August 2024

Ukraine says, "We WILL take the fight to Russia", Putin is ready


| Redacted w Natali & Clayton Morris



Ukraine is complaining that they are being leashed by the U.S. government. The Associated Press says that "Ukraine’s daring ground offensive has taken the fight to Russia," but not nearly as much as its leaders would like because, they say, the United States won’t let them." Daring or murderous? I'm going to go with murderous.

A volcano erupted in Russia hours before a magnitude 7 earthquake shook the ground near the country's east coast, according to the United States Geological Survey.


On Saturday, the Shiveluch volcano, which is located on the eastern side of the country, erupted at 11:45 a.m. UTC, and caused an explosion of ash to shoot up 32,800 feet in the air, according to an email from the USGS to USA TODAY.

Ust-Kamchatsk, a village located on the eastern shore of the Kamchatka Peninsula, was coated in a layer of ash on Sunday from the volcanic eruption that occurred the day before, according to footage released by Russian state-run media Zvezda.

KVERT reported that during 19-22 August lava extrusion possibly continued at Sheveluch’s “300 years of RAS” dome on the SW flank of Old Sheveluch and at a new vent or dome that formed during the 17-18 August explosive events.

 A weak thermal anomaly over the domes was identified in satellite images on 19 and 21 August. Resuspended ash from the S flank rose as high as 3 km (10,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted 200 km SE during 20-21 August based on webcam and satellite images. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale). Dates are based on UTC times; specific events are in local time where noted. 

Bizarre Things Are Beginning To Happen.. And Many People Do Not Realize It





@Teriannd -- I am an independent voter. And a Trump supporter. In 2020 during the primaries, my liberal aunt asked me if I liked any democrats at all and I told her the only one I liked at all was Tulsi.

Walmart is stealing from you... hoping you don't notice.


You're not imagining it—food has never been this expensive.


Portions are shrinking, but prices keep rising.

Meanwhile, companies are cutting corners in every possible way, offering solutions that are anything but sustainable.

And who’s left to deal with the consequences?


We are.

Vaccinated People Getting COVID Again? What's Going On?


This doctor breaks it down for everyone to understand exactly what is going on here. Get the professional explanation here.

Should we all be alarmed and be paying more attention to news like this, instead of the Political Horse and Pony Show...?




"Pay attention so that no one leads you astray [from the truth]. 5 For many [false teachers] will come, claiming to be me, and saying, 'I am the Christ [i.e., God's specially chosen one]' and they will lead many people away [from the truth]. 6 And you will hear of wars [going on] and rumors of [other] wars [pending]. Do not worry, for such things must necessarily happen. But the end has not yet come.


7 For nations will wage war against one another, and kingdoms will attack one another. And famines and earthquakes will occur at various places [in the world]. 8 But all these things are [only] the beginning of terrible times.




Get Out NOW! Italy is about EXPLODE and millions will die! Why are they ignoring it? | Redacted


Dozens of volcanoes beneath Italy are ready to explode and yet the government is NOT sounding the alarm for people to get out now.  Naples could be leveled, and its 3 million residents destroyed so why aren't more people sounding the alarm?

They Just Banned Church and I Expect God Will Send Judgement


There is no more "Church."


It has just been confirmed that church, as we know it, is officially cancelled in the UK. The Church of England, a staple in every English town and city, is dropping the word "church" and rebranding itself as "community." They've secured £80 million in funding for this change.


But it gets worse: instead of Bible study and prayer, they’ve decided to replace these with countryside walks in an effort to be more modern. At this rate, it wouldn’t be surprising if the next Archbishop of Canterbury were Chris Packham. It’s honestly embarrassing.




In her testimony, former CBC reporter Marianna Klowak admitted, “We betrayed the public. We broke their trust... I had witnessed the collapse of journalism... We were in fact pushing propaganda.”


National Citizens Inquiry, Canada, 18 May 2023






Looks to me like they need to start "stepping up." Stop Apologizing and START EXPOSING THESE MONSTERS. -- TBT

 The DNC platform calls for the passage of the U.S. Citizenship Act, a radical amnesty bill that would give automatic citizenship and social security numbers to the millions of illegal aliens that invaded our country, including criminals, human traffickers, and gang members.

RFK VP hints at joining forces with Trump

Unruly Protestors BOOT Kamala, OFF The STAGE After Chicago DNC crowd Turns on Kamala!





Why did they not do all this stuff in the last 3.5 years?


Wake up AMERICA!

🍉I Think I Was Poisoned- Buying WATERMELON 🍉

🚨Be Cautious! 🚨


@pamelas1561 -- This has been going on longer than we think. About 6 years ago, I bought a watermelon for my chickens who loved them. The first chicken ate a bite and after that avoided it. No one else would come near it. Animals know. They know!

@tinamincheski2195 -- My daughter is a fine gardener. Last summer she bought a watermelon that didn't taste right so she put it out in the garden. It didn't compose at all ! Just laid on the ground looking quite pretty.....for weeks ! There wasn't one insect eating it. This was in the Phoenix Metro area....VERY HOT !



Joe Biden & Kamala's America is FALLING APART


The DNC has a BIG PROBLEM!! Left wing protesters have BROKEN down barriers and are meeting police head on in the streets of Chicago. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are leading a nightmarish version of this country and we need to restore order!


@tukek88 -- Problem-Reaction-Solution --->
They create the problem to invoke a reaction to implement their solution. 'Ordo Ab Chao' , order out of chaos. This is their Motto.

Another might also ask... Freedom? Freedom from Who?




Those of us who demand accountability?


The choice to imprison innocent people and allow criminals to walk freely among us and threaten our livelihoods'?

History and Records do not LIE.




Sheriff featured in Kamala Harris ad voices outrage: 'I do not support her'


Tulare County, California, Sheriff Mike Boudreaux tells 'Fox & Friends' the advertisement is 'deceiving' and states the vice president is not supportive of law enforcement or strong border security.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday night greeted Russian prisoners freed as part of a swap with US as they arrived at the airport in Moscow.




Russia freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich as well as jailed Kremlin critics in the largest prisoner exchange with the West in decades, in return for a prized assassin sought by President Vladimir Putin.


“Now, their brutal ordeal is over and they’re free,” US President Joe Biden said at a White House appearance with family members of some of the released prisoners. “The deal that made this possible was a feat of diplomacy and friendship.”


The swap, which took place on the airport tarmac in Ankara, Turkey, included two dozen people, 16 going to the West and eight being returned to Russia. Among them were other American citizens as well as Russians convicted of crimes and imprisoned in the US, Germany, Poland, Norway and Slovenia.

Bongino Notices Something About DDOS Attack on Trump & Elon Musk No One Noticed


The World is Begging for Trump to be President of The United States of America.


The Czech Republic has reportedly increased energy purchases from the sanctioned country


The Czech Republic has ramped up imports from Russia despite the EU-wide sanctions against Moscow, news portal Ekonomickydenik reported on Tuesday, citing official statistics.


According to the report, the volume of imports jumped by 11.4% in the first half of 2024 in annual terms, to $1.5 billion. The growth was mainly due to an increase in Russian gas supplies.


Czech purchases of natural gas from Russia surged eightfold year-on-year in the first half of the year, reaching $370 million.


The Czech Republic’s primary import items from Russia are oil, natural gas, and nuclear fuel to run its two nuclear power plants. It also imports Russian aluminum, nickel, synthetic fertilizers, and metallurgical products.


Indirect imports of Russian gas have also reportedly increased somewhat since last October. This occurs when the Czech Republic buys surpluses from Austria, Hungary and Slovakia – all three of which are heavily reliant on gas from Russia. Czech traders do not currently have any contracts with Russian gas major Gazprom.

Since the start of the Ukraine conflict, Prague has been seeking to wean itself off Russian gas and has turned to Norway and the US for supplies. The latter ships LNG that is mostly received at a terminal in the Netherlands.

TBT -- And there you have it. Obviously not everyone is happy with EU Decision making. The EU is not taking care of everyone's needs as promised.

I find This Terrifying....


Elon Musk OWNS EU Commissioner Who THREATENED To Censor Trump Interview



It seems there was an incident where Elon Musk had a particularly blunt response to the European Union's digital enforcer, Thierry Breton, regarding concerns over hate speech on the platform X. Before Musk's interview with Donald Trump, Breton sent a letter warning Musk about the risks of amplifying harmful content, especially with such a large audience.


Musk, known for his directness, reportedly responded with a dismissive and profane comment. Breton had reminded Musk of the EU’s strict regulations on hate speech, implying that violations could lead to serious consequences for X.

Meanwhile, Washington Post reporter Cleve Woodson questioned White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about potential government actions to curb misinformation during the Musk-Trump conversation. Jean-Pierre reiterated the administration’s stance that social media platforms bear responsibility for managing misinformation but did not provide specifics on any actions they might take.

Elon Musk SUES WEF's World Federation of Advertisers & G.A.R.M - IT'S COMMUNISM!


This is BIG, folks…




This is how the WEF/Soros has been silencing non-approved news and opinion all over Mainstream and social media. Some of us have been warning about this schit for YEARS…


WTF is “GARM”?


It is one of those Globalist operating units I have been talking about for a long time that operate in the shadows, but affects nearly everything you see and hear, especially news.


Along with Blackrock and other like firms, they FORCE Media Companies to comply with ESG and DEI edicts for advertising.

They control 90% of North American and European advertising. Fail to comply with their “suggestions” like silencing critics and conservatives, and you no longer have access to 90% or more of the available ad revenue.


The Global Alliance for Responsible Media, part of the WEF’s World Federation of Advertisers, was formed in Cannes in 2019 to weaponize ad revenue against Conservative opposition around the world like Trump, or Elon after he acquired Twitter.




The Most Vaxxed Country on Earth Now Faces a Population Crisis!


Another coincidence that emerges temporally associated with jab rollout!


Another Recession Signal: Credit Card Spending Is Slowing Significantly


America runs on debt.


And American consumers may be getting close to their credit card limits, yet another signal the U.S. economy could be teetering on the brink of a recession. (If it’s not there already.)

Pictured: Indonesia's net zero nickel boom fuels destruction of rainforests and coral reefs


Swathes of rainforest and coastal communities are being destroyed by a nickel mining boom in Indonesia sparked by the race to transition away from fossil fuels.

Across the country, a major drive to exploit the country’s abundant natural resources is underway. These photographs capture the sheer scale of the production process.

Rows of chimneys, belching smoke and fumes, tower over the schools and houses of what were once rural communities in scenes recalling the work of L.S. Lowry, whose paintings captured life in the industrial districts of North West England in the mid-20th century.

Indonesia is now the world’s largest nickel producer, with 15 per cent of the globe’s lateritic nickel resources – typically low-grade deposits found near the surface.

But demand is still soaring in tandem with the rise of the electric vehicles (EVs), which depend on it for their batteries.

Pentagon Gifts $110 Million Air Base to Terrorists




The United States has once again willingly abandoned weapons and ammunition in a foreign nation.

Niger has been in a state of upheaval due to economic conditions and a corrupt government. The incoming regime has asked the US military to evacuate, and likely to their surprise, the US government has agreed to abandon Niger’s Air Base 201.

“I’m the highest-ranking person ever in the House,”

#TamponTimmy his edibles are kicking in... what a freak show the Democrats are 

— Dennis (@clovis1931) August 7, 2024


Minnesota National Guard Leaders Expose Tim Walz for Stolen Valor, Lying About His Rank, and Quitting When His Unit Was Deployed to Iraq.

“As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit,” said Tom Behrends, a retired command sergeant major who replaced Gov. Tim Walz on a deployment to Iraq.

When he was a congressman, you know, he bragged that he was a retired command sergeant major: “I’m the highest-ranking person ever in the House,” and, you know, all this lie that he was telling the state of Minnesota came out after 2018. After this was exposed, they said, “Well, he can say that he served as a command sergeant major, but he can’t say he’s a retired one because he’s not.”

Just tooting his own horn, hanging on the coattails of people that actually are command sergeant majors, who went through all the process and put all the time in.

It’s stolen valor, really, what it is.

If he went to Iraq, he’d still be hiding under his desk over there, ’cause that’s just the cowardice that I saw portrayed with him.



Minnesota National Guard Leaders Expose Tim Walz for Stolen Valor, Lying About His Rank, and Quitting When His Unit Was Deployed to Iraq.

"As soon as the shots were fired in Iraq, he turned and ran the other way and hung his hat up and quit," said Tom Behrends, a…

— I Meme Therefore I Am (@ImMeme0) August 6, 2024

One reason the Walz Stolen Valor story is so important is that cowardly, insecure, duplicitous men like him tend to become the worst tyrants when they gain power.

— Doctor_Zero (@Doctor_Zer0) August 8, 2024


Kamala Harris and Tom Walz make a great team and have already proven that they can work together!

Walz enabled the riots; Harris bailed out the rioters!

Great team!

— Eric Matheny (@ericmmatheny) August 8, 2024

Holy Fuck. This guy, Walz, is a full-blown commie.

Gov. Tim Walz says we have NO RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH if the Government deems it as disinformation.

— Juanita Broaddrick (@atensnut) August 7, 2024



Tampon Timmy’s Edibles are Kicking In (

Rickards: "Put on Your Crash Helmet. You Might Need It Very Soon"


Iran’s Options: It could take the form of drone and missile attacks, similar to the ones in April, only more intense. Iran could also enlist its proxies like Hezbollah to attack Israel from southern Lebanon, forcing Israel to fight a two-front war (Gaza being the first, which is still ongoing).

Or it could be a combination of both. Hezbollah is a much more formidable fighting force than Hamas, so Israel will have its hands full if it has to confront Hezbollah. Meanwhile, The U.S. is sending warships and aircraft to the region to support Israel. What can go wrong? It’s not hard to envision a scenario in which the U.S. is dragged into the fighting.

Yesterday, a rocket attack on a U.S. base in Iraq injured five personnel. It’s not known who’s responsible at this point, but it could very likely be an Iranian proxy.

It’s hard to imagine the timing was just coincidental. Here’s the larger point: Israel’s assassinations and Iran’s pending retaliation illustrate the dangers of having a weak, unfit, lame-duck American president like Joe Biden. Here’s why…Geopolitical Consequences of Biden’s Weakness: The U.S. has previously restrained Israel from taking stronger action against Iran. The U.S. has been pursuing a Gaza ceasefire and a hostage deal. Sources claim the Biden administration felt it was close to a breakthrough before the assassinations.

The two assassinations torpedoed whatever chances there were of a hostage deal. Would Israel have acted against strong U.S. interests if a firm president was in office? It’s highly unlikely. It’s apparent that Benjamin Netanyahu has little respect for a greatly diminished, lame-duck Biden who’s on the way out.

That’s why Biden’s diminished condition isn’t just a domestic concern. It has potentially serious geopolitical consequences, which are presently unfolding. And does anyone believe Kamala Harris is a viable alternative? Netanyahu almost certainly doesn’t.

If we’re not in a recession already (I believe we entered one in May or June), we’re clearly heading for one. A new Middle East war will drive up the price of oil, maybe dramatically depending on how the conflict unfolds. That means higher prices at the pump, which are already too high for many Americans.

What if Iran shuts down the Strait of Hormuz, ending all oil exports from the Persian Gulf (or the Arabian Gulf, depending on who you’re talking to)? That could be the final nail in the coffin of the Biden economy. We’d be staring in the face of a major recession that would crush average Americans.

We're failing as a Human Race.

(SAD NEWS!) “Olympian Woman Boxer DIED After Sustaining Concussion Against Trans Woman Boxer.” 


Many are outraged after Woman boxer lost to Trans Woman boxer in The Olympics games in Paris. Imane Khelif of Algeria and Lin Yu‑ting were banned to compete in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo but got the approval to compete in Paris.

The outrage is not putting a stop to it until unfortunately something worse happens. Boxing is a dangerous sport that has cause deaths in the ring. It will look horrible if a woman boxer dies in the hands of a Biological male boxer.


Hey, yo, people keep tweeting and writing and asking me, "Hey, yo Punch, what do you think about Bud Crawford versus Mastrov?" Do you think I got time to think about Terence Bud Crawford versus Mastrov, huh? I don't got time to break down that fight, especially with the evil theft going on in the Olympics right now. Are we boxing fans? Don't you know what's going on out there in the Olympics? Didn't you just see a man, a weirdo that should be in a straight jacket, beat a woman from pillar to post, huh? Oh, we're numb to it now, huh?

Why isn't anyone speaking up? No athletes going to speak up? No boxing content creators going to speak up? Huh? You're scared to lose subscribers and views or monetization, you spineless cowards. Spineless cowards! Are you weak men? What's wrong with you, beta males, scared to stand up and speak up against this trash?

Ladies and gentlemen, we got to protect us. Men got to stand up. We got to protect what's going on right now in society and sports and things of that nature. People saying, "Oh, yo, but Punch, this is a boxing channel. I don't want to talk about no politics. I don't want to talk about what's religion." I got to talk about it because if you follow the channel, you subscribe to the channel, I always said since day one that boxing translates to life itself. Boxing translates to life itself and this is boxing content because this was a boxing fight that was not supposed to take place. It was not supposed to be approved by any damn committee.

These two animals were not allowed to fight in the Tokyo Olympic Games because there were men trying to fight women. And the Paris, the disgusting Paris Olympics, that should be boycotted.

Click here to listen to the amazing and powerful speak this YouTuber gave to us. We're failing as a Human Race.