, "forced them to work through perilous overnight shifts, and subjected the Plaintiffs to coercion, psychological abuse, hazardous workplace conditions, and a discriminatory work environment," according to the lawsuit obtained by ABC6.


The plaintiffs, who are all immigrants from Guatemala, were employed at Raw Seafoods from July 2022 to January 2023. They reported that they were forced to work excessively long shifts, sometimes ending at 2 a.m. The subsequent lack of sleep they experienced affected their attendance at school.

London’s Labour Party Mayor Sadiq Khan is urging Americans not to reelect Donald Trump in what is a clear example of foreign election interference.



Democrats in the United States spent years pushing the idea that foreign election interference from Russia and other international actors got Trump elected in 2016. Where are they now?

Of course, anyone who has looked at what has become of London on Khan’s watch might consider this as a campaign contribution to Trump.

Electric Vehicle Explosions Rise 46% in a Year


Exploding with the force of a bomb blasting 2,000°C super-heated jets of flame into surrounding areas, melting and decomposing nearby structural materials including metal and concrete, and sending vast amounts of toxic fumes into any enclosed atmosphere. Thinking about putting the conflagration out – forget it – run (if you can) for your life. Welcome to a future where electric cars become common and are to be found packed like sardines into ferries and underground car parks beneath apartment buildings. A recent freedom of information request from the insurer QBE found that electric vehicle battery fires in the U.K. jumped by 46% last year. Car and bus fires were up 33% and 22% respectively and it is noted that there are now three battery fires a day compared with two in 2022.

Donald Trump - Clip from every year from 1980 to 2024




Donald Trump through the years. I did as much as I could to clean up the audio and video including volume equalization, hiss removal, VHS distortion removal, aspect ratio correction, etc.

America's New Slave Trade | Real Talk



Does slavery exist in the U.S. today? Border intelligence expert Jaeson Jones says cartels are taking advantage of our open southern border to traffic thousands of men, women, and children into the country. Those illegal immigrants are forced to repay debts to the cartels or risk the safety of themselves and their families. U.S. lawmakers are aware this is happening, so why is it allowed to continue? Watch Jaeson's full interview on Real Talk with Marissa for answers.

Mandatory Vaccination and Confinement Included in Draconian Health Bill for Northern Ireland


The proposed Bill would give unprecedented and highly authoritarian powers to the state, with minimal and flimsy protections for individuals. The scope of powers proposed constitutes a gross overreach by the state into areas of personal autonomy and responsibility. The state appears to have lost sight of the fact that, in a democracy, its role is to serve the public, not rule over them. This proposed bill is not a response to public demand for more restrictions, but instead is driven by a clear desire by public health authorities to expand their powers and further encroach into decision-making and risk mitigation for the public, which individuals are quite capable of doing themselves. It is an attempt by the authorities to micromanage the life of individuals in a vain attempt to eliminate risk caused by a natural agent such as a virus, infantilizing the public in the process.

🚨 - Hanging on by a THREAD! Here's what they are NOT showing you!




"Talk about hanging on by a thread—just look at this action right here! We're northbound on I-275, actually right in Tampa. Unbelievable! And the crazy part is, the eyewall of the storm isn’t even close to Tampa yet. Unreal. Thanks for the heads-up, Fubar. I appreciate that!


I just adjusted the volume—some people were mentioning it from the last stream, not everyone though. Heather, what's going on? Hey guys, hey Mama, you finally got a notification—glad to hear it! I wonder about that every time I do a video. What’s up, legendary LP? I never know when I go live or post if people get notified.


But check this out—this is near Tampa Bay, and we're still far from the eyewall. This storm is huge, reaching all the way up to Crystal River, Florida!"

Retired Judge Stewart Rosenwasser kills self at Orange County home as FBI arrive to arrest him


A former prosecutor and retired judge in Orange County, New York, killed himself Tuesday as the FBI arrived at his home to arrest him.

Authorities arrived at Stewart Rosenwasser's house in Campbell Hall, a senior retirement community, in connection to a corruption case, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

Rosenwasser, 72, had been under investigation for allegedly taking $63,000 in bribes.

Sources say Rosenwasser pointed a gun at an agent who fired a shot. Rosenwasser then barricaded himself and it is believed he fatally shot himself.

A federal grand jury indicted Rosenwasser on bribery charges, accusing him of launching an investigation in 2022 when he was working in the District Attorney's office to help a longtime associate. The man, known as Marty Soudani, accused his nephew of stealing nearly $2 million from him.

NYC Mayor Eric Adams is expected to face federal charges, here's what we know | NBC New York


New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal criminal charges, according to people familiar with the matter, marking a stunning blow to the leader of the nation’s largest city.

It couldn’t immediately be learned what charges Adams is facing. Federal prosecutors in Manhattan are expected to announce details of the case on Thursday, the people said.

The mayor said in a video statement Wednesday night that any charges would be based on lies. “If I am charged, I know I am innocent. I will request an immediate trial so that New Yorkers can hear the truth,” he said.

Adams indicated he had no plans to resign. “Make no mistake: You elected me to lead this city—and lead it I will,” he said.

After months of search warrants, phone seizures and subpoenas served at the highest levels of New York City government, sources tell NBC New York that Mayor Eric Adams will face federal charges.

Adams said he will fight the federal criminal charges expected to be announced as soon as Thursday. For months, the mayor has denied wrongdoing amid numerous ongoing criminal investigations surrounding City Hall. NBC New York has team coverage.


NBC New York 


Millions of Android users 'strongly advised' to follow three rules - don't ignore new risk





There's a worrying new warning for Android users and you'd be wise not to ignore it. The latest threat to target these hugely popular devices comes via apps laced with the vicious Necro Trojan which, once installed, can go about stealing data and even signing users up for expensive subscriptions without their permission.

WTF Happened to Springfield Ohio!?


The woman interviewed at the start, a Democrat, represents just one perspective in a much larger conversation. The reality is that across the country, there is a growing frustration over the strain on resources, varying by state and city. Many people feel that the support offered to immigrants is surpassing the aid provided to American citizens who are struggling, particularly in low-income communities.

Black Americans, in particular, have voiced increasing discontent with the Democratic Party. Many feel overlooked, especially as they face economic hardships and see government resources funneled elsewhere. This tension highlights a deeper divide within the party’s base, reflecting the concerns of citizens who feel their needs are being overshadowed by broader political agendas.

The people I see interviewed are Democrats on the left, middle of the road, a few conservatives and a few black folks' opinions. It seems the left leaning democrats find the situation A-Ok. Whereas others based on their experiences have been giving a more realistic point of view.

There is a VAST INEQUALITY going on, that is all I can say.

Kamala Harris has always been against American energy: Watters



Donald Trump is holding a major rally in Pennsylvania, a critical swing state. During the rally, he announced plans to return to Butler in two weeks, where he claims to have faced a near-death experience. As early voting has begun in some states, lines have already grown long. In Virginia, even though it's not a swing state, Trump supporters could be heard chanting at voting locations. With early voting now underway, more sites are expected to open by October in various counties across the country.






Global fertility rates have seen a significant decline, dropping from 5.3 children per woman in 1963 to 2.3 in 2021. This represents a 3.0 decrease over the span of approximately 58 years.

Exxon hit with lawsuit over claim that plastic products could be properly recycled


Concern over plastic pollution has grown as we've learned more about its damaging effects on the environment. While recycling efforts have been the primary focus, many plastic materials are not recyclable. In fact, two lawsuits have been filed to hold the world's largest plastic producer accountable.

For over a decade, shoppers have paid extra for reusable bags, but it turns out these bags are not recyclable, a fact manufacturers have allegedly known all along. During California Coastal Cleanup Day, plastic waste was easily found along Berkeley's shores. Environmentalists emphasize that plastic breaks down into microplastics, which wildlife often mistake for food.

Despite efforts to recycle, microplastics now contaminate land, water, and even the Sierra snowpack. California's Attorney General, alongside environmentalists, has filed lawsuits in San Francisco against ExxonMobil, 

--accusing them of deceiving the public by promoting plastics as recyclable, even though only about 5% actually are.

The biggest issue lies with lightweight plastic films and bags, which are nearly impossible to process, even with advanced sorting equipment. At San Francisco's Recology, plastic bags that mix with other recyclables become too difficult to separate for recycling.

You Need a Three Income Family Now to Buy a House





A recent report by *Fortune* reveals that nearly half of U.S. households can no longer afford a typical starter home. This is mainly due to increasing home prices and rising mortgage rates. To afford such a home, a household must earn close to $80,000 a year—an income higher than what many families currently make.

Bad Diddy... Bad.

Gutfeld: We have a great divide


Harris, according to critics, is often seen as delivering overly simplistic and sentimental speeches, yet her supporters appreciate her just as much as Trump’s followers admire him. The divide between the two groups appears to hinge on actions versus words.

Trump supporters expect tangible deeds, whereas Harris supporters focus on the symbolic act of voting, regardless of specific policies.

The act of voting itself becomes the policy, with little expectation of follow-up. For many, the main motivation for supporting Harris or Biden is simply opposing Trump, with less emphasis on the issues such as immigration, rising crime, or inflation.

Critics argue that Harris's potential presidency could lead to greater dangers, and point to her reluctance to answer tough questions as proof that her policies are secondary to defeating Trump.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Directly Calls Out Kamala Harris In Fiery House Oversight Committee Hearing





At today's House Oversight Committee hearing, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) decried the Biden-Harris Administration's broadband plan.

Hillary Clinton calls for criminal arrest of anyone who speaks against NATO, U.S. empire


What about that fake Russian dossier you created, Hillary?


During her diatribe, Clinton never once mentioned that she herself is guilty of spreading propaganda by spearheading the creation of the fake Russian dossier, which was used by the deep state to go after Trump.

"The fake Russian Dossier she created to start a fake investigation of Donald Trump for which there were no crimes that went on for years should be criminally punished imho, not normal people exercising their free speech rights," tweeted someone about Clinton's comments.

Trump Supporter Hits Back at Oprah and Kamala For Using Her Video to Imply She Supports Harris-“I Do Not Support Harris for President”


Kamala Harris has avoided the press like the plague unless, of course, it is with a fawning interviewer like Oprah.

Last week, Harris sat down with Oprah for a “town hall” that was crafted to manufacture the optics of support from everyday Americans rather than just the out-of-touch Hollywood millionaires who seem to be among her only vocal backers.

The event was so staged that a TikTok creator who was featured during the “townhall” slammed the use of her video without permission for making it appear that she supports Harris.

Blaire Allison made it very clear in a video that she will NOT be voting for Harris.

Allison shared her rebuttal on TikTok, saying, “To my Americans: Let me make something perfectly clear, OK? I do not support Harris for president. OK?”

“I want to be unburdened by who has been in the White House the last three and a half years. OK?”

“As I stand here today, on this stage, standing on this stage today, the day after yesterday, I just want you to know, OK, how I stand and how I stand today is that I do not support Harris for president.”



Israel has launched a series of airstrikes across Lebanon, resulting in over 490 deaths and more than a thousand injuries, marking the deadliest day of conflict in Lebanon since 2006. Fearing the possibility of a larger regional conflict, the Pentagon has announced plans to deploy additional U.S. troops to the Middle East.

According to Israel, its warplanes have targeted 1,300 Hezbollah sites, which they claim are weapons caches—including rockets and drones—hidden within residential areas, placing civilians in harm's way. Lebanon's Health Ministry reports that among those killed were 90 women and children. 

The day's strikes have left nearly 500 dead, including around three dozen children, and more than 1,600 wounded, signaling a dramatic escalation in the conflict.

Leftist Senator Raphael Warnock Claims Georgias Hand-Counted Ballot Rules Subvert Democracy



--- More like.... Subverting Cheating. ~ TBT ---



The far-left Georgia Senator Raphael Warnock has claimed that rules in Georgia forcing the hand counting of ballots is a subversion of democracy.

Former Congressional Candidate Sammy Ravelo Who Officially Left the Democrat Party Hosts Pro-Trump Rally in Manhattan





Former congressional candidate Sammy Ravelo, a Gulf War veteran, 9/11 first responder, and retired NYPD lieutenant, has officially cut ties with the Democrat Party.

Totalitarian Playbook: UN Votes on Pact for the Future, Pushing Totalitarian Agenda and Threatening Sovereignty with Digital Controls and Radical Climate Mandates




World leaders at the United Nations Summit have officially adopted the so-called “Pact for the Future,” a sweeping agreement that purportedly aims to address the world’s most pressing issues.

It's GOING to happen in LESS than 72 hours!!


In this video, I've got a lot to share with you about some strange sightings in the night sky—mysterious objects hovering, high-speed objects streaking through the sky. But first, let's talk about what's happening in the Gulf of Mexico. It looks like a storm is developing, and it’s becoming more and more likely.

Here’s a screen grab from back on the 19th when we first saw signs of it. Now, with a more recent update, this forecast from less than 24 hours ago shows that it's expected to turn into a significant storm, potentially reaching Category 2 or even Category 3 strength.

As the storm forms in the Gulf, by midnight on the 26th, there's a possibility that Tampa Bay could experience a phenomenon where the water completely drains out, similar to what we saw during Hurricane Irma. 

Back then, people were walking on the exposed bay floor, exploring areas usually underwater. Conditions are starting to align for this rare event to happen again.

Thats Illegal: U.S. City Cites Troubling Reason for Emergency Borrowing of $70 Million




Our leaders want our money, but not our vote. They’re trying to take advantage of legal loopholes to saddle their own constituents with tens of millions of dollars of debt, systematically stripping power from the people by ignoring laws and twisting their truths.’

English-speaking? Get to back of the NHS queue! Hospital sees patients who need a translator first - and Britons second


Imperial College Healthcare, an NHS Trust with five hospitals across north-west London, prioritises patients who have been assigned an interpreter.

The trust's aim is to avoid additional charges from the interpreting service.

It is unclear whether NHS trusts nationwide take this approach, but last night it sparked a row, with Tory leadership hopeful Robert Jenrick claiming the approach lets down British NHS patients.

The former immigration minister told The Mail on Sunday: 'Brits are already waiting too long for treatment. The last thing they should be subjected to is the indignity of being pushed to the back of the queue. 

'This is yet more evidence of the pressure mass migration places on our public services and the difficulties integrating such unprecedented numbers.

'Non-English speakers shouldn't be given a queue pass.'

Watch Kamala Harris Bomb So Bad Even Oprah Was Over It



Kamala Harris participated in an event with Oprah, where Oprah pretended to interview her. The audience was treated to some classic Kamala Harris responses, with one, in particular, standing out—whether for better or worse, depending on your perspective.

First, when asked a straightforward question about her plan for the border, Harris struggled to provide a clear answer. The question was simple, but her response left much to be desired.

Zombie wells: The threat beneath


All eyes are on Houston tonight as a gas pipeline explosion has ignited a raging inferno. But experts warn of a different, hidden threat not being monitored closely enough, affecting Texas and at least 25 other states: millions of abandoned oil and gas wells. These wells can contaminate groundwater and release carcinogenic chemicals and harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

In response, ABC News partnered with ABC News Live, local stations, and affiliates to launch the largest investigation of its kind. What dangers do these abandoned wells pose to millions of Americans, and is enough being done to address the problem?

Tonight, Arcana Whitworth presents "Zombie Wells: The Threat Beneath." From a distance, the shallow waters of Trinity Bay near Houston may seem pristine, but hidden just below the surface is a largely unknown threat. 

"We're heading into Trinity Bay," Whitworth reports, "where the largest concentration of abandoned offshore wells is believed to be." More than 100 of these wells, left unused for decades, are now suspected of leaking, posing significant environmental hazards.

What's REALLY In the mRNA Vaccine?

Truth Revealed!


--My personal 2 cents worth. You might want to watch and listen to the video a few times and don't be afraid to look into some things that will have you scratching your head saying... Excuse me. What...? Charged lipids? Take it all in slowly. Then give your brain a chance to digest it. ~ TBT --

I've been thinking recently—why is the industry moving forward with self-replicating mRNA vaccines when we still don’t fully understand what happens with regular mRNA vaccines? It turns out they’re looking to reduce the dosage. But then I wondered, if it’s the same mRNA delivering the payload, and the self-replicating ones simply produce more mRNA, which leads to more protein, why change something that’s already working?

The answer seems to lie in the lipid nanoparticles. They’re trying to reduce the dose of these particles. But how well do we really understand them? Does the medical community or the pharmaceutical industry fully grasp the implications of using them?

The more I investigate, the more concerned I become.

So, today I want to share some of the science behind this. Specifically, I’ll be playing a clip from a conference last year where Christy Grace discussed her concerns about lipid nanoparticles. I don’t think it got enough attention, so I’m revisiting it. It’s a complicated topic, and Christy speaks quickly, so I may pause at certain points to clarify.

This is a complex subject, and I’m not claiming to be an expert, but I’ll walk you through what I’ve learned from the science we have. Let’s take this journey together.

What Fresh Hell Is This?


"Nowhere is the decline and ideological colonization of our country more evident than in public art. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Exhibit A.


Cue applause, followed by images of the artwork.

What could possibly be more pressing for Londoners than—checks notes—transmisogyny and trans femicide in Mexico? Never mind the surging knife crime, roads that resemble craters on the moon, or our crumbling cultural infrastructure. No, clearly the best use of £170,000—completely funded by taxpayers—was this eyesore of an artwork. Its purpose? To highlight the struggles of marginalized transgender and non-binary sex workers in a country 5,000 miles away.

Here’s a picture of the artist proudly standing by their creation. I think it speaks volumes. Though it seems no one bothered to ask Londoners what they actually thought about this monstrosity—oh wait, they did. Only 23% supported it, but they went ahead anyway. Mayor Sadiq Khan claimed the piece is meant to 'encourage discussion about the fight for freedom and equality.' Total nonsense.

The only thing this achieves is shoving another shallow, regurgitated message down our throats.

But, there is a silver lining—the artwork will be infused with skin and hair cells and left to deteriorate in London’s weather. So, it won’t be long before it disintegrates into a soggy, papier-mâché mess."

Sunlight and clouds, not CO2, responsible for planetary climate changes


Ned Nikolov, a physical researcher and scientist affiliated with Colorado State University, is speaking out about the false claims of the United Nations (UN) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concerning the agency's claims that carbon dioxide (CO2) is destroying the planet.

FACT CHECK: MSNBCs Rachel Maddow Melts Down Over New Georgia Election Rule Has NO CLUE What the Rule Actually Does

On Friday, the Georgia State Election Board passed rule 181-1-12-.12 by a 3-2 vote, as reported yesterday . The rule would require precincts to hand-count their physical paper ballots and reconcile them with the number of voters recorded on the electronic poll pads in that particular precinct.

KAMALA IN TROUBLE: Undecided Black Voters In Georgia Deliver Brutal Responses When Asked for Their Thoughts on Harris (VIDEO)


The state of Georgia will prove to be one of the most hotly contested states in the country between Kamala Harris and President Trump in November. But Kamala Harris may be in deep trouble with arguably the most reliable part of the Democrat coalition: Black voters.

Kamala, Who Called Stand Your Ground Laws Racist, Says Shell Shoot Someone Entering Her Home


Speaking to Oprah Winfrey on Thursday, Vice President Kamala Harris suddenly championed the right to bear arms and defend oneself in one’s home, saying she would shoot someone who would break into her home.

The Gazan infants who never saw their first birthday





Doctors performed an emergency caesarean section on the mother who was seven months pregnant, but she died 10 minutes later from wounds to her head, chest, and abdomen. Baby Sabrine was transferred to Al-Emirati Hospital in Rafah for further medical care; for five days, she clung to life in the face of death, before she eventually succumbed and joined her family.


Along with the baby’s mother, father, and 3-year-old sister, Malak, 16 other members of their extended family were killed in the strike by Israel.

House Votes To Increase Trumps Security Days After 2nd Assassination Attempt


The House of Representatives voted unanimously on Friday to increase security for presidential candidates less than one week after a second assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump.

Internal Allegations of Racism Throw Soros-Funded Anti-Police Group into Turmoil


A George Soros-funded nonprofit that steers left-wing prosecutors in major American cities is in turmoil after much of its minority staff accused their leader of being racist and abusive.

Gutfeld! Scores Highest Ratings in Program History for Trump Appearance


Fox News’ “Gutfeld!” show scored its highest ratings in the program’s history when former President Donald Trump stopped by this week for the entire show.

You Will Have the Most Anti-Israel President by Far: Trump Warns of Israels Peril If Kamala Wins


On Thursday, former President Donald Trump addressed the Israeli American Council National Summit in Washington, D.C., and told the crowd that the “sacred bond” between the United States and Israel was in serious trouble due to the machinations of the Biden-Harris administration.

NFL Coach Calls Out Kamala Over Her Faith That Allows for Support of Abortion


Former NFL head coach Tony Dungy called out Vice President Kamala Harris over comments she’s made numerous times about how her “faith” allows for her support for abortion.

Japan's First Same-Sex Reality Show Aimed to Send Message: Hey, They're Just Like Us


The Japanese television executives behind “The Boyfriend,” Netflix’s first-ever same-sex reality dating show, said the project aimed to “deepen the understanding” of the LGBTQ community in the socially conservative country.

Colleges Train Future Teachers in Work of Robin DiAngelo, Queer Theory, And White Radicalism


Future educators are instructed in the work of “White Fragility” author Robin DiAngelo in over a dozen universities across the country, according to Parents Defending Education.

Biden-Harris Admin Sued for Records on Trans Surgeries on Minors


Judicial Watch is suing the Biden-Harris administration in order to receive documents on the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) promotion of transgender sex change operations for minors.

Secret Service Admits Numerous Failures During Assassination Attempt on Trump


The U.S. Secret Service admitted to numerous failures on Friday during the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on July 13 at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Karine Jean Pierre RAGE QUITS After Peter Doocy CHECKS HER For Calling Trump A "THREAT"



"Thank you, Karine. It’s only been two days since an alleged attempt on Donald Trump’s life, yet here you are in the White House briefing room, still referring to him as a 'threat.' How many more assassination attempts will it take before the president, vice president, and yourself reconsider using that word to describe him?"

New Zealand's Chest Pain Crisis: What's Going On?


"Imagine an epidemic of chest pain, with numbers rising significantly—wouldn’t you want to know why? Today, we’re diving into some shocking statistics out of New Zealand, and here's why this matters.

New Zealand, like Australia, was one of the few places in the world to enforce strict lockdowns even before the pandemic took hold. They locked down, vaccinated a large portion of the population, and then faced the Omicron variant head-on. This makes New Zealand a unique case for study—because it allows us to see the effects of the vaccine without widespread COVID exposure, and then what happens when they do face the virus.

This data offers incredible insights, but here's the thing—they don't want you to know this information. Fortunately, we've got people around the world asking the tough questions. In this video, we're breaking it all down. Stay tuned."



@taylorschmidt777 -- "My son, do not forget my law, but let your heart keep my commands; For length of days & long life & peace they will add to you. Let not mercy & truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, & so find favor & high esteem In the sight of God & man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, & lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, & He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord & depart from evil."-Proverbs 3:1-7️

Garland Literally Trembles During Sen. Hawley's Explosive Rant...DOJ's Disgusting Actions EXPOSED!!






Lethal species of yellowjackets found in Connecticut




@RaggedyHobo -- Yellowjacket nests are easier to deal with after dark. They don’t like to fly at night. If you use a bright flashlight they will fly at it but a red light works pretty well. You still have to use caution but it gives you an advantage that helps a lot hehe.

Brand New “Trump Derangement Syndrome” Ad is HILARIOUS




Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious illness and shouldn’t be joked about in the slightest. If you need help with it, please comment below and I will get you the necessary medical attention.


Satire/Humor/and Reality...


Well, well, well the Biden regime and the FCC is fast tracking George Soros acquiring hundreds of radio stations why would that be? 



The woke Babylonians...


'We Cannot Let This Go': House Republicans Rail Against the UN And World Health Organization


Thank you for being here today at this press conference to discuss what I believe is the most crucial issue that is receiving the least attention relative to its significance. As with many other matters, the choices we make on November 5 will define the future of our nation, and this issue is no exception.

During his presidency, Trump withdrew the U.S. from the World Health Organization (WHO). However, the Biden-Harris Administration, in line with many of their other decisions, reversed this policy upon taking office. Now, later this week, the United Nations is holding a "Summit for the Future," where they plan to propose an "inter-governmentally negotiated, action-oriented pact" for the future. One of the key elements of this is the chapter on transforming global governance, expanding the authority of the UN and its agencies beyond even the powers currently being sought by the WHO.

What’s at stake here is much larger than just health regulations. The Biden-Harris Administration appears fully supportive of surrendering U.S. sovereignty to the UN and aligning with globalist interests that fundamentally oppose the values upon which this country was founded. These globalists are not aligned with the Constitution or the principles of our Founding Fathers—they want America to be subordinate to international bodies like the UN, the World Health Assembly, and the WHO.

The UN, through this summit, is seeking broader authority that would allow it to evolve from an international cooperative body into an international governing body.

These powers would be triggered by so-called global emergencies—whether it be a climate emergency, a health crisis, a cyber-attack, or even a financial or gun violence emergency. The Biden Administration supports this globalist agenda and seeks to impose international health regulations on U.S. citizens, which could include increased surveillance and censorship of dissenting opinions.

Let me be clear: the American people did not vote for this. They do not support the idea of surrendering our national sovereignty to international institutions. It is up to us, the people's representatives, to expose and reject these dangerous proposals. We must take action to defund the WHO, withdraw from any agreements that undermine our sovereignty, and require Senate approval for any international treaties or agreements. Just last week, a bipartisan majority in the House voted in favor of requiring Senate approval for such agreements, a critical step toward protecting our nation's interests.


This is the most important issue that is flying under the radar, and we must ensure that it gets the attention and scrutiny it deserves.

New Yorkers Just Stopped Paying For The Bus...




48% of New Yorkers have stopped paying pay to ride the bus. The city has realized that this cant go on forever, because the MTA who runs the subway/bus is broke, but now that a critical mass of people have stopped paying, the battle against fare evasion may already be lost...

FBI official leading Trump assassination probe accused of anti-Trump bias


The senior FBI official leading the investigation in Florida of the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump expressed rabid hatred of Mr. Trump and retaliated against FBI personnel who supported the former president, whistleblowers say.

Jeffrey Veltri, special agent in charge, was ordered by superiors to scrub his social media accounts of anti-Trump vitriol before he was promoted last year to head the Miami field office, an FBI whistleblower reported to Congress last year.


Mr. Veltri is now leading the FBI’s investigation into Sunday’s assassination attempt on Mr. Trump, the second in two months.

The FBI denies asking Mr. Veltri to erase social media posts.

His role in the case, however, raised concerns among those who say the federal government is failing to adequately protect the former president or provide transparency about the security lapses that put Mr. Trump’s life at risk.

Tom Fitton, president of the conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, wrote on X: “CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The Biden-Harris FBI, which is right now trying to jail Trump, is investigating two attempts on his life.”

According to Dan Bongino


@dbongino and his SOURCES, the Long Island, New York BOMB threat was REAL‼️👇

NYC Destroys Park… Moves in Homeless People



NYC has plans to replace a community garden with an affordable housing complex, with 40% of the units going to homeless individuals. Although most New Yorkers want to help the homeless, there are always protests and lawsuits whenever the city tries to follow through on that desire... and this time, it's happening in one of New York's most expensive neighborhoods.

Watch This Former Big Pharma Lobbyist Expose It All



This is Calley Means, exposing the dark connections between Big Pharma, and the Food Industry. Calley was an insider, a former lobbyist for Big Pharma and big-name companies like Coca-Cola, as you'll learn later in this discussion. Today, he’s what we call a whistleblower. Prepare yourself— what you're about to hear will change completely how you see the world of food.

Black Voters Slam Chicago Mayor for Destroying Black Community with Migrant Flood Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson responds to a question in his City Hall office


Black Voters Slam Chicago Mayor for ‘Destroying Black Community’ with Migrant Flood


Self-professed “progressive” Chicago Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson got an earful over his failed migrant policies from an elderly black resident at a recent town hall.

The woman, who said she was 80 years old and grew up in the Jim Crow South, said that Johnson’s pro-migrant policies are literally destroying the Windy City’s black communities.

“All I can say to you is that you are a disgrace,” the distraught woman said at the outset of her comments.

“I’m an 80-year-old woman, and I’ve never seen anything like this. I grew up in the Jim Crow South, and the policies that you’re passing in this city remind me of the Jim Crow South,” she continued.

“I had to drink out of a colored water fountain, or the whites would drink out of a white-water fountain,” she explained. “But you know what I didn’t have to worry about? Going back to my community and it would be destroyed. And everybody else is in my community, but black people. And this is what you’ve done with this immigration.”

Ecuador to enforce 8-hour nightly blackouts amid severe drought, curfew due to security concerns.


Ecuador is facing severe drought conditions, the worst in 61 years, which have significantly impacted the country’s hydroelectric power plants. As a result, the government has announced nationwide nighttime blackouts starting Thursday. These power cuts will last for 8 hours nightly from Monday to Thursday to minimize the impact on productivity.

Texans were rattled by a “notable” 5.1 magnitude earthquake—one of the strongest in the state’s history—on Monday evening, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) reported.


The quake struck in Martin County, about 21 miles southwest of Ackerly shortly before 7:50 p.m.


It was initially graded 4.8 on the magnitude scale, with a depth of 3 miles, according to Texas channel KXAS, but was later upgraded to a 5.1 quake with a depth of 5.2 miles. Lamesa residents said their homes were shaking for up to 10 seconds.


The earthquake was the seventh strongest in Texas history, local newspaper Lubbock Avalanche Journal reported. Newsweek has reached out to the USGS seeking confirmation on where the quake stands in relation to others hitting the state.

Corrupt CPS agents are being paid by trafficking rings as an incentive to kidnap children.


Here is how this works. CPS steals your children then places them in homes with pedophiles or human traffickers to get federal funding. The more children the more funding. Corrupt CPS agents profit by removing children from homes.

So do the for profit family courts, the judges and the slime ball attorneys.

I hope they all burn in hell.

Thanks to Kurgan over at the Kurgan Report for the heads up on this one.

In case of deep strikes Russia to respond with more powerful weapons Duma speaker


In case of deep strikes against its cities Russia will respond with more powerful weapons, which are being kept ready, State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said.

"Today, the US does not hesitate to discuss the possibility of strikes on the territory of Russia. What do such strikes imply? Satellite clusters belong to the United States and to NATO countries. Targeting and command execution will in this case be performed in conjunction with satellite clusters by NATO personnel. This means that NATO is being completely involved in this conflict," Volodin said before the beginning of the fall session of parliament.

"This discussion can lead to the most terrible consequences. They are discussing strikes on our peaceful cities, and they are discussing this while thinking that it will not affect them. This is not so. We will retaliate. We have the means of retaliation. More powerful weapons are kept ready," he stressed.

According to Volodin, it is crucial for the parliaments of the United States and European countries to "understand and realize what can happen."

🚨 Congressman Drops Trump Assassination BOMBSHELL: 'There Could Be a MOLE

in The Secret Service!' 🚨


@ljsneed1 -- This is DeSantis' chance to redeem himself in the eyes of MAGA. I'm pleased he chose well so far.

Actors Who Stood Up To Woke Hollywood...


Dave Chappelle, a comedian famous for his bold and often provocative humor, has found himself at the heart of the conversation surrounding free speech and political correctness in Hollywood. In 2021, Chappelle sparked significant controversy with the release of his Netflix special, *The Closer*. The backlash was swift, especially regarding his comments about gender identity and the trans community. During the special, he remarked, "I'm not saying trans women aren't women, but it's not quite the same." His analogy, comparing the situation to "imitation juice" and "Beyond Pu**y" and "Impossible Pu**y," versus the real thing, fueled the ongoing debate about comedy, sensitivity, and the boundaries of expression in today's entertainment industry.

DebunkBot: Using AI to Rejigger Conspiracy Theorists Minds


It’s only a matter of time until these get deployed in the “camps for adults” Hillary has promised.

          RelatedSix Straight Minutes of Democrats Calling for Re-Education Camps

In the Brave New World, John Q. Taxpayer will subsidize his own psychological abuse in the name of promoting Democracy™, and he can choke on the irony. 

Via The Guardian (emphasis added):

“Whether it is the mistaken idea that the moon landings never happened or the false claim that Covid jabs contain microchips, conspiracy theories abound, sometimes with dangerous consequences.

Now researchers have found that such beliefs can be altered by a chat with artificial intelligence (AI).

I think this is a fine example of how one reacts when it suddenly affects them.


New details emerge in Trump assassination attempt




In a livestream on X, Donald Trump detailed the second assassination attempt against him on a golf course.

Vice President Kamala Harris also expressed relief that former President Trump wasn't injured on Sunday and added that political violence has no place in America.

'Trump Train' trial underway in Austin


In federal court, a judge is currently hearing arguments in the so-called "Trump Train" trial. This case dates back to 2020, when the video shown here captures Trump supporters surrounding a Biden-Harris campaign bus on Interstate 35 in Hayes County, Texas. Several Democrats have filed a civil lawsuit against those Trump supporters, claiming they feared for their lives during the incident.

Joining us now to discuss is Bayliss Wagner, state politics reporter from the Austin American-Statesman.

‘THEY’RE COMING FOR US’: Gen. Keane warns of ‘dead serious threat against US





Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane (ret.) discusses Trump's second assassination attempt, China and Russia's rising aggression against the U.S. and the ongoing war in Israel.

Feds FREAK As Florida Launches CRIMINAL Investigation of Trump Assassin, FBI Knew the Shooter!?


LIVE now.

Eric Adams’ Top Aide RESIGNS; Corruption Inquiry WIDENS


House of Cards Collapsing: NYC Mayor Eric Adams Under Fire



New York City Mayor Eric Adams' administration is facing mounting pressure. His top City Hall attorney, Lisa Zornberg, has abruptly resigned, citing that she "can no longer effectively serve in her position."


This follows the resignation of Police Commissioner Edward Caban, who, along with his brother, is under federal investigation. Earlier this month, several high-ranking city officials had their homes raided.


There are now four federal inquiries surrounding Adams’ inner circle. While it's unclear what specific crimes are being investigated or if Adams himself will be indicted, the situation casts serious doubt on his 2025 re-election bid.

Here's what we Know:




The suspect who attempted to assassinate former President Donald J Trump is a registered Democrat, quite a fan of Ukraine, and has been identified as Ryan Routh allegedly.



Demand that Peter Dutton and the Libs & Nats
oppose the Combatting Misinfo & Disinfo Bill


This is it – the government is about to silence you,

and they’re not hiding it anymore.

They’ve brought back the Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill, and it’s more dangerous than ever. This bill really should be called the Online Censorship Bill because that’s what it’s all about.

They want to control everything you say, read, and share online. This is a full-blown assault on free speech in Australia. You and I both know that once governments start dictating what we can say and think, we’re on the fast track to a totalitarian state.

They’re pushing this “Online Censorship” Bill by claiming that you and other Australians need to be “protected” from “misinformation”. That’s just the sugar-coated lie they’re feeding us. What this bill really does is crush dissent. It puts an immense onus of censorship on the already censorious Big Tech – those unelected, unaccountable corporations – and obligates them to silence anyone who dares challenge the government’s version of “truth.”

Just Putting This Right Here...

Entire Major Airport ROCKED by Mysterious Blackout - NO Power and NO Generators!



@imogeneburton7008 -- Have you seen all the lightning strikes on earth.? Unbelievable


@Donna-ff3ek -- Wow blackout at airport is enough to keep all on its toes. Thanks Mr. B.


@StevieWilliams-uo8mq -- There will be lots of strange things in the last days so from the past some that we have never seen...

This man is BRILLIANT!

The Migrant Crisis Will "Destroy" NYC…




One year ago, NYC's mayor Eric Adams famously declared that the asylum crisis would destroy the city... but is that happening?


$12 billion to illegals, not to Veterans, retirees, first responders, schools….but illegals. -- @jaylstout

Israeli army lying about victory over Hamas brigade: Knesset member


A member of Knesset (the Israeli parliament) has strongly refuted a claim made recently by the regime’s army about achieving “victory” over one of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas’ brigades.

Ohad Tal made the remarks on Thursday after army spokesman Daniel Hagari alleged that the regime’s forces had “defeated” the group’s Rafah Brigade, killing more than 2,300 fighters and destroying over 13 kilometers of tunnel used by the resistance.

“I can’t go on like this,” Tal wrote in a post on X, former Twitter, saying Hagari “is simply not telling the truth.”

“I listen to the summaries from the security sources, and I have contact with various military sources, and I receive from them a completely different picture,” the legislator added.

Tal said even if the numbers given by the spokesman “is accurate [which it is not],” Hamas has still retained around 30 to 40 percent of its strength in Rafah.

A Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.


Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears…


I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.


I look at what my peers are saying on the most watched YouTube channels, and they seem comforted that the Ukraine war is unsustainable for Zelensky’s army given the ongoing massacre of the forces they deployed in their Kursk gambit, today said to be over 10,000 men dead or grievously wounded. Meanwhile the Russian offensive in Donbass is reported both by Russians and by Western media to be accelerating, with more towns being captured each day and the number of square kilometers of Ukrainian territory ‘liberated’ there in the past month already roughly matching the 1,000 that Ukrainian elite forces captured in Russia’s Kursk oblast over the same period. Of course, these two conquests are incomparable: the Ukrainians have a tenuous hold on land they cannot fortify so as to keep given that their supply lines from the border are under constant deadly attack from the air and from Russian artillery, whereas the Russian advance along the Donbass battle lines is pulverizing long standing Ukrainian fortified positions and is about to totally disrupt the logistics that permit the Ukrainian forces to stay in the Donbass.

House GOP Plans Imminent Hearing to Spotlight the Effects of Democrat Policies on America


The last four years of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s administration have been marked by one failure after another. From skyrocketing inflation that’s hammered the middle class to an embarrassing border crisis, the administration has consistently let Americans down.

The promises of a thriving economy and a secure border have all but evaporated, leaving families struggling to make ends meet and concerned about the country’s safety. Remember the Afghanistan withdrawal? That chaotic exit not only cost lives but shattered the nation’s confidence in the administration’s ability to lead.

Kamala Harris, supposedly tasked with tackling major issues, hasn’t exactly lived up to expectations. As “border czar,” her handling of the immigration crisis has been disastrous. The border has seen record-breaking levels of illegal crossings, with little to no action from the administration to stop the flow.

Megyn Kelly: "SCREW YOU, Taylor Swift!!!"


Man reportedly lit himself on fire outside Boston's Israeli consulate to protest Gaza genocide




On Wednesday night a man reportedly lit himself on fire outside the Israeli consulate in Boston. They were taken to Massachusetts General Hospital with severe burns, and their current condition is unknown. Boston police told reporters that they are investigating the situation.

A witness said the man poured gasoline over himself before lighting himself on fire and surveillance footage shows him walking back and forth covered in flames.

He is the third person to self-immolate outside an Israeli consulate since Israel began its brutal assault on Gaza nearly one year ago.

The CIA visa fraud that preceded 911


I once oversaw the visa section at the CIA’s consulate in Jeddah, the main city of the Hejaz region in western Saudi Arabia. For a year and a half, I issued visas to individuals who were recruited by the CIA, including those connected to Osama bin Laden. At the time, I believed it was simply visa fraud, with bribes of $2,500 being paid to State Department officials. I was instructed by senior State Department officials to issue the visas, keep quiet, and do my job without asking questions.

It wasn’t like these individuals were visiting family in the U.S.; their reasons for travel were vague, suspicious. One day, two Pakistanis approached me, claiming they wanted to attend a trade show in America. When I asked which trade show and where it was being held, they had no answers. After asking a few more questions, I denied their visas. 

They hadn’t convinced me they had legitimate business in the U.S. or any intention of returning home.

Not long after, I received a phone call from a CIA case officer assigned to the commercial section, urging me to issue the visas. I refused again. He insisted it was important they receive the visas, but I stood my ground.

Are You Ready for WW3? U.S. Says Ukraine Will Join NATO



The trek toward World War 3 just took another giant leap forward. The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Ukraine will join NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization).


The ruling class of the United States has been clear that it wants Ukraine to “win” the conflict and join NATO. Blinken has made the case for Kyiv’s membership in NATO before, however, the bloc has officially declared, both in Washington this summer and last year in Lithuania, that this could only happen “when allies agree and conditions are met.”

Biden-Harris initiative could be giving well over $1 billion in federal benefits to Haitian migrants


A Biden administration migrant welfare program could be handing out in excess of $1 billion in benefits to those crossing the Southern Border.

The CHNV program has allowed hundreds of thousands of nationals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to enter the US. 

It allows 30,000 migrants to apply for asylum each month and be flown to the US on the taxpayer dollar, as long as they have a sponsor who passes a background check. 

The undocumented migrants are given a two-year grace period to obtain status and in the meantime can live and work lawfully in the country on 'humanitarian parole.'

According to figures from Border Protection, over 520,000 migrants from the four countries were paroled into the US between January 2023 and June of this year.

Kamala Harris goes to Trump country in Pennsylvania but gets called a 'war criminal' by members of her own crowd


Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to the Trumpy part of Pennsylvania Friday but it was folks on her side of the aisle that caused a stir. 

The Democratic nominee held a Friday evening rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, filling the McHale Athletic Center on Wilkes University's downtown campus with more than 5,000 supporters in a county Trump won by nearly 15 points.

About 15 minutes into her speech, as she talked Roe v. Wade being overturned, a left-wing protester shouted her down and called her a 'war criminal.' 

'Hey listen, now is the time to get a hostage deal and ceasefire - we have been working around the clock to get that done,' the vice president said. 'And I respect your voice, but right now - I am speaking.' 

IRS whistleblowers sue Hunter Bidens defense counsel for defamation



The two IRS agents who blew the whistle on the Hunter Biden tax investigation and significantly altered the course of the case, on Friday night sued the first son’s lawyer Abbe Lowell for defamation.

The two whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, are suing for libel because of the alleged damage done to their careers, and are requesting a jury trial in Washington, D.C. 

The whistleblowers originally brought concerns to the House Ways and Means Committee that the Justice Department had provided preferential treatment to Biden during a probe into his alleged tax violations. 

Shapley and Ziegler alleged in Friday's legal complaint that Lowell acted with malice by sending letters to several different Congressional committees, where the lawyer "falsely accused the Plaintiffs of violating grand jury secrecy rules ... and the taxpayer confidentiality statute."

"It is particularly ironic and damaging that a well-known attorney like Lowell—in his words, 'one of the country’s foremost white collar defense and trial lawyers' that is 'widely viewed as counsel of choice for individuals facing government investigations and potential indictments'

—has chosen to falsely accuse these special agents of criminal behavior,"  the lawsuit, obtained by Just The News, reads. "Lowell’s stature and credibility in the legal community have amplified the harm caused by his defamatory statements."

How close are we to WWIII after Putins latest threat to the West?


It feels as though we are inching ever closer to a potential third world war, with tensions high between the West and Russia.

As Western leaders decide whether Kyiv can use long-range weapons, Vladimir Putin said if this happens, Russia will ‘make appropriate decisions’.

Ukraine has long been asking for permission to use Western drones to help in its fight against Russia, but the US and UK have held back for fear of escalation.

That soon may change though, after David Lammy and Antony Blinken visited Ukraine this week where they were urged again to lift restrictions on the use of weapons against Russia.

But Putin issued an extremely dire warning to the West, saying this would ‘change the very nature of the conflict’.

He told a state TV reporter yesterday: ‘It would mean that Nato countries, the US, European countries, are at war with Russia.

From Republic to Leviathan: Unveiling the Progressive Movements Assault on the Constitution


What if I told you that the President of the United States doesn’t really run our government? Or that most people in Washington, D.C., don’t really believe in representative democracy? Or that a government of, by, and for the people is just an illusion? Because all of those things are closer to reality than the idea that we are still a republic in which all power flows from the people to their duly elected representatives to create a government that promotes and defends the interests of the American people first and last.

It’s time for the American people to understand that the past century has seen a slow regime change, a gradual coup, undermining our Constitution and Constitutional Republic. This internal insurrection has undercut the original intent of the Constitution, eroded our freedoms, undermined our civil liberties, and called into question who is actually governing this country.

The coup I’m referring to is the focus of my new book, American Leviathan, which examines the Progressive Statist movement that began in the early 20th century and gave rise to the unconstitutional and un-American Administrative State that now dominates Washington, D.C., and, by extension, our country.

10 reasons not to buy an electric car



Align: Vroom editors Paul Brian and Lauren Fix may be seasoned car industry experts, but that doesn't mean they're completely immune to the electric vehicle hype.

"As far as looks ... spectacular," says Lauren. "Technology, amazing. And all of this entices you because the car manufacturers are doing something completely different than they did before."

But those compliments come with some pretty big misgivings. Should you hop on board the EV bandwagon? Paul and Lauren recently sat down with me to share their 10 reasons not to go electric.

Autopsy report on US citizen Aysenur Ezgi Eygi indicates she was murdered directly and deliberately by IDF gunshot



The details contained in the autopsy indicate that this wasn’t just random fire from some run-of-the-mill IDF terrorist, but from a sniper using rounds that are specifically designed to do the most damage and destruction as possible. The 5.56 rounds used by IDF ground troops are full metal jacketed that are not frangible, do not separate and do not leave fragments in the manner discovered in the autopsy. These types of rounds known as ‘ball ammo’ are the result of various agreements by governments that stipulate that fragmenting bullets will not be used in the theatre of war so as to minimize the likelihood of death on the battlefield.

3 Americans in Congo sentenced to death

after coup attempt


Three American citizens have been sentenced to death in Congo after being convicted on charges of participating in a coup attempt, with one telling a court that his father — who led the failed effort — "had threatened to kill us if we did not follow his orders." 

A lawyer representing 21-year-olds Marcel Malanga and Tyler Thompson Jr. and 36-year-old Benjamin Reuben Zalman-Polun, is now planning to appeal the verdict following the botched attack orchestrated by Malanga’s father, Christian Malanga, in May that targeted the presidential palace and a close ally of President Felix Tshisekedi. 

"We have seen that a military court in the Democratic Republic of Congo sentenced a number of defendants, including U.S. citizens, to death for alleged involvement in the May 19th attacks against the government," State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said Friday. "We understand that the legal process in the DRC allows for defendants to appeal the court's decision. Embassy staff have been attending these proceedings ... We'll continue to attend the proceedings and follow the developments closely." 

Kamalas Border Crisis: Texas DPS Arrest Female Smugglers, Illegals Hiding in Trunk of Car (VIDEO)


Joe Biden and Kamala’s America.




Texas DPS troopers discovered two illegal aliens in the trunk of a car during a traffic stop this past Wednesday in Kinney County after the driver, Vanesa Gutierrez, gave consent to search the trunk.

Gutierrez and passenger Crisol Bernice Reyes, both from Fort Worth, were arrested for human smuggling. Troopers also found a firearm inside the car. The two illegal aliens were handed over to the Border Patrol.

Former top Clinton adviser calls for an internal probe of ABC for rigging the debate against Trump.


State Department tried to discredit reporters, Republican pol over conservative blacklist



The State Department sought to denigrate two reporters and a member of Congress as part of damage control attempts over having helped fund an advertisers’ “blacklist” of The Post and other outlets allegedly spreading “misinformation,” according to internal documents.

In March 2023, the department distributed press guidance about how to counter bombshell reports by “Twitter Files” scribe Matt Taibbi and Washington Examiner investigative journalist Gabe Kaminsky concerning the State’s Global Engagement Center (GEC).

Taibbi’s first report about the GEC, in a lengthy Twitter thread published Jan. 3, 2023, revealed efforts to pressure US social media platforms early in the COVID-19 pandemic to censor Americans online, purportedly to counter “disinformation.”


Influential Israel rabbi claims Trump must reject Palestinian state to secure re-election




Rabbi Nir Ben Artzi, a prominent mystical figure in Israel and throughout the world, has declared that former US President Donald Trump’s survival from an assassination attempt by a sniper was a divine intervention meant to ensure that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state. According to the rabbi, God spared Trump’s life so he could affirm his unwavering support for Israel and reject any plans for a Palestinian state, which the rabbi claims will determine Trump’s political fate.

Ohio’s Attorney General Responds To Haitian Migrants Overwhelming Town


Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced this week that he has directed officials to begin reviewing ways to stop the Biden-Harris administration from sending large numbers of migrants to communities in the state amid backlash that is brewing over tens of thousands of Haitian illegal aliens who have been brought to a small town in the state.

The move comes in response to Springfield, a town of less than 60,000 residents, being flooded with approximately 20,000 Haitian illegal aliens over the last few years, leading to a variety of problems and rapid deterioration of the town.

“This is absurd – Springfield has swollen by more than a third due to migrants,” Yost said. “How many people can they be expected to take? What are the limits to the federal government’s power? Could the federal government simply funnel into Ohio all the millions of migrants flooding in under the current administration’s watch?”


REPORT: Independent Voters in Tim Walzs Home State of Minnesota Are Breaking for Trump


Kamala Harris is probably going to regret choosing wingnut Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate.

Since the decision to bring Walz onto the ticket, her numbers have actually gone down in Minnesota.


Now, we are learning that independent voters in Minnesota are breaking to Trump. Can you even imagine the meltdown of the left if Trump wins Minnesota, despite the state’s governor being on the Democrat ticket?

Alex Jones 2024-Sep-13 Friday


Alex talks about new "shocking" news will be coming within ten days. 



Fire both of them and BOYCOTT ABC!

Mysterious Illness Causing Body Malfunctions In Teens In Upstate NY





Today we’re checking out a very creepy case that grew out of a perfect storm of circumstances. Were the townsfolk justified in their panic when their children fell ill, or was this a case of Mass hysteria in the modern era?

I asked Orthodox Jews Who They're Voting For...





It was so difficult to make this video happen, please like haha. Here is my patreon if you want to see my unfiltered thoughts!

Residents Leave NYC… as More Migrants Arrive



The former governor of New York claims the asylum crisis will cause residents to leave the city, but is that really happening? Or could people have other reasons to move away from New York?

New York City Hall has confirmed that, yet another migrant shelter is being set up, despite ongoing protests. This latest location in Riverdale is being prepared with furniture and supplies. Though some local residents express concern, the building, like many city shelters, was previously unused and will now provide a place for people off the streets.

However, critics argue that the influx of asylum seekers is becoming overwhelming and could drive some residents to leave the city. But is this the only reason people might consider leaving New York? For months, local communities have been divided over the city's efforts to house migrants, with some residents expressing concerns about the impact on their neighborhoods, stating they don’t know who these newcomers are or where they’re coming from.

Meanwhile, the NYPD is facing rising issues with crime, particularly among Venezuelan gang members who have reportedly entered the city amidst the migrant wave. The gang "Tren de Aragua" has made its way into New York, further complicating the situation. A local reporter, Olivia Reinold, captured the tense atmosphere while covering protests, where she found herself surrounded by demonstrators.

Additionally, protests and clashes have continued, including a recent pro-Palestinian demonstration at Grand Central Terminal, leading to several arrests as NYPD officers managed the crowd with barricades and checkpoints.

There’s a growing sentiment among some residents that criminal elements may be infiltrating their communities, leaving many to feel that the city has not done enough to address their concerns.

I was listening to Alex Jones' podcast on Thursday, September 12th, and one of the discussions struck a chord with me.


Alex Jones 2024-Sep-12 Thursday


It was suggested that Trump should adopt some of the tactics being used by his opposition. In addition to making promises that are aligned with his principles and beneficial to the American people, he might also consider making some bold, attention-grabbing promises. The opposition has made many promises that are unlikely to be fulfilled, and it’s clear that they remain committed to their broader political agenda.

One proposal (mine) is that those found guilty of treason should be tried publicly, with the proceedings available for everyone to see, perhaps even broadcast on national networks or pay-per-view platforms like HBO, with the profits directed to help Americans who’ve suffered under recent policies.

Additionally, what if Trump promised to eliminate all federal taxes? Has that been suggested yet? He already has some strong promises on the table, but adding another stimulus package could attract even more support, especially among those struggling financially.

All they’d need to do is vote for him.

Ultimately, he could use the same strategy as his opposition—turning their own promises back on them. It would be an interesting approach!

Ok, something CLEARLY doesn't look right here! Looks WAY too small!



Hurricane Francine has caused widespread damage, particularly in Southern Louisiana, where over 400,000 people have been left without power. As the storm moved inland, it brought with it intense rainfall and flood warnings that stretch across several states, including Mississippi and Alabama. Though Francine has been downgraded to a tropical depression, it continues to pose a significant threat due to the heavy rains, flash flooding, and fallen trees in affected regions. The storm is expected to slow down as it moves north, raising further concerns about potential urban flooding ​(WEAA) ​(KSFR).

If you're in one of these areas, it’s crucial to stay updated with local authorities, as flash flood risks remain high. Emergency services are working hard to restore power and clear affected areas. - TBT

🚨 - *Check Your Refrigerators! * - Massive Multi-State Recall Underway




@YouCorny -- If it's an Amish company I have reason to believe it's a fake recall and they're just trying to destroy the last group of people that aren't completely sick in the head

Kamala Harris in TROUBLE After CAUGHT With Rigged Audio Earrings & Moderators Help For Debate





Kamala Harris LOST IT CRYING After CAUGHT With Rigged Audio Earrings & Moderators Help Losing Debate

Inside the Ohio Town Invaded by "Cat-Eating" Haitians




"Springfield, Ohio, once a small town of around 60,000 working-class Americans, has recently experienced an influx of over 20,000 Haitian immigrants. There have been circulating rumors about unusual behaviors, including claims of them consuming local cats and geese, though these stories remain unverified and likely exaggerated."

There's something you NEED to know about the HUGE asteroid headed towards Earth! [ETA 6 Days]


Just how "close" will it get to Earth?

The two countries had previously called for an international peace conference with participation of both Moscow and Kiev


-- Left up to Zelensky, there will be no end to this fruitless war. Remember... All Wars are Bankers Wars. ~ TBT --



Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky has criticized China and Brazil for “taking Russia’s side” and putting out peace initiatives without first consulting Kiev.

Back in May, the two nations jointly issued a six-point plan for settling the Ukraine conflict, emphasizing that “dialogue and negotiation” are the only “viable way out of the crisis.” They have also called for a new international conference on Ukraine amenable to both Moscow and Kiev.

The previous summit on the conflict was held in Switzerland this summer without representatives from Russia and focused solely on Zelensky’s “peace formula,” which Moscow has vehemently rejected.

Speaking to Brazilian news outlet Metropoles on Wednesday, Zelensky called the Chinese-Brazilian proposal aimed at mutual compromise “destructive” and dismissed it as a “political statement.” He stated that he has since talked to Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and also approached Beijing to discuss resolving the conflict.

“Why did you suddenly decide that you should take Russia’s side or be somewhere in the middle? How can you offer ‘here is our initiative’ without asking us anything?” Zelensky asked, suggesting that at the same time, Beijing and Brasilia had discussed the initiative with Russia.

“We are not fools,” Zelensky insisted, using the Russian word for “fools” (duraki) despite conducting the interview with the Brazilian journalist in Ukrainian.

It Begins… Starving Migrants Raid NYC Supermarket



One particular grocery store in NYC has a rising theft problem. As with all theft in our city, some will excuse it as an act of desperation on the part of someone who is hungry, while others blame it on laws that protect criminals.


Complicating matters is the fact that this particular grocery store is one block from one of the city's largest shelters for asylum seekers...

Kamala Harris ‘delivered her lines’ like an actress in a play: Speaker Johnson


House Speaker Mike Johnson reacts to Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Trump’s presidential debate performance on ‘Mornings with Maria.’ (Courtesy: ABC News) #foxbusiness

@Brazconj -- OMFG Trump is a CHAMP because he was up against THREE people at that debate and he didn’t back down. TRUMP 2024

@dianalynn3453 -- Agree!! She’s a fraud.

@debbiewalker2477 -- Do not let any illegal vote!! I can't even believe this is even a discussion in this country!




Dead and injured brought to hospital after Israeli strike in central Gaza

8,349 views Sep 10, 2024

(5 Sep 2024)




Deir al-Balah, central Gaza Strip - 5 September 2024

1. People carrying injured child to emergency department ++NIGHT SHOT++

2. Various of injured children on ground receiving first aid ++NIGHT SHOTS++

3. Bodies on the ground inside the morgue ++GRAPHIC IMAGES++

4. Various of people inspecting destruction near tents of displaced people at Al-Aqsa Hospital

5. Various of children holding part of missile that hit tent

6. Various of destruction

7. Displaced family sitting near destroyed tents

8. SOUNDBITE (Arabic) Um Mohammad Wadi, displaced woman staying at Al-Aqsa Hospital:

"What did these people do to target them like this while they were sleeping? What did we do to them? No hospital is safe, no school is safe, no house is safe, and no market is safe. We woke up to martyrs in the morgue. People were mourning and bidding farewell to them. These people were sleeping, poor people. What did they do to be bombed while they were sleeping?"

9. Various of people praying for the victims

10. Various of people carrying bodies and leaving hospital, man shooting in the air


An Israeli strike on a tent camp in Gaza killed four men and wounded two children, Palestinian health officials said.

The strike early Thursday hit an encampment near the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in the central city of Deir al-Balah.

Hospital officials confirmed the toll, and an Associated Press reporter saw the bodies.

The Israeli military said it carried out a precise strike on a command-and-control center operated by Hamas and the smaller Islamic Jihad militant group that was embedded in a humanitarian zone.

The nearly 11-month-long war has displaced about 90% of Gaza’s 2.3 million people, often multiple times.

Israel has ordered mass evacuations into so-called humanitarian zones but occasionally carries out strikes there as well.

At the hospital, a girl was laid on a piece of cardboard while doctors treated a wound on her left leg. A boy sat beside her with bandages on his arm and elbow.

A woman who identified herself as Umm Mohammed Wadi said she was staying in a tent close to where the strike occurred.

"What did they do to be bombed while they were sleeping?" she said.

"No hospital is safe, nor any school or home," she added.

Israel says it only targets militants and tries to avoid harming civilians.

Israeli massive military offensive in Gaza has killed at least 40,861 Palestinians and wounded more than 94,000, according to Gaza Health Ministry. It does not differentiate between civilians and fighters in its toll.

The war began after Hamas launched a wide-scale attack into Israel on October 7, killing some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and abducting around 250 people.

Around 100 hostages are still inside Gaza, about a third of whom are believed to be dead, after most of the rest were released during a cease-fire in November.

AP video by Wafaa Shurafa


Import Haiti, Become Haiti: Ohio Pet Eating Edition




Over the last few years more than 20,000 Haitian migrants have flooded Springfield, Ohio. Now they're crashing cars, hitting school busses, and eating ducks from the park.


And the kind residents can thank the Harris/Biden administration for all of it.

'CNN' Host Dana Bash KICKED OFF SET After Repeatedly INSULTING &

ATTACKING Tulsi Gabbard on LIVE TV



@neilk.9041 -- Tulsi = NORMAL person Dana Bash = ridiculous propagandist

@gobbollino2688 -- At this stage neither CNN nor Dana Bash have much credibility

@suzanney.3023 -- Absolutely LOVE Tulsi! Brilliant, soft spoken but tough as nails!! Bash, there are no words to describe how pathetic she is.

EXCLUSIVE: Cops now being given UFO handbooks!


@jpbassseniorbasssenior323 -- Shapeshifters in D.C. we call 'em representatives


@jeanieland -- Ephesians 6:12 NKJV reads: 12 "For we do NOT wrestle against -flesh and blood-, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of WICKEDNESS in the HEAVENLY places." We DO have defenses against all the above. In Ephesians chapter 6 it tells us exactly what we're up against and that we have specific pieces of armor we have AND weapon! Do not be afraid. <3 Have a wonderful day everyone! =) <3 P.S. Just wanted to thank you MrMBB333 for your work. We all truly appreciate you. <3

Chicago Black Women LOSE IT Over White Communists DEMANDING They SHUT UP About Illegal Immigrants!



The distinction is that Black Americans were citizens, entitled to the same rights as any other American. In contrast, illegal immigrants are not citizens, and opposing illegal immigration isn't inherently about race—it's about enforcing the rule of law. Being against illegal immigration doesn't mean being against a particular race, but rather ensuring that laws governing immigration are respected. - TBT



In this update, Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is at the center of controversy after body cam footage revealed her appearance at the scene of her adult daughter Kinaya Willis' arrest, accompanied by Nathan Wade, a former prosecutor and alleged ex-lover. Despite claiming their relationship had ended, their quick arrival together raised eyebrows.

The incident has drawn attention not only because of Willis' involvement but also due to her role in prosecuting former President Donald Trump for election interference in Georgia. Critics, including Megyn Kelly and Glenn Greenwald, argue that Willis and Wade’s relationship, along with their involvement in high-profile cases, raises questions about power and accountability in the political sphere.

Amid this, Trump’s legal team is appealing for Willis’ disqualification, citing misconduct and bias in the Georgia case, which remains a significant point of contention.

"All Of the Prices Have Gone Up (But We Can't Pay That)"

- Meat Loaf classic adapted by Marsh Family


This is our tribute to the larger-than-life legends of music, entertainment, film and Wagnerian rock opera who tragically passed away during the pandemic: Jim Steinman and Meat Loaf. Steinman wrote "I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)" for his long-time collaborator, and it was originally recorded in 1993 - featuring on the album Bat Out of Hell II: Back into Hell. It was released in numerous forms - you'll be pleased to know ours is closest to the short radio edit - and all of them starred a powerful closing coda duet sung by Lorraine Crosby. It's an amazing collaboration for its energy, impact, mysterious meaning - enhanced by the magnificent gothic video featuring motorbikes, mansions, and floating sofas. And the whole track is built on the sensational presence and incredible voice of Meat Loaf, who broke the mold when it came to rock tenors and combining fierce passion with tongues in cheek, character, and a sense of humor.

Our adaptation is the best we could do to channel some of those vibes in our living room and turn the song into a topical parody that addresses the alarming 'cost of living' crisis that is hitting ordinary people around the world, facing rising costs and squeezes on incomes. It is intended in the spirit of tribute, humor, compassion, and solidarity - with hopes that we will get to the other side as soon as possible and with as little damage as possible. All we can do is try to crack on, and support others, starting perhaps with a smile, and a five-minute break from doom-scrolling or real-world hassle.




In November, *Time* Magazine reported that the sentencing in Trump's New York hush money case has been delayed until after the November elections.


As predicted, this appears to be another legal delay benefiting Trump. The Supreme Court has effectively granted him another reprieve, reinforcing the view that his legal battles may continue to drag on, with each new ruling offering him more time.





Tim Walz appeared to make a quick escape Saturday when asked about the discovery of six slain hostages in the Gaza Strip.


The Minnesota governor was posed the question at his home state's state fair in St. Paul, hours after the bodies were found in an underground tunnel in the Rafah area of the city.

Donald Trump releases 'brutal' ad of Kamala Harris 'debating herself'





Social media users are reacting to a new Trump campaign ad that features Kamala Harris "debating" herself, using her past comments on the economy under her and Biden's leadership.

🚨We Caught Amazon Red-Handed RIGGING The 2024 Election AGAINST Trump | This Is INSANE…


We all knew big tech was biased against Donald Trump, but this is BAD. Will Amazon respond?



Ladies and gentlemen the latest article from *Politico* states: "Trump loses longshot bid to challenge hush money conviction in federal court." You might be wondering, why is this a good thing? Well, hit that subscribe button, and let's dive into it.

If you scroll all the way down, you'll find the key details: the maximum sentence for falsifying business records is four years in prison. This started as a misdemeanor but was elevated to a felony. The issue here is that the felony charge hinges on a federal crime that neither the FEC nor the Department of Justice pursued against Trump. In fact, both entities dropped the case, but the State of New York unilaterally decided that Trump committed a federal crime in order to justify upgrading the charge.

This is unconstitutional and will likely be overturned. It's already essentially been undermined by the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity.

A federal judge even acknowledged that determining whether speaking to an attorney constitutes an official act is not within their jurisdiction, and New York cannot define what qualifies as a federal crime.

The key takeaway? This case is heading to the Supreme Court, where it's expected to be resolved. Stay tuned!


Venezuelan Gangs Seize US Cities!
Residents Arm Up!
See the Shocking Footage Now!


In a shocking exposé that's sending shockwaves across the nation, Gary Franchi of Next News Network's RAW FEED brings you the unvarnished truth about the migrant crisis tearing apart America's cities. From Aurora, Colorado to the heart of New York City, Venezuelan gangs are turning apartment complexes into fortresses of fear, and local authorities seem powerless – or unwilling – to stop it.

Franchi doesn't just report the news; he takes you into the eye of the storm. Hear the terrified voices of mothers too scared to take their children to the park. Witness the chilling warning from a Chicago resident to Venezuelan gangs, promising a level of violence that makes Colorado look tame in comparison.

But it gets worse. RAW FEED exposes the dirty secret of sanctuary cities, where police officers admit on camera to releasing double homicide suspects back onto the streets. It's a policy of madness that's turning our urban centers into war zones, and Franchi has the footage to prove it.

The invasion isn't just in our neighborhoods – it's targeting our children. Franchi reveals the horrifying moment when 20 migrants attempted to board a school bus full of kids in San Diego. It's a parent's worst nightmare, and it's happening right here in America.

As if that weren't enough, RAW FEED uncovers the staggering statistics in New York City, where migrants now make up 75% of arrests in Midtown Manhattan. It's a crisis of epic proportions, and Franchi asks the questions no one else dares to: Is this the end of urban America as we know it?

But Franchi doesn't stop at exposing the problem. He delves into the root causes, pointing fingers at the policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden that have left our borders wide open and our cities vulnerable. It's a scathing indictment of an administration that seems more concerned with appeasing foreign nationals than protecting American citizens.

This isn't just another news story – it's a wake-up call. Franchi connects the dots between open borders, sanctuary city policies, and the rapid deterioration of America's urban landscape. He warns that what's happening in Aurora and Chicago today could be coming to your city tomorrow.

From gasoline black markets run out of apartments to gang graffiti marking territory in American neighborhoods, RAW FEED brings you the stories the mainstream media is too afraid to touch. Franchi doesn't just read the news; he analyzes it, breaking down the implications for every American citizen.

This RAW FEED segment is more than just reporting – it's a call to action. As our cities descend into chaos, Franchi demands accountability from our leaders and asks the crucial question: How much worse does it have to get before we secure our borders?

Democrat Campaign Activist ABANDONS Kamala After BRUTAL WAKE UP CALL

While Volunteering for the DNC!



An intern with The Free Press spoke to multiple supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris’ bid for the presidency, but they struggled to name specific policies of hers they support.

Harris' campaign has been criticized for not having the vice president hold a press conference or sit down for a formal interview, to explain what her policy agenda would be as president.

Netanyahu pushes back against new pressure over Gaza and hostages: 'No one will preach to me'


U.S. President Joe Biden says Netanyahu needs to do more after nearly 11 months of fighting.


Pressure is mounting on Israel to secure a ceasefire deal with Hamas after the bodies of six hostages were recovered in Gaza. Despite international criticism and calls for a ceasefire, including from President Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has pushed back, insisting that the fighting will continue as long as Hamas refuses to meet certain conditions of the deal. Netanyahu remains firm in his position, vowing that Hamas will pay for their actions, even as the deaths of the hostages add to the global scrutiny of Israel's handling of the conflict.

Bunch of BS. Political persecution. Bring on the justice.


Supreme Court Plans to OVERTURN FUTURE PRESIDENT TRUMP JAIL SENTENCE Amid Stock Market Collapse


Kamala Harris' body language at CNN interview exposed INSECURITIES



@steveedinger9869 -- She has no idea what she’s saying or doing. My opinion she’s the worst candidate in my lifetime. I’m 72.

@AnthonyRodriguez-sv2rw -- She looks old, tired, uninformed and annoyed. There is no way we can send this woman to negotiate diplomacy and foreign policy.

@grannyq5597 -- The most disturbing thing is that this was the BEST 18 minutes they could salvage

UNHINGED Mayor Has Woman ARRESTED For EXPOSING City Employee During City Council Meeting!



A Surprise community activist who played a role in this year’s mayoral election was arrested and charged while speaking from the podium at the Aug. 20 City Council meeting.


@kentjensen4939 -- That mayor acted like a totalitarian dictator and there will be lawsuits filed.



Biker GANGS Threaten to SHUT DOWN Aurora


This is a major breaking emergency: more buildings and apartment complexes are being taken over by gangs. The Mayor of Aurora, Colorado, has issued a new warning, suggesting that these gangs might be funded and placed there deliberately. This is what he's telling us right now.

We're also receiving reports of a biker convoy—a rally movement—heading to Aurora, Colorado. This is trending on social media as we speak. The situation is escalating quickly, and more details are emerging by the minute.

New apartment buildings have reportedly been overtaken, and the potential for a major biker convoy heading to Aurora is growing. Social media is buzzing with mentions of biker movements heading in that direction.

There are even talks of biker gangs, possibly including the Hell's Angels, making their way to Aurora. Though unconfirmed, the speculation is spreading rapidly,

with people trying to organize a massive convoy to apply pressure on both the government and the organizations, specifically the TDA, the Tren de Aragua, which is reportedly taking over parts of Aurora.

Furthermore, reports are now suggesting that this situation is expanding beyond Aurora, with parts of Denver also being affected. Allegedly, three different apartment complexes have been taken over by this organization.